Chapter 83 I Miss You.

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Chapter 83 I miss you

Its been a few days. Zero is working on getting, Yuki to talk more. To Spend more time with him. It's going slow. She is very quiet. Only really hangs out with him to sleep on the sofa. She still keeps her arms and legs to herself but rests her head on him.

When she is at work, he notices something different about today. She has an overnight bag with her. She places a note on the counter. Walks out of the cafe. Getting into a cab. Zero goes over and gets the note. "Please don't follow me. I need to go for a while. Yuki." Zero's heart drops. "Where is she going, Yori?" Zero asks. "I don't know. She doesn't tell me things like she use to. She will come back when she feels she needs to. She needs time away Zero." Yori states. "I guess so." Zero replies.

Yuki takes the cab to Cross. She goes straight to the Moon Dorm. To Kaname's room. Knocking lightly on the door. "Come in." Kamane says. Sitting upright on the sofa, not sure his scenes are working correctly. "Yuki? Am I seeing right?" Kamane says. "Yes. Kamane. I needed to see you." Yuki admits. "I never thought, I would see you again." Kamane confesses. "If you don't know, by now that I can't stay away from you, then you never will. With that being said that doesn't mean, I fully forgive you."Yuki states. "I understand that. I am just glad your here." Kamane answers. "I missed you. I missed talking to you. I still can't believe you did what you did though." Yuki admits. "I know sorry will never be good enough. I missed you so much. My heart aches." Kamane states. " I feel the same." She says as she puts her arms around him. They hold each other tight. " As much as I am mad at you. I can't stand the thought of never seeing you again. I know. What that's like. Then I had the coffin to visit. Now I don't even have that." Yuki states. 

"Same here. I am just so happy to see you." Kamane states. He just hugs her again. "Please. I don't want anyone to know. I'm here." Yuki comments. "Anything you want. How are you?" Kamane asks. "Not really good. The last six months have been awful. My emotions are all over the place. I am so hurt and lost. I just needed to see you." Yuki admits. "What about Zero?" Kamane asks. "I don't know. I am so mad at him as well. He knew and he didn't tell me. The only reason he did tell me, was to hurt you. Only because I wouldn't. " Yuki remarks. "I can't say much. I am no better. Its always been a fight with us. We want the same thing. We both do dumb things to get it. I Love you Yuki. Whatever choice you make this time. I will agree to. I am happy having you in my life. Even if its just a friend." Kamane remarks. " I don't know. How I feel anymore. I was happy being with you. I had no intentions of leaving you Kamane. It hurt to see Zero with someone else, but it was just because I wasn't used to it. Then feelings started to grow toward him. Now I don't feel anything. I am not sure. Who I want." Yuki responds. "Well, this pains me to say, but you do have the blood bond with Zero. You never had that with me. I was never enough. Normally its who, you have that bond with, you go with. Otherwise, you will never be happy. The lust just grows till you give in. We don't need to be here again." Kamane confesses. "I don't even know if I have that with him anymore. I controlled it so well. I haven't been close to him for six months. I do my best to stay away. He has been trying to be my pillow, I just keep it to my head on his chest." Yuki admits. "Why? because of me? Because you don't want him? Why are you holding back?" Kamane asks. "At first it was because of you. Because of the hurt. Now it's because I'm scared. To feel what I had with him before scares me." Yuki remarks. "Plus I don't know if I want to go back to that." Yuki adds. "You need to let go a little. See how you feel. See who you want to be with Yuki. We can't make your choice for you anymore. You need to." Kamane states. "Well for this weekend I just want to be with you. I need time with you." Yuki replies. "You know. I am here for you. I am more than happy to be with you. Whatever you need." Kamane states.

Yuki spends the whole weekend with Kamane. They talk and be close just together alone. No one knowing. Yuki is there to get in the middle of it. He tells her to open her heart up just a little. To figure out which one she wants to spend her life with. At the moment, she is torn. She has tons of history with Zero. He loves her and was always there for her. He is deep down a good man. Then she has Kamane, Who can play games. But in the end loves her deeply and dearly. Who the last three years was fully there for her in a different way. A way she needed. The weekend is over and its time to go home.

"Yuki I have a proposition. If you are willing to hear it?" Kamane asks. "Of course." Yuki states. "Look, You have the blood blond with Zero, You will till the day he dies. That will always be in the way. Me and you will be here for a very long time, if not forever. We are true purebloods. Granted you gave Zero powers but he will still turn to dust in time. When he does, and the blood bond may be broken. When you are ready, then you be mine." Kamane states. "Kamane, you wouldn't hurt him, would you? If I agreed to it?" Yuki asks. "No, I swear to you. I will wait as I did before. If I know you will be mine eventually. I can wait." Kamane answers. "If I can't wait till then? " Yuki asks. "Then you let me know and we will take it from there. If you feel Zero is the one for now Since there is so much history with you two. I will step back for now. We keep this between us. "Kamane announces. " I think. That sounds like an excellent plan. I need to see first if I still want to be with Zero. If you see that I stay with him. You know the deal is on. If I don't I will be coming back to you."Yuki states. "Yuki my love, we both know, how you feel about him. Please don't hide it. You don't have to protect me." Kamane says. "I know. Its what I love most about you." She kisses him on his lips, giving him a great big hug. Tells him I love you and leaves.

She gets in a cab and heads home. Still not knowing. Who she wants. She enjoyed the weekend with Kamane. She likes his proposal, But did she still want Zero in that way? Even though she still loved Kamane. She knew. There would always be trust issues. She was still in torment.

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