Chapter 85 Give into me.

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Chapter 85 Give Into me!

'Hey, I saw that Yuki came home." Hanabusa states. "Yes. She did last night. She went to see him." Zero replies. "Oh, wow really? Is she staying?" Hanabusa asks. "I think so for now. She hasn't decided on who she wants. She slept with him, his sent was all over her, when she came home. She just couldn't stay away from him." Zero admits. "She came back. Is she still the same?" Hanabusa asks. "She is a little better. He did tell her to open herself up some. To see if she still wants me. She is trying. Just taking it slow. We had dinner and talked. She did use me as her pillow. So I guess it was a bit better. There are times, she is still quiet. She tends to go off to herself. She did that today at work. She still went to sit near that window and look out. Lost in thought. We use to have this attraction. She couldn't keep her hands off of me. Now its hard for her to put them on me. But it's not, for her to touch him. Make love to him. To go see him!" Zero snaps. "Don't show that to her. That will just push her right back into his arms."Hanabusa states. "I know, but its how I feel. I am glad. She is home. That we are talking. That she is trying. Just the thought of him with her. I know. She did it also the day he left. She came into the cafe smelling of him. After all, he did. She makes love to him? She lets him touch her! There is this freaking attraction to him!" Zero snaps. "Zero, she doesn't feel about him. like you do. She cares. How do you think? It made him feel when the roles were reversed?" Hanabusa responds. " I was her husband! He was in a freaking icebox. She took a while to make love to me. We took it really slow. It's always slow for me. But damn, she just opens right up for him! I don't understand it. 

How she can just let go with him. How she can still care for him in any way." Zero shouts. "I know your hurt, I understand. Just don't say that to her. Trust me. It's not good. You are pissed. You need to vent ON me. Not her. " Hanabusa explains. "I know. I'm sorry. I just get mad. I know. How she felt when I was with Kharis. How it hurt. I could just imagine walking in on that. It was all Kamane. He called her. Told her to set it up. That Yuki was on her way. He knew. That would destroy her. He did it anyway. She doesn't see this. She doesn't want to see this! He gets away with it. Hell. He gets laid because of it. " Zero Snaps. "Are you done Venting?" Hanabusa asks. "I guess. It doesn't matter anyway. No matter. What I say or do. She always runs to him. She can talk to him. Why not talk to me?" Zero responds. "Zero sometimes your not the best to talk to. Like at the moment. You don't listen. You just want to through it back to her. It was what she was trying to let you know." Hanabusa comments. "I know. It just hurts. I can't keep myself calm, knowing all she is doing with him." Zero admits.

Zero cools himself off by going to visit White lily. He takes a nap with her to calm his nerves. After his nap, he just goes back in the house. ZJ now eleven playing his video games. Little Anna now five ready for bed. "I know. You were napping. I didn't want to bother you. So I put your dinner in the microwave."Yuki says. "Thank you."Zero replies. As Yuki goes upstairs, to put Anna to bed. 

Zero goes to eat. But the burning in his throat hurts. All his rage, just made the blood thirst worse. "How can she control it like that!" He says. As he drags himself upstairs to the bathroom. Sitting on the cold tile. Trying to take the blood tablets. Which lately don't seem to work at all. Yuki is cleaning up and goes into the bathroom to get the towels, she used on Anna. She opens the door. Seeing Zero sitting on the floor in pain. "Zero, The tablets still don't work?" Yuki asks. "NO, do they look like that work? Not everyone can be so in control as you." Zero snaps. "Fine, take my wrist. It will help you." Yuki says. "Your wrist? DO you think, I want your wrist?" He says. As he stands pulling her near him. Bloodlust in his eyes. Pinning her against the wall. "Do you think? I'm scared of you Zero?" Yuki says with a blank stare. "No. You're not afraid of me. You never where. I don't want you to be. I just want you to want me like you use to!" He shouts. 

Pinning her to the wall. His tongue going down the nape of her neck and back up. Placing kisses at her ear. Working his way down. Yuki trying to squirm. Zero using his force to keep her pinned. He licks one more time, before sinking his teeth into her warm silky neck. Drinking from her, as if its the first time. Greedily taking as much as he could. Sliding them both down the bathroom wall. Holding her tight now in his arms as he drinks. Yuki motionless. Her arms at her sides, her eyes closed. When he is done, he lets her free. She gathers herself and stands up. "Yuki it's your turn. " Zero states. "No, I'm fine." She says. trying to walk out the bathroom door. "Why are you fighting it? Why not give in? Don't you feel it too? He grabs her arms, turning her around. Seeing a peek of red in her eyes. "Answer me! I see it in your eyes Yuki. The lust is there. You are doing your best to control it. How long can you?" Zero asks " Why can't you just let me go? Why do you insist on turning me back into the needy creature? That needs your blood to survive? That when you're not here, I crumble from the pain. That part of me is with you always."She says trembling. Yuki Shouts. "I feel that way towards you. I know you hurt when I wasn't here. I am here now. I'm not leaving you. All this shit is because you're afraid! Damn it Yuki. Just let go! " Zero snaps. 

Yuki's eyes turning red. As she tries her best to fight it. Zero not letting her leave the room. He makes a scratch, on his neck to let the blood drip down. So Yuki could smell it. Knowing if she still did crave him, this would send her over the edge. Yuki closes her eyes. She tries to steady herself. The sweet smell of Zero's blood filling the air. Her eyes open. They are true bright red with lust. Zero grins. Knowing he did it. Knowing. She is still in there. She throws him up against the wall. Making a large crack in the tile, Grabbing his hands, putting hers in his as she licks his neck. Sinking her fangs into him. Pinning him to the wall, drinking his sweet warm blood. Zero at this moment doesn't care if she devoured him. He knows. The blood blond is still there. Its all he needs to work on the rest. The bond wasn't broken. Yuki licks every last drop, that fell down his neck and seals the holes. Her eyes returning to normal. "Are you happy now?" She says to him. letting go of him. and cleans herself off. "Yes, it's still there." Zero responds. 

"Supposedly it doesn't go away. If you're my one true love, it stays that way. Now we have to fix the bathroom wall." Yuki says. " I Don't care if we have to fix the whole bathroom. I found out. What I wanted to know." Zero replies. "Is your back ok? I threw you pretty hard." Yuki admits. "I'm Fine. It will take more than that to take me out." Zero says with a grin. "Yea. You enjoy whatever that was. You just like when I am linked to you. When you can make me come undone." Yuki says walking to her bedroom. "Yuki please, it's not that. I like that the bond isn't broken. That you still care. Yes, I like that you're linked to me. We haven't been linked in so long. I miss it! I miss you!" Zero shouts. Yuki doesn't answer. She just keeps walking to her room. The fear of being that close to Zero again, taking over her. She goes into her room. Closes the door. Just laying in bed. Scared what this might mean.

Vampire Knight The Start of love.  Yuki X Zero. Part 1Where stories live. Discover now