Chapter 165 Figured it was her.

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chapter 165 Figured it was her!

In a few minutes, Yagari knocks on the door. "Come in." Says Zero. "Hey, Yuki called this meeting. What can we do for you?" Yagari states." Well, I asked to talk to you both for a few reasons. One at the wedding Mika/Kharis walked in with a man. She claimed he was her brother. Which we all know, she had no siblings. So who was he? I would like you both to look into that. I am sure he has something to do with this. He did look similar to Nezera. I just doubt it is his uncle." Yuki announces. "Yea I heard her say it was her brother also. At the time I didn't think anything of it. I figured the whole wedding was bullshit." Zero comments. "There was also someone who already had the plan that they were going to the paper. They even already knew what they were going to put in it. It didn't make any sense. That they only put in about Zero and Kharis. It is the only topic they want to use against me. If they were really watching the wedding, they would have known I had way too much to drink. That would have been something to add to the paper. The drunken Yuki. That wasn't what they were after. They also don't seem to go against Kaname. They don't make him look bad. Just me!"Yuki remarks. 

"Who do you think would want to do this?" Yagari asks. "I would check into Zero's new partner Martha. She is very much into Kaname. So, I doubt she would want him to look bad. For me, she wouldn't care either way." Yuki states. Zero takes a deep breath. "I thought it could be her. I was just hoping it wouldn't be. I mean she is supposed to like Kaname so much. Why do this?"Zero asks. "I don't know. You would have to ask her about that. He is a married man, she shouldn't be flirting with him anyway." Yuki snaps. "You aren't really married to him Yuki." Zero responds." She doesn't know that. Yet she is still trying." Yuki comments. " I will look into her and watch her." Yagari states. "I will also. I will find out if she did this." Zero admits. "Thank you both. It means a lot." Yuki says. Picking up her black trench coat and purse. "I will see you later Zero." Yuki adds. "Yes, babe." He responds. Going over to her and giving her a kiss. I love you." Zero states. "I love you too. Please stay safe." Yuki replies. Walking out.

"Well, I guess. You two are doing better?" Yagari asks. "We are trying. The last two days have been wonderful. I just hope they stay like this." Zero replies. "It still looks like she has feelings for Kaname. She doesn't seem to like that Martha has her eye on him. IF she is the leak or not." Yagari states. "I noticed that. From the start. It's something she never had to deal with before. Kaname always gives her full attention. HIs Girl as he calls her. It would take her some time to get over that. " Zero admits. "Do you think Kaname will go for this? I mean he is as obsessed with Yuki as you are." Yagari asks. " I think. He wants to have someone who is there for him. I am sure. He is needing the sexual side of the relationship. I am also sure that after what took place the other night, he needs some release. He was completely undone by Yuki. Yet he didn't give in. He had the control to stop himself. To be honest with you. I don't think I could have done that." Zero admits. "He knew. It wouldn't have been a good thing. In the morning she could have regretted it. She was plastered. SHe would just run back to you." Yagari comments. " I think. That is what he felt." Zero replies. "If Martha is doing this, Kaname isn't going to like it very much. He doesn't like anyone hurting Yuki. That's not a way to get into his graces." Yagari states. " I will ask her myself. I will see what she says. I need for her to make it work with him. Even if she is the leak from the wedding. If he has someone. He will finally get out of my life." Zero responds. "Good luck with that. He will never be out of your life. Yuki will make sure of it. She is just as attached to him, as he is to her. "Yagari remarks. "Yea I know. But if he has someone else. He can't always be around Yuki. Let's just see what happens. It's worth a shot." Zero states.

Yagari leaves Zero's office. Zero is thinking more and more about Martha being the leak. "Shit. That would put a damper on things. I need to see and fix this before it gets out of Control!" Zero says to himself. Zero calls Martha telling her when she is done helping Kaname to come to his office. That he needs to talk to her. It's important.

A few hours later. Zero hears a knock at his office door. "Come In." Zero says. "Hi, Boss. I came as soon as I could. I did everything you asked of me. The boxes are packed and ready for pick up. Yuki didn't come over today at all though. Kaname was a little disappointed in that. I did manage to ask him out to dinner tonight. He said sure. So after work, we will be going." Martha comments. "Well, You had a good day. I'm glad. I do have something to ask you. I need you to be honest with me, or I can't help you. Where you the leak at the wedding?" Zero asks. Martha stands there, trying to figure out her words. "Answer me, Martha." Zero huffs. "Yes. It was me. I was hired to get info. Only the info that would hurt Yuki. To make you, make her look like a fool. Downgrade the queen. The only problem is. I really am in love with Kaname. I would do anything for him. I didn't tell anyone that you want her back. I promise. I will stop. Just help me get him. I will do anything." Martha answers. "Who hired you?" Zero asks. The lady that looked like Kharis. She couldn't go to the paper herself. So she said. She would kiss you and I had to spread it." Martha replies. "Mika is at it again I see." Zero comments. "Well if you want Kaname, you can't do anything to hurt Yuki. If he finds out you did. That will break any chance you have with him. You may want to come clean to him tonight about this. Tell him your true feelings. If you're honest that might be on your side." Zero remarks. "I will do. I will do anything. He has my heart, he just doesn't know it. " Martha answers. "Then I think you should tell him. Look like you did at the wedding. I saw him staring at you." Zero admits. "Oh really? Ok. I will. Thank you Zero. I promise not to do anything against you again. Anything we tell each other. Stays there. I swear." Martha remarks. "I hope so. If you go against me or Yuki again. I will have to take your badge. And tell Kaname." Zero responds. "Oh, you won't have to worry. I promise." Martha states happily. Leaving the room.

Zero was hoping that Martha's honestly would work in her favor. That Kaname would forgive after hearing how she truly felt about him. Also hoping he would let go and give her a try. He knew. Yuki wouldn't really like this. But in the end, it would be good for Kaname and for himself. He thoughts went back to Mika. She is up to her old tricks again. She is one to watch. I knew that kiss had a reason. Besides hurting Yuki. The damn kiss was splattered in today's paper.

Vampire hunter's Mistress Kharis. Hot n Heavy at the wedding of his daughter and her son. She isn't a Mistress anymore. They are out in the open. Love at First Sight. What will this Union bring? We will be sure to keep watch on these two. We are sure his ex-wife, just loves the fact that her daughter married, Her ex-husband's Mistress's son. You really can't blame him though. Kharis is a hot, sexy redhead. Where we love the Queen but she isn't very voluminous. She is a small slender woman. She has gotten better over the years. She just can't compare to Kharis.

"Oh, Shit. Wait till Yuki reads this crap." Zero says to himself as he read that paper. Thinking not only Yuki but what about there children. Their grown children really didn't need to see this. They didn't need this in there lives. He now knew it was Mika playing her games. He just didn't know what to do to stop her.

Vampire Knight The Start of love.  Yuki X Zero. Part 1Where stories live. Discover now