Chapter 7 Yuki's Fear.

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Chapter 7 Yuki's Fear

It's been two years, Zero and Yuki have been together, as a married couple. Marriage life is great for both of them. They love each other very much, Making up for lost time not being able to keep their hands off of each other. Every Chance Yuki gets She kisses him and holds him close. It's a big diffidence, from when they started. She is her normal happy, playful self. It makes Zero extremely happy. They are still very friendly with Yori and Hanabusa. Which are now, also married with one son. Ai and Seiya play together all the time. Ai is also now two years old. She looks even more like Kamane, with some of her mother's features. She calls Zero daddy. She loves him dearly, He also feels the same. Yuki does tell Ai that zero is not her real dad. She takes her to see Kamane. She is just a baby and doesn't realize. Yuki wanted to start young to tell her the truth. Yuki doesn't cry over Kamane in public or with Zero anymore. Any feelings, she does have She hides. She has grown into a mature woman Who wants to protect her family. Zero still works for the Association. They want to make him president. Yuki really doesn't like the idea. Only because it puts Zero in danger. He sometimes has to stay out late or gone for days. They still do not know, that they are a married couple, but some really don't like the idea of them being together at all.

Yuki is cleaning the house and taking care of Ai and Seiya. Waiting for Zero to come back tonight, from his four-day work trip. This has been the longest they have been apart since they got married. She misses him very much. She tries to let the time pass by doing housework Taking care of the kids. Yori is helping Hanabusa with his work. So Yuki is more than delighted in taking care of Seiya. It gives Ai someone to play with. So Yuki can get some things done. After Dinner Yori comes to pick up Seiya. Yuki I'm taking Seiya home now. Ok, Yori Hanabusa will be working late in the lab. I need some time with the baby and just some rest. If you need anything He will be right there.

 "Thank you Yori." Yuki Answers.
" I am sure We will be fine. Zero is excepted home tonight. I can't wait." Yuki Adds

"I bet." Says Yori. You two are worse than teenagers." She giggles.

" Hey, we didn't do anything when we were teens So we are making up for it. Yuki giggles in return. 

"You have a good night Yuki."Yori says.

" I will see you tomorrow." Ok, Yuki gives Seiya and Yori a hug. 

After Yori leaves, Yuki cleans up the dinner table and gets Ai ready for bed Giving her a bath, then reading her a bedtime story. After she falls asleep, Yuki takes her own shower. Getting ready for bed. As she sits on the bed, she looks at the time. Thinking its quite late. Why isn't Zero home yet? He normally is home by nine. It's Eleven now. A worried look comes over her face. She grabs her robe and travels downstairs. Sitting on the sofa to wait for Zero to return. The time gets later and later. Her heart gets more worried. Going on one in the morning, Yuki hears a car pull up. She gets excited Happy that Zero is home. She waits patiently on the sofa. She hears someone outside the door fidgeting with the keys. So she hurries to the door, to get it, As she opens the door, Zero clasps in her arms. Blood over everywhere.

 "My God!" She screams. ZERO! What happened? "

As she tries to carry him to the sofa Hanabusa comes running into the room." Yuki what is wrong? I heard you scream."

 He takes one look at her arms with Zero dazed and bleeding.

 "Oh wow, what happened?" He asks.

 "I don't know. Help me get him to the sofa please." She asks.

" Of course." He runs over to her and takes the weight of Zero off her Putting him on the sofa. 

"He is bleeding a lot Yuki. He is going to need blood to survive this." Hanabusa states.

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