Chapter 119 Shots Rang Out.

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Please give reviews :) It helps a lot. What do you think so far? Who are you rooting for? Kaname or Zero? Who do you think she has it better with? Zero is my heart. I love him dearly, but I do have to say the relationship she has with Kamane is pretty nice. Only if you could combine them both into one. LOL

Chapter 119 Shots Rang out!

It's now late in the day. Zero and Yuki are getting ready to go home. Its Wednesday so Rai is already at Kaname's. It's just the two of them. As they are walking to the car. Yuki notices someone following them. She sees a man, with a gun aiming at Zero. She gets in front of Zero to shield him. Zero notices. What is going on, grabs the bloody rose, First trying to push Yuki out of the way. Then shooting the perp. Not fast enough, on pushing Yuki out of the way. The bullet enters her shoulder. The perp turning to dust as the bloody rose hits him. Kamane a few doors down. Smells the blood. He comes running outside to see."

 What happened to Yuki". He sees Zero. Carrying her in his arms. "What happened?" Kamane asks. "She has been shot. She took the bullet for me. It was an anti-vampire weapon." Zero states. "What? Get her in the house now!" Kamane responds with great concern. "Where did she get shot?"Kamane asks. As both men are looking around for a wound. "It's in her shoulder. It missed her heart." Kamane comments. "Zero...Zeroo... Are you ok?" Yuki says. Trying to make a sentence." Yes, babe. I'm fine. I am right here. Why did you step in the way." Zero states. "Kamane carrying Yuki upstairs to his bed. "Zero get some warm water and wash clothes. Bring them to my room." Kamane barks. Zero does, what he is told. A pain going over him. Seeing everything that Yuki ever was afraid of. Was happening. She had to protect him again. This time almost losing her life. If that bullet was inches down. She would be dead. If the bullet did hit him. He would be dead. Running upstairs with the items needed. Zero heads to Kamane's bedroom. Kamane already took Yuki's shirt off and is trying to heal the wound. Since it's with an Anti- Vampire weapon. The wound will take more to heal. It leaves Yuki defenseless at the moment. "Zero. I am going to clean out the wound. Then please give her some blood."Kamane says. "Sure. Anything she needs." Zero replies. When Kamane is done. Zero offers Yuki his wrist. She drinks. What she needs. "Zero please stay." She says in a low voice. Zero sits next to her in bed holding her. Trying his best, to keep himself together. Knowing this was his fault. She was protecting him again.

"Zero are you ok?" Yuki asks. "Yes, babe. Please don't worry about me. Rest, so you can heal. Why did you step in front of me Yuki? You could have been killed." Zero states. "If I didn't you wouldn't be here right now. That shot would have killed you." Yuki states. "I don't want you doing things like that anymore. Our kids need you. I need you. Maybe you were right. Maybe it would be better if you just let me go." Zero announces. Yuki's eyes filling with tears. "Zero. I Love you. I want to be with you. After all that, you want to give up now?" Yuki states. "It's not about giving up. It's about you being safe. I want you to stay here at Kaname's house. I will stay at the cafe. The renters didn't sign their lease this time. So, I will stay in the apartment. I will visit to see if you are ok. We will still exchange blood. Just for awhile keep our distance. You need to heal anyway." Zero comments. "Zero, Don't do this." Yuki pleads. "You will be fine here. I hate him, but I know. He can take care of you." Zero says. He then kisses her far head and heads out the bedroom door. Walking downstairs. 

"Are you sure you want to do this Zero?" Kamane asks. "Yes. It will keep her safe. I will be around. I am just not going to be here every day. I won't work at the Cafe every day either. I will stay mostly in the apartment. Or even go to Cross." Zero states. "When we have the party. I will need for you to be there. We will act like we are buddies, so when you are around. No one will think any different." Whatever." Zero replies. Walking out the door. Yuki stumbling downstairs where Kamane is. "What are you doing down here? You need your rest." Kamane states. "No. We need to go to the council. LIke I did the first time. This time I need you to come with me. I need you to tell them. That Zero isn't a threat to you. That your pissed this happened. Kamane I need you to fix this." Yuki begs. "Ok. I will go. You can stay here." Kamane states. "NO. I am coming with you. They need to see us together as a team." Yuki replies. "When we come home, I want you to go straight to bed." Kamane responds. "Don't worry about me." Yuki answers.

Yuki musters up enough energy to get to the council. Her and Kamane walk in. Yuki flaming mad. Cracking the windows. "Oh welcome. Lord Kamane, Lady Yuki. What a pleasant surprise. What brings you here? The head counsel man Ryuji says. "Don't play with me." Yuki says. "I Know you sent someone to kill Zero." Kamane states. "Why would you think that?" Ryuji comments. "We know. Your not happy with him, being with Yuki. We are here to make it clear. He isn't. She is my wife. I would like for you to leave Zero alone. He is the father of some of her children. We get along very well. We don't need your interference." Kamane states. "Oh, Lord Kamane. We are so very sorry. We didn't know, that you two got married." Ryuji states. "We have been married for awhile. We just didn't think. We needed a big project over it. We also have a son. You will be getting an invite to his birthday party. Zero will be attending also. We would like for you to treat him with respect." Kamane adds. "Of course. Anything you need. Why didn't you let us know of all this? We would have never got involved." Ryuki replies. "We didn't know. We had to. You should have the common sense to leave peoples relationships with them. I would expect you do that for my Daughter and Ren. As you can see. Zero and I have no choice, but to get along. There are many things, we are bonded to. I would appreciate you leaving him alone." Kamane hisses. "Of course. I promise. You will not be bothered anymore. We all can't wait to meet your son. Lord Kamane." Ryuki comments.

Kamane And Yuki leave hand in hand. The council just staring at them. Once outside Yuki stumbles from the pain. "Yuki are you ok?" Yes. I will be fine. Thank you for all that you said." Yuki states. "You know. I would do anything for you. Even protect Zero for you."Kamane admits. "I know. Thank you for that."Yuki replies. "It was dumb of you to step in the way. They could have killed you." Kamane remarks. "I know. I knew. What kind of weapon it was. I knew. He was aiming at Zero's heart. I couldn't imagine him not here anymore. I did the only thing I could. I got him out of the way." Yuki remarks. Kamane just nods. Not really knowing what to say. "Zero is upset, by this as well. He is now trying to push me away. After all, he did to get me back." Yuki responds. "I saw that. It pained him to see you like that. Knowing it was because of him. Didn't help the matter either. Him keeping his distance for a little while is a good thing. You need to heal. After the party then, we will see how things look. Not sure you guys will be able to go back to your old home though. That would look really weird. You may have to stay at the Cafe." Kamane offers. "Whatever needs to be done is fine. I just want to be with him." Yuki replies.

Kamane drives home taking Yuki inside. placing her in his bed. He covers her and goes downstairs to the couch. Checking on there son, before he heads to bed.

Down the street Zero is in the Cafe apartment. The most sadden, he has ever been. Seeing today that Yuki could have been lost to him forever. The woman he loved so much, almost dying to protect him. He couldn't handle. He missed her, laying in bed all alone. The thought of Yuki at Kamanes house. In Kamane's bed. Knowing it wasn't only Kamane pushing them together. It was also fate. Thinking that we did have twenty-eight years together. Some don't even get that long. Maybe our time ran out. Maybe it was time for her life to be with Kamane after all. If it would keep her safe. He would do it. He would let go. Walk away. Even though it would be the hardest thing, he has ever done in his life. He knew if he did this. He wouldn't be able to watch it like before. It was different before, he was always trying to win her back. This time, he would have to let go. So staying wouldn't be an option. He would have to do what Yuki said. She should have done. Not see him every day. That would mean, he wouldn't only lose her but his children. His heartbreaking and his mind racing. He felt. He would let her get better before he did anything. He knew if he left now it would only make her feel worse.

Vampire Knight The Start of love.  Yuki X Zero. Part 1Where stories live. Discover now