Chapter 146 Protection

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Chapter 146. Protection

The next morning. Zero wakes up to Yuki in his arms. A feeling of calm over him. He is so glad. That she excepted him staying at his job. That she isn't mad at him anymore. He is also glad. That it came out of her own head for him to stay. He knew if it came down to him picking it wouldn't of went well. Even if he would have left for her, she was right. He would resent her for it. He loved it. It made him feel alive. It didn't surprise him. That she was going to make sure. He worked a lot at his desk. He knew if anyone could make that happen it was her. That she would wiggle Kaname around to making sure he was safe. He didn't even mind. As long as he got to do what he loved.

It was Friday so he figured that after work, he would just pick her up, to take her to the main house. He still was going to be around her as much, as he possibly could. He was learning to curb himself. With what he would say about things. He thought about when she was so mad at him. How he could have brought up the council. How he knew deep down. She had something to do with it. Instead, he let it ride. He was not going to bring that up. He noticed as long as it didn't have to do with her sleeping or being with Kaname. He pretty much could let anything ride. He was even trying to let things with Kaname stay neutral. Trying to change the way Yuki looked at him in that way. Always watching what she said. Feeling the need to protect him. The obsession would never leave. He couldn't change that part of him. The blood and sex bond seem to make that worse for both of them. But he could change the rest. Or at least try.

Zero gets up, taking his shower and getting dressed for work. Yuki laying in bed just staring at him. "You're doing it again," Zero says. "What?" Yuki remarks. "Staring at me." Zero replies. "Oh, I can't help it. I find you totally irresistible." Yuki responds. "Really?"He answers blushing. "Yes. I can't believe after all these years. It hasn't changed." Yuki states. "I feel the same way. I think its pretty neat. Not many have that. The sex dies down. The want and desire after years leave. Ours never did." Zero replies. "No, I don't think it ever will. Please be careful Zero. It's all I ask of you." Yuki replies. "I will. I will pick you up tonight after work. I am taking you home with me." Zero states. "Sounds good." Yuki responds.

Zero heads out to work, leaving Yuki in the Cafe apartment. She feels a lot better than she has in the last few days. Her fear for Zero still there, Just her trying not to let it take over her. She knows. She is in charge of a lot of things now. That her say, trumps all. She figures. She will use that to keep him safe. Even if they wanted to say he dumped her. They could say anything they wanted. They still had to listen to her. She was still queen. She could also use the King. To get whatever she wanted.

Yuki gets up and gets dressed. Heading to the townhouse. Kaname just getting back from dropping the kids off at school. "You look in a better mood today."Kaname states. "Yes, a little. Kaname I want to make it that Zero only goes on the field, if totally necessary. Otherwise, I want him at his desk." Yuki replies. "Well, I guess. He gets the think, He kept his job." Kaname laughs. "Stop that. I know if I didn't he would hate me in the end for it. I did hear. What you were saying yesterday morning. So I guess its an improvise. He stays there at the desk safely. He gets to keep the president title and make all decisions. He just can't do a lot of fieldwork." Yuki comments. "You don't think? He is going to notice this? That when I tell the heads? They are not going to laugh? Hell, I'm laughing." Kamane states. "I know you. You can make anything sounds great. You will put it in a way they will not even think anything about. I need you to do this for me." Yuki asks, Looking into Kaname's eyes. "Damn it Yuki. You know. I can't deny you anything. You know. I would do anything for you. Even protect him." Kamane growls. "Yes. Its why I asked you. If he won't listen to me, I will have to make it, that he is safe. I know. He is strong. I know. He can take care of himself. I heard it all before. It doesn't make it any easier for me. It's just something that is part of this damn bond. So if I am staying with him, I have to know. He is ok." Yuki replies. "Ok, I will talk to the heads today. I will make sure everything is taken cared of. You do know? He is going to notice this?" Kamane asks. "I already told him in a way. He knows. Just not as far as I would go." Yuki comments. "You know. You are turning into me more and more." Kaname responds. "Yes. I like it. I just wish, Zero couldn't make me come undone. Otherwise, I would have keeping my emotions under control down. He is the only thing that could rattle it. I had that down before also, so I am going to have to learn to do that again." Yuki states. 

"I wish you would. Then again I can't say too much. You can do that same to me. Sometimes its just hard." Kaname replies. "Oh, I have a little news for you. Zero's new partner Martha has a crush on you. Its why she goes into the Cafe and asks so many questions. When or if I leave you, she wants dibs." Yuki states. "Oh really? I guess. She is kind of cute. I never really paid attention. It's cute that she has a crush on me though." Kaname says with a grin. "Maybe you should keep that in mind when all this is over." Yuki suggests. "Maybe. You trying to get me with someone else?" Kaname states. Yuki looks down at the floor. "To be honest no. The thought hurt me terribly. " Yuki announces. Kaname taken back from the admission. Never thinking. She would say that. "But I know that it's not fair. I can't have you both. It doesn't work that way. I made my choice to be with Zero for now. Its only fair you have a life to. It just scares me that when the time comes, you will be truly in love with someone else." Yuki confesses. "My love. You should know better. If I take a partner, for now, it's just to have someone. It does get lonely. Seeing you with Zero doesn't help. Our deal stands till the end of time. I could never love or want someone else. The way I want or love you. What you feel for Zero, I feel for you." Kaname remarks. "I am so sorry. If you choose someone I promise you I will behave myself. I just don't want us to lose our friendship." Yuki states. "I promise you, Our friendship will always stay the same. I may not be able to have what I want with you. But I will never give our friendship up. To be honest. I am closer to you then Zero is. You may not want to admit it. But its true. You confide in me. Trust me. Run to me. You tell me everything, even if it takes alittle while. You don't do that with him. Our relationship is stronger. We have different bonds. Ones that are not sick and twisted." Kaname confides. " I know. I realized that many times. I just can't fight or control the blood bond. So I'm not going to try. It's close to 40 years Kaname. If it hasn't been broken by now. It won't be. I do love him though. I find myself staring at him. In awe of him. I am happy. He is mine. I just wish some things were different. I see he is trying. So maybe there is hope." Yuki comments. "If you say so." Kaname replies.

Vampire Knight The Start of love.  Yuki X Zero. Part 1Where stories live. Discover now