Chapter 67 Dinner.

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Chapter 67 Dinner

It's been a few weeks. Yuki stayed away from Zero, and the main house. She has been looking for a new one with Kamane. They found one right up the street. A regular row house. Two stories, three bedrooms, two baths, large kitchen with one garage. A lot different. Then the one she bought with Zero. She was happy with it though. It was close to the Cafe. She wouldn't have to go far each night. Just walk down the street. Kamane liked that as well. He could be near her in seconds if she needed him. Kamane also liked that she didn't go to the Main house anymore for dinners, or anything. He never asked her why. He just watches it unfold. Zero, on the other hand, stayed at the main house. Trying his best to make things work. He felt lonely in that big house. Even though ZJ and Anna were with him. He now saw what pain Yuki went through. When he left her. The twins would come on Sunday. He would throw the dinner. It gave him something to look forward to. He did hear that Yuki and Kaname bought a new home. It made him upset, but there wasn't anything he could do about it. She moved on. He knew. He had to also, but it was a bit harder for him to do. The divorce papers showed up a few days ago. He just couldn't bare to give them to Yuki, Or to even sign them himself. He knew once they were signed. It was really over between them. The thought hurt him through and through. He just didn't know. How to fix this. If he even could. He did know by her staying away, it would only bring her closer to Kamane. Farther away from him.

On Thursday Ren called up Zero. He told him. He would be coming with Yoshiko for Sunday dinner. That he would want his mother there as well. So they can come clean and let her know. They are a couple. Zero told him. That would be fine but for Ren to call Yuki himself and let her know.

That same afternoon Ren called Yuki. "Hi, Mom." Ren says. "Hi, sweety. What do I owe this Pleasure?" Yuki asks. "Mom I need to ask you a favor. I need you to come to Sunday Family dinner this week. I would like to tell you and dad something." Ren announces. "Ok, maybe I will go a little early to spend time with ZJ. He really does like when me and dad are together." Yuki states. "That sounds great." Ren replies. "I would like Kamane to come to the dinner if thats ok with you?" Yuki asks. "Yes, I think for this one. He should be there. It's something. He is going to want to know as well." Ren states. "Ok, I will let him know. See you on Sunday."

When Friday comes Yuki gets her bag ready to go. She told Kamane to come on Sunday. They will have dinner. They will leave together. He said that was fine. She heads up there, driving slow and just enjoying the peace and quiet. When she gets there, she parks in the drive way and heads in. "Mommy Mommy". ZJ comes running to her." 'Hey my sweet pea, How are you doing?" Yuki asks. "I'm good. I missed you." ZJ states. "Same here." Zero coming out of the Kitchen. "Hi, Yuki." He says. "Hi, Zero. I hope you don't mind. I came a little early to spend time with ZJ." Yuki states. "No, that's totally fine." Zero says. Yuki looking around trying to see, if baby Anna is here." "If you're looking for the baby, she is at Cross with Ai for the weekend." Zero announces. "Oh, Ok." Yuki says with relief. "Mommy. We are having dinner all together tonight right?" ZJ asks. "Of course. I am sure dad has something good for us to eat tonight." Yuki says, looking at Zero. "Yep, my specialty. Roman noodles." Zero says with a Chuckle. "Yuki just looks at him and Nods. Bringing her back to the good old days. " Later if its ok Yuki. Can I talk to you?" Zero asks. "Sure after we put ZJ to bed." They have dinner and talk, she tells him all about the new house. He listens and answers without slide comments or any remarks about Kamane. He remembered. What Hanabusa said, That Kamane doesn't mention him, or make him be a cloud. He is following suit. Plus there isn't much he can say. They are no longer a couple. After dinner, they clean up together and put ZJ to bed.

"What did you have to talk to me about Zero?" Yuki asks. "I have something to show you. If you would sit at the table, I will go get it. "Zero remarks. "Ok." She replies. Zero coming back with a large brown envelope. Yuki eyes glance at the envelope. Her heart sinks. Knowing what it is. Zero sees the sadness in her eyes as he places it on the table. "You want me to sign them Zero?" Yuki says in a low tone. "To be honest no, I can't even bring myself to sign them." Zero admits. Yuki lets out a sigh of relief. "You don't want to sign them either?" Zero asks. "No, not really. I mean. I know. We are not together. It just seems so permanent. So Final. All those years together, written away with one pen stroke. I have no intentions of getting married again. So I really don't need to sign them. "Yuki admits. " Well then let's just leave them as they are. I will put them in a drawer if ever you change your mind, you let me know." Zero states. "Don't you ever want to get married again Zero?" Yuki asks. "No, I don't think. I could ever love anyone the way I love you. I can't be in a relationship with someone else when I still want you. It wouldn't be fair to that person. Not to mention, I have a lot on my plate right now. I am raising a child by myself. I don't know if I can do this myself."Zero states. "It's hard Zero. When we raised Ai and the twins it was great. We had each other. For five years we raised ZJ together. It was the best. Its been hard the last two years. He has been having to go home to home. At least the little one won't have to." Yuki comments. 

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