Chapter 59 Stay away

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Chapter 59 Stay away

The next morning. Yuki goes to talk to to kids. They all sit down at the dining room table. Mainly The twins, since they are of age and understand more. "I asked you two here for a reason. You are both of age to make your own choices. If you want to see your father that's fine with me. If you don't, that is also fine with me. I am not interfering with your choice. I have made a choice that, i am going to go stay at the Catering place. There is an apartment up above it. I am going to focus more on work. I want to open a Cafe. I want to do the things. I was planning before all this took place. I will come home on the weekends. I will be here when i can, but i am not going to live here twenty four seven like before. I think getting away from here, might be good for everyone. Now To my question. Aiko I know you are going to work for the Association, but if you want to stay here and not the apartment they give you that is fine with me." Yuki explains. "Yes mom. I am not sure. What i want to do at the moment. I may take the apartment, but still come home at times. If that is ok? "She asks. "Of Course. This will always be your home." Yuki states. "What about you Ren?" Yuki asks. "Mom, i am going to live at Cross. I am also working for the Association. I am just not a Vampire hunter. I been working in the office. I do my best to stay away from Dad. I don't want to see him. I really don't want to visit with him. " Ren replies. "That's your choice." Yuki states. "I don't really want to do the weekend thing either." Aiko comments. "Aiko i am surprised at you. I know how much you love your father." Yuki states. "Yes i do, but its very uncomfortable being where he is now. I don't like it. I can see him at work. When its just me and him. Maybe do lunch dates or what not. We are too old for this weekend crap anyway." Aiko Remarks. 

"Ok that just leaves poor ZJ. It hurts me to know that he will not have the life that you two had. With both parents." Yuki says in a low voice. "Its not your fault mom." Ren says. As both kids grab Yuki's hands. "We are here for you mom. Anything you need."Aiko states. "Thank you. That means a lot to me." Yuki says to them. "Aiko i will need someone to be here . When Your dad comes to get ZJ. I will not be here. I Do not wish to see or talk to him again. I just need someone to watch ZJ. When you can't do it Hanabusa will. At the moment, he isn't very happy with your father either." Yuki Comments. "I don't think any of us are." Aiko says. "I will do my best for my little brother. That poor kid is so confused. I erased the memory of the other night for him. I don't think. He needs to remember that. Or be scared from it." Aiko admits. "Thank was a good idea. I will stay away from your father so that doesn't happen again. Lately he has been bringing out the worse in me. Its not the person, i want to be either. Before something bad happens, i will just stay away." Yuki states.

Later that day. Yuki is in her bedroom. She doesn't sleep in the room, where her and Zero use to be. She turned a guest room into her new bedroom. The site of the old room only makes her more upset. She has been fighting with Bloodlust. It has been taking over her since Zero left. Even though, she is so angry at him. He is the only one. She still craves. Her throat burning. Her eyes Gleaming red. Sitting on the bedroom floor,r trying to control herself. She takes half a box of blood tablets. They still don't work. The burning just increasing. As she is on the floor doing her best to control herself, Hanabusa comes in. "Yuki are you ok?" He asks. "No!" She says. He sees her eyes and knows what she is going through. "Why don't you just take from Kamane?" Hanabusa ask. "NO! I will not get used to someone else. I will not yearn for another's blood. I need to get this under control and make it go away." Yuki comments. "You don't look so good. I might be able to help with that though. I Can get some blood from the Blood Donation. It's not the best, but it will help you contain yourself without drinking off of anyone. Since they will not be from the same person you, won't have any connection to them either." Hanabusa states. "Please, Please Hanabusa." Yuki on the floor suffering. " Of course I will be right back." Hanabusa calls his friend who brings over a few quarts of blood. He tells him to bring some daily. He will give the address to where ever Yuki will be that day. They will pay. Whatever needed for this to keep going to control Yuki's bloodlust.

Later that night Kamane comes over. He notices the different smells of blood and goes upstairs to Yuki's bedroom. "Yuki, what is going on?" Kamane asks. "Nothing, I needed to control myself. It's good now." She states. "Why didn't you tell me? Come to me? You know. I would let you drink from me." Kamane states. "Yes of course. I know you would. I just can't. I don't want to get that close to anyone again. I want to be free of this. I want to break the bloodlust with Zero. Never have it again." Yuki remarks. "But that means, you won't be in love with anyone." Kamane states. "Yes, that's what I want. I can't do this again. I don't want to." Yuki states. "We live a long life Yuki. You can't say you will never fall in love again." Kamane remarks. "Trust me Kamane, there is no way. I can ever feel that way again. With anyone. At the moment, I don't feel anything. Not even anger anymore. I feel empty. Even more then when I lost my child. I thought nothing could hurt me more than that. I Guess. I was wrong. This pain runs deep. All those years just were thrown away. The child. I wanted most will not experience what my other three did. The stable, loving life we had. A mother and father together. That hurts me more than anything. The other children are adults. They all moved out and will have their own lives. Ai has you now as well as us. She had both worlds. She has her own family now. The twins will do the same. Zj is only five. He has many years of being shuffled around from house to house. To see the pain and hurt it brings even when I hide it." Yuki comments. "Many children go through this Yuki. They turn out fine. It hurts, but they grow up just fine. He will have me if you let me be part of his life." Kamane asks. "You don't mind?" Yuki asks. "No, not at all. It doesn't' matter that he isn't mine. I love him dearly. I love all of them dearly. It was the only thing me and Zero agreed on. We loved each others children. No matter how much we hated each other. It never got in the way, and He never did either. I will be here for that child, For whatever he needs." Kamane states. "Thank you Kamane that means a lot to me." Yuki answers. " I am not going to stay here during the week Kamane. I am going to go to the catering kitchen. There is an apartment up above. I am going to stay there with ZJ during the week. I want to build it up like me and Yori planned before this. I want to open a bakers Cafe along with the catering. I need my mind to keep busy. If you want to come there your more then welcome." Yuki states. " I would be more then happy to join you." Kamane states.

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