Chapter 48 Taking it easy

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Chapter 48 Taking it easy

After a few weeks, The house is now theirs. Yuki is happy to say goodbye to everyone. She and Zero pack up their clothes and head to the new house. She is building a stable for White Lily. A side house for Hanabusa and Yori to stay. So they have there own. When she gets to the new house, she is so happy. Zero sees her come to life in front of him. Which makes him very happy. Zero goes the stables to see how it's going. Yuki goes to the Kitchen, and see what furniture has come in. In a few Zero comes back in to see what Yuki is doing. Hey, baby what's up? "Not much the stools came in for the island. The sectional with the 55 inch TV is here for the family room." Yuki states. " Love the TV. " Zero says. "Oh, I almost forgot. The King size bed came, and the TV for our bedroom." Yuki states. "King size huh? That should be fun to test out later. " Zero admits. Yuki giving him a sneaky grin back. "I thought, for now, we would get something to eat . Then sit on our new sofa, and watch some TV together. What do you think?" Yuki asks. "That sounds like a good idea." Zero answers back.

For the next month, they work on getting their new furniture. Making there house a home. Yuki and Zero spend a lot of time together. Going shopping. Deciding on things for the house. Their relationship is building back to where they were. Yuki still isn't her old self, but she treats Zero very well. She shows love towards him. The stables are done. White lily has moved in. Zero goes to her every day. He feeds, brushes, and takes his daily nap with her. There is a calm here. Where they didn't have anywhere else. He sees why Yuki wanted there own. It feels so free. He thought. He would miss working, and all the bustle they left behind, but he doesn't. Maybe in time, it would get old, but for right now it was nice. Just him and Yuki being together. Doing whatever they wanted to do. Yuki would talk to Ai on the phone, telling her once the house was complete, that she could come for the housewarming party. Hanabusa and Yori were waiting to move into the side house. Hanabusa would visit every now and then to see how things were progressing.

"Hey there Zero, Napping with White lily?" Hanabusa asks. "Just laying here relaxing. It feels so nice." Zero responds. "I guess. How are things going?" Hanabusa responds. "Pretty good. The stables are done, as you can see. I have been enjoying them. I might even get another horse. So she doesn't get lonely. " Zero states. "Oh please, she isn't lonely. The only thing she wants is you. She is worse then Yuki. " Hanabusa laughs. "True, but she needs a mate. One of her own kind." Zero comments. The side house should be done in about another month. Then you and Yori can come on down. It will be about the same time the kids start their summer break."Zero remarks. "Great, I can't wait. It's really nice of Yuki to build us our own. I'm sure. She is happy the kids will be here soon too. " Hanabusa states. "Yes, I am sure she is. She doesn't mention it much. She is very busy with redecorating. She really loves it. It got her mind off of all that crap that happened. We spend a lot of time together. It's really nice." Zero comments. " I am so glad you two are getting along. So she is back to herself?" Hanabusa asks. "Well not really. I don't think. She will ever really be the old Yuki again. She is much more serious and mature. Sometimes I do miss the bubbly airhead. She use to be. That is long gone." Zero admits. "She still wants you?" Hanabusa asks. "Yes, that still there. Still nothing like at Cross. No windows cracking or anything shaking. It's normal. To be honest, it's more loving. Closer, warm. It's really nice. " Zero claims. "I am so happy for you." Hanabusa says. "What about Kamane? Does she mention him? Hanabusa asks. "No, not at all. I always thought, he was going to be this big problem. Get in our way. Maybe even her leaving me for him. But so far nothing. She doesn't mention him at all. Its like, he doesn't exist. To be honest, I think that worries me more. Could she just forget him like that? I don't think all those feelings, just go away overnight. " Zero remarks.

 " She has been through an awful lot Zero. Things change. I don't know if she still wants him or not. I just know as you said, she isn't the old Yuki anymore. She isn't going to run into his arms. When i do see him, he does mention her. He misses her like crazy. He said at least when he was dead ,she would visit him everyday. Now that he is alive. She doesn't go near him or Cross. He is pretty hurt. He loves her Dearly Zero. I think he realized it more now, then ever before." Hanabusa states. "Good for him. Maybe its better, she does stay away from him then. I don't need her to start feeling that way to. I don't ask anymore. I let a lot just go by. She is the happiest. I have seen her in a long time. I don't want to ruin it." Zero announces. " I understand." Hanabusa says. "How is my brother doing?" Zero asks. "Oh, he is great. Him and Maria are getting married. He is very happy. Kamane has looked after him. He has helped him a lot. Things are great on that field. Yoshiko is doing well also. She doesn't remember anything. She is happy with her father and Ai. They become close. I have to say ,that Yoshiko is very smitten with Ren." Hanabusa says. "What? You want Yuki to really kill her? Don't you? Don't mention any of that to her! She will flip. Plus he will be coming home soon. Hopefully that will squash anything that is happening." Zero snaps. "I promise. I wont tell her a thing. I just wanted you to know what's going on." Hanabusa says "I know. Thank you. You have been a great friend all these years." Zero replies.

After talking to Hanabusa Zero's mind starts wondering. Things here are so nice and quiet. Then you go back to where we were. Shit hits the fan again. I so see why Yuki, doesn't want any part of that. She is so right. Kamane missing Yuki, figures. As long as he misses her from afar. Who cares. Zero Thinks. But what is with Yoshiko and Ren? God, Yuki will go crazy. Not to mention Ren is only eleven. What the hell is that all about? He thinks. In a month, he will be home. Things should be ok. He thinks to himself. That's all I need. Zero lays back down next to White lily. Closes his eyes and dozes off.

Vampire Knight The Start of love.  Yuki X Zero. Part 1Where stories live. Discover now