Chapter 123 Spying

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Chapter 123 SPYING

Its been a few days. Yuki and Kaname are home in there own home. Yuki feels more at ease. Knowing that Zero is sticking around. She can't wait to see him this weekend. She misses him very much. She went back to the old relationship. She had with Kamane, when they were a couple. She can come and go as she pleases. Her freedom is back. Her and Kamane have a great relationship. This time there is no sex involved. She spends a lot of time in the Cafe. Back to her old sleep habits without Zero. She goes there in the middle of the night to bake, and get things done. Leaving Kamane home with the younger children. Anna and Rai. ZJ is staying with Zero. He doesn't want to live with Kamane. He likes his own home and life. He will see. Yuki on the weekends, when she comes home. Yuki thought that this change was going to be hard on her. Right now. Its pretty much the same, as when her and Zero were not together. When she lived with Kamane. Just now, she got to see ,and be with Zero on the weekends. In every way, she wanted to. She looked forward to seeing him. To being close to him. She would think of him often during the day. Even at night when she was baking all alone. She so would want to call him. To tell him to stop by. She knew. That wasn't a good idea. So she didn't. She didn't know ,if someone was watching them or not. Zero coming there in the middle of the night wouldn't be a good idea. She wished. That Zero did still work there. She did miss seeing him every day. She figured, maybe in time. He could come back. Just for now. Lets keep the distance. The pain that was in her heart has left. She is finally feeling her normal self.

On the flip side, Zero is home in the big house. He misses her a lot. The thought of her living with Kamane bothers him. He just knows at the moment. Its to protect him. He knows. She would do anything for him. Even die. That thought drives him crazy. He is hoping that it's just for a short time. Then they can go back to normal. He can't wait for the weekend when she comes home, and they can be a family. He is glad in a way ZJ didn't go. So he has someone with him. Zero being Zero, tons of thoughts run through his mind. What do they do together? Are they getting closer? He knows Kamane. He also knows. Yuki was pretty close to him the last time they had a relationship. He worries. Just feels, he needs to keep it to himself. That when he shows it. It doesn't seem to do him or her any good. Just make this worse. Zero knew. That Kamane was the one getting all the benefit out of this. He got to spend time with Yuki. To have a family. To do all the things, he wanted to do with Yuki. Even if they were not having sex. He had everything else. There was no hiding. They could do everything and anything they wanted to do. The thought just killed Zero. Kamane playing house with his wife. Zero couldn't take it anymore. He needed to know, what was going on. He knew. He would have to distance himself. So Yuki wouldn't sense, he was there. He just had to see, if it went back to what it was before Zero and Yuki got back together.

The next morning bright and early, he gets up and goes to the Cafe. Spying. He sits far away. So he can see them, but they can't notice him. He watches. How its early in the morning and Yuki is already at work. The Cafe open, people going in for breakfast. He notices. Kamane at 7:30 in the morning, taking the kids to the Cafe. Getting lunch bags full for both children. Kamane Kisses Yuki on the cheek as he leaves. Saying. He will see her later. Kamane then drives off. Zero knows. That Kamane is taking the kids to Hanabusa for school. He was already aware of that. He sees that Yuki spends all day in the Cafe. Being her normal self. Kamane comes home and goes to his own house. Staying there till its time to pick up the children. He then gets back in the car. Driving off. When Kamane returns, he has both little ones in toe. Bringing them to the Cafe to see Yuki. 

She gives them a snack. Telling them. She will see them later for dinner. Kamane bringing them home. Around 5:30 at night, Yuki leaves the Cafe. Leaving someone else to take over. She goes home. He knows. It's Dinner time. Then check homework, bath time and bed. Around 11:00 pm Yuki comes out of the house. Going back to the Cafe. She goes into the kitchen as he sees the Kitchen light go on. While he has been there watching. He notices someone else doing the same. Watching Yuki and Kaname. He feels the councilman is seeing if they really live together. If they are really together. Zero just stays there. Watching, the other spy, and Yuki. Who stays at the Cafe until around 3 AM. You can smell all the fresh bread, and cakes that she baked. The air is filled with sweet treats. When she is done, she closes up and goes home. Zero noticing. That she spends more of her time at the Cafe. Not with Kamane.

 At 6 AM Yuki is up and at the Cafe again. Ready for the Morning breakfast crew. He notices. That she isn't sleeping well. That her old habits are back. Happy to see. That she spends limited time in that house with him. At the same time, wishing she would slow down just a tad. He notices the same routine today. The other spy watching as well. Zero spends the second day still watching. The other spy gets tired and leaves. Then Zero does the same. As much as he would love to go in, and see Yuki. He doesn't. Knowing they are being watched. He knows. It's better if they don't see him there all the time. The weekend would come. It was only a few days away. They would stay inside. Where no one could really see. What was going on. On Sunday Kamane would come over and no one would suspect a thing. At least Zero hoped.

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