Chapter 193 Zero's regrets

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Bad Zero. lol

Chapter 193 Zero's regrets.

Hanabusa changes the bed and fixes everything in the room. Getting rid of anything that has her blood on it. While Zero sits in the chair, Holding a pale, sleeping Yuki in his arms. Just looking at her pale face. How she was so powerful. Yet with him let her guard down. Her heart was open and he shattered it. Seeing he was so upset, He didn't even know his own strength. For her to get these bruises and that wound. He had to push her mighty hard. He wondered why she didn't follow him. When he left. This was why. She couldn't. She was a pureblood. It takes a lot more than this to kill them. Yet without her getting any blood or doing anything about it. The loss of blood was killing her. The thought of her laying in bed, hurting from him leaving then also in this much pain. Bleeding to death. Without saying a word. Hurt him. If she was human. He would have killed her. His hatred toward Mika was intense. He couldn't kill her. But he had to do something to get rid of her. Even if it meant talking to Nezera. He would do it. To get rid of all this. She pushed him too far. Even though it was his reaction that did all the damage. If she would leave them alone this wouldn't take place.

"Zero, you can lay her down in the bed now. Everything is fine." Hanabusa states. "I will later. I don't want to let go of her. I don't want her to wake up, without me here." Zero responds. "She will be ok Zero. Its just going to take her some time to heal. The bruises will heal faster than the whole. It was pretty big." Hanabusa states. "I know. I can't believe I did that. I was so angry. I was full of rage. I saw nothing but red." Zero replies. "What the hell happened? You guys were doing so well. It was like I was living next to a storybook romance." Hanabusa asks. "Someone sent me some dirty pictures of what was supposed to be Yuki and Kaname. It turned out they were photoshopped. The woman doing the dirty things were Martha. I didn't see that. I was so taken in with what I saw. I blew up. To think Yuki would do that to him. She never did with me. I lost all control." Zero remarks. "What the hell was she doing? That got you going so badly? You already saw them have sex in the video." Hanabusa comments. "This was way different than the real video. The pictures were of the woman giving Kaname Oral sex. To think Yuki would do that. Made me sick. That I would kiss her after that. I wanted to gag. But it wasn't her. It was Martha." Zero admits. "Guess Martha is more fun." Hanabusa Laughs. "Yea for Kaname. She would do anything to keep him. Not sure why he isn't happy. From those photos. She was keeping him happy in that department." Zero states. "So, Yuki never did that for you?" Hanabusa asks. "No, She was so inexperienced when we started. I never asked her to. I was satisfied with everything else. She is more experienced now, after being with Kaname. But still never did that to me. Or to him. So he claims. I don't think he is lying either. It's not that she would do it. It's that she would of with him. That's what got me. I couldn't contain myself. I just don't know if she will understand. Or hate me for this." Zero confesses." I don't think she hates you. I haven't seen her that broken since you left with Kharis." Hanabusa replies. "Great, I did tell her if I ever caught her with him again I would leave. I think that's why she took it so badly."Zero comments. "Well maybe in a way that was a good thing. She saw that you weren't kidding. She knows now if she plays with him again. You're gone. That might be good in a way."Hanabusa states. "Yes. but I didn't mean to hurt her like this. " Zero remarks.

Hanabusa goes downstairs. While Zero stays upstairs holding Yuki. Hoping she will wake soon. Just so he knows she is ok. He holds her body close to him. Kissing her head. His strong arms wrapped around her. Yuki starts to wake, Her head on Zero's shoulder. "Zero, I swear. I didn't do anything this time." Yuki says in a low voice. "Babe. Please, I know. You didn't. I know it wasn't you." Zero replies. "How do you feel?" He adds. "My back hurts. Zero What happened?" Yuki Asks. "You got hurt. I am so sorry." Zero says. Carrying Yuki to the bed. Laying her flat so her back can rest. "I'm going to go get you something to eat and drink. You need to keep up your strength. " Zero replies. "You will be right back?" Yuky asks." Of Course. I promise." Zero responds.

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