Chapter 20 Losing Control

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Chapter 20 Losing control.

Its been a few weeks, that Yuki and Zero been back from there vacation. Things have been normal. No talk about Kaname. Yuki is working on plans for the wedding. Zero spends a lot of time at work. Yuki will work in the office during the day but tries not to go on many of the patrols. Trying to keep things, under control with the council and the Hunters. While Yuki is doing her planning, she gets a phone call from Zero. "Babe, I will be home a little late tonight. Hanabusa called me and asked me to go out with him for a drink. He is really upset that Yori won't turn. He needs someone to talk to. "OK, Zero that's fine. I will be upstairs. When you get home. Be safe and I love you." Yuki Says. Love you too babe.

Later that night, Yuki makes dinner for the kids and herself. Helps with homework, gets them ready for bed. She then goes to take her own shower and gets herself into bed. Waiting for Zero to come home. Her little butterflies still following him around. He gets a kick out of them. When he sees them. He smiles. Knowing it's her.

A few hours later Zero walks in the front door, plastered with Hanabusa. Slurring their words, and barely standing. Hanabusa says. He will sit on the couch for a moment. Soon as he does, he dozes right off. Zero laughs and crawls upstairs. Falling into the bedroom, Zero what's wrong? "Nothing," he says. Zero are you Drunk? "Yea so be it?" He replies. "You never drink', She says to him. "Yea there is a lot of things I don't do." Zero barks. "Zero why are you so cranky?" Yuki asks."Hmm, let's see, for over eighteen years I lived in a shadow, of a self-centered prick."Zero explains. "Zero! don't talk like. that." Yuki responds. "Oh come on. You know its true. I have been thinking more and more about why you don't want to bring him back. You're so afraid you will screw him."Zero snaps. Zero please stop, your drunk. You don't know. What your saying. "Don't give me that Shit", Zero snaps. "Drunk or sober. I know. What's up. I just don't say it sober. Is he that good in bed? Do you always dream of fucking him?" Zero grabs Yuki, "Zero STOP!" "What do you think of him? While we are doing it? IS that why your always all over me?" Slamming her into the wall, his body pressing hard against hers. Holding her arms above her head. Zero, please. This isn't like you. "You didn't answer my question", He snaps again louder. Throwing her onto the bed, his body on top of her. Still holding down her arms. "NO", She shouts. "I don't think of him. When I'm with you, I'm with you. How could you even think that Zero? Zero let me go! You're hurting me!" Trying to wiggle her hands-free. "Hurting you? Do you know? How much it hurts to know you want him?" Tearing her nightgown off. "ZERO!" Undoing his pants still holding her hands. So she can't stop him. Pushing his warm body against hers. Licking her neck, Eyes red with rage, and lust, He roughly and hardly pushes himself inside her. She gives out a moan and bits down on his shoulder. Tasting his blood, She sees the rage, sadness, and lust. She lets go of his shoulder. Trying to wiggle her hands-free. "Your Mine!" He shouts. Pushing her body closer to him releasing her hands, pushing into her harder and faster. Yuki Grabs his hair and pushes herself even deeper into him. Wrapping her legs around him tighter. Both giving out a moan and exploding together. He then scopes her up into his arms and holds her, tears falling down his face. Realizing what he just said and did. Breathing heavy trying to get his breath and self back. She wraps her arms around him. laying her head on his chest. He falls asleep in her arms still dizzy from all the drinking. She just stays in his arms, reliving all the things. He just said to her. After a while, she falls asleep to.

In the middle of the night. He wakes to find her still in his arms. Her nightie half on, half off, Where he tore it. Remembering what took place. He feels ashamed of himself. What did i do? Did I hurt her? God, it felt great to just lose control. Taking her like that. I have never been that rough with her. I never held her down, I never had to. He slides her off of him gently putting her on her side of the bed. Covering her up. His mind racing. He goes into the bathroom to get washed. Seeing the bite marks on his shoulder. He thinks. Did she do it out of passion? Or trying to get away? His heart sinks. He just slides down the shower. Sitting there letting the hot water hit him. "How could I do that to her?" Is all he kept saying. "She must hate me. She Chose to be with me and let him sleep. This is what I do? God, I will never drink again." He says. Getting out of the shower and drying himself off. Walking into the bedroom seeing Yuki up, finding another nightie. "Yuki I am so sorry." Walking over to her trying to put his arms around her. "Don't touch me, Zero!" "Yuki, please. I am so sorry", Looking at her wrists that are now black and blue with his handprints. "Oh god, I did that to you" Zero states. He grabs her arms. "Zero stop." He looks into her eyes, "I promise. I will not hurt you again. Don't be frightened." Zero states. She looks back at him, "You think this is why I'm mad? Because of the rough sex? That was the hottest sex we ever had." Zeros eyes widen. "That's not why. I'm upset with you. I'm upset at you with all you said. You really think? I'm thinking about him? When I want to make love to you? You think? That's why I make love to you so often? That was a really low blow Zero. Do you know? how crazy you make me? I guess not. All you ever want to think about is Him, Zero. You say me?" Yuki shouts, "Zero you more obsessed with him, then I am. You always think your in this competition with him. Don't you know? You won? You won a long time ago." Yuki barks. Zero taking a seat on the bed. eyes looking at the floor just listening. "You always get this pissy mood and say the most hurtful things. All these years, I have done my best to just let it go. Its just Zero, it's just how he is. Don't take it personally. I say. Well, you know what? I'm sick of it! Some of the shit you say really hurts Zero. The fact you don't know. How much I really love and desire you. I'm not only afraid of myself to reawaken him. I'm afraid of you. Always trying to protect you, and your feelings. Let's tippy-toe around Zero."Yuki Snaps. "I'm Sorry Yuki." "Zero look at me" She says. "Look into my eyes." Zero looks up as Yuki takes his hands and sits in between his legs. "I love you. I want you. If you can't believe or accept it, then we don't have a relationship. I told you. I'm not waking him up. I want to be with you. Do you accept it?" "Yes, babe I do. I am so sorry. Did i hurt you?" Zero asks. "No, I will be fine." "Your wrists are black and blue." "It will go away. You don't have to hold down my hands Zero. I wasn't going to push you away." Yuki states. "Yuki? you bit me was that to get away? or..." "It was because you held my hands down. I wanted to get closer to you. It felt incredible, all I had was my mouth so I bit you. If I wanted out Zero, I could have done it. I have powers you know? I could of easily just thrown you off of me." "Oh", Zero says. "Can't you feel the desire, I have for you?" "Yes, Yuki I can. I was just upset and drunk. I would have never done or said any of that if I wasn't drunk. They say you say what's on your mind and the truth when your drunk." 'So its how you feel." Yuki responds. "Maybe some of it, but I didn't mean to be that rough with you. I know. It felt good but still. I don't want to hurt you. I'm sorry about your nightie also. "Zero its OK I have a lot of them. Like I said I didn't mind the rough sex. I just wish. It wasn't with that conversation. I know. You hurt from all this Zero and i'm sorry. I just need you to realize that a lot that you worry about is in your head. I'M not leaving you." She says with a loud strong tone. He pulls Yuki onto the bed next to him , Looking into her eyes. holding her hands in his. "We will not talk about him again. I'm going to let go of it. Whenever you're ready to bring him back. You tell me. I won't interfere in it either or say a word. Its your choice." Zero states. "I don't want to ruin. What we have either. My insecurities seem to do that from time to time. I'm not doing that anymore." Zero explains. "Good", Yuki says. Kissing him lightly on his lips. "Hmm you don't have to be so light with that" Zero grins. "Watch it you." Yuki says. Giggling at him. "If i let go you might get hurt." She says. "Well we heal fast" Zero says. Laughing "Give me your best shot." "What am i going to do with you?" Yuki laughs back. "Love me", he answers. "Always Zero always." Yuki responds.

what you think? Zero got a little out of hand? Yuki trying to not push him away and hurt him even though he was rough.

Vampire Knight The Start of love.  Yuki X Zero. Part 1Where stories live. Discover now