Chapter 82 Feelings

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Chapter 82 Feelings

While Zero is at Cross visiting Ren and Yoshiko, He figures. He might as well go visits Kamane himself. He goes to the Moon dorm to Kamanes old room. Zero knocks on the door. "Come in." Kamane says with a sigh. Laying on the sofa, extremely down. Zero looks around the room. Spotting the Small butterfly, sitting on top of the sofa next to Kamane. "Here to gloat? Did you get the girl? Kamane says. " No to either. I came to see. How destroyed you were, and that damn butterfly. I Guess, she didn't give up on you totally." Zero replies. "The butterfly has been with me, since i left the house. It never left my side. She is scared. I would do another Furnace thing. I promised her i wouldn't. Not like my promises mean anything to her any more. You made sure of that." Kamane hisses. "If you would of left us alone, there wouldn't of been anything for me to tell. I am sorry. I told her though. It didn't make me gain anything. I just lost more." Zero admits. 

"You got to see me crumble, that makes you happy." Kamane snaps. "Yes, but she is crumbling also. I didn't want that. I wanted her to come running to me. LIke she did you , when i left. I didn't get that. It was like you said. I screwed it up for both of us. I should of just let her alone. Let time do it." Zero confesses. "Well, when you want something, sometimes you don't think clearly. I couldn't wait either. I could have waited a lifetime. She could still be with you." Kamane admits. "She barely talks to me now. Barely talks to anyone. Not even our children. She hasn't talked to Ai for i don't know how long. I think, she reminds her too much of you. So she stays away." Zero states. "Yes. Ai is pretty upset with all this. Its a pretty big mess. I did stay away. I am trying to anyway. Hoping it helps her heal. So she can make up her mind what she wants." Kamane responds. " I don't think, she knows what she wants at the moment. She is good at hiding her feelings and staying away though." Zero admits. "Look, Zero i am not there to protect her. Please do. The council still thinks. We are together. She never removed our engagement. That will keep her safe. Don't do anything stupid with that. If they think, we are a couple, and your out of the picture everything will stay calm. I think. Its why she did it. Not to mention to piss you off." Kamane responds. " Yea that sounds like something she would do. Something we would make her do. I have no intentions of doing anything. I think. I did enough." Zero responds. 

"Doesn't she take your blood?" Kamane asks. "No. She doesn't offer it anymore either." Zero answers. "Wow! She said. She never wanted to be linked to someone like that ever again. She wouldn't take mine. I wanted her too so much. She didn't want that bond. That is the one thing i never got with her. The blood bond. She had that with you. Her one true love. I thought by now ,she would be in your arms again." Kamane admits. "Not sure about the one true love anymore. "Zero confesses. "Zero don't be so naive. You know. How the blood bond works. You only have it with your one true love. It doesn't go away, just burns inside of you. DO you know? How I hunger for her Zero?" "Yes i do to ,but at the moment, she isn't sharing anything with me. She hurts for you. I think. I managed to just make her love you more. Which kills me. How can she still care for you after all you did? You ruined our relationship. There was almost a child born into it that wasn't her's." Zero snaps. "We have a bond. We were meant to get married and have a family. I screwed that up the first time and managed to do it again. I did learn from my mistakes the first time. This time the relationship was different. I Let her do. Whatever she wanted. I gave her freedom, so i didn't hold her back. Make her resent me. Even when ,she went to your house for Christmas. Spent time with you. Inside i could of killed you. I just held it in. Let her go. Finding that the more i did ,the more she came back to me. She loved it. I trusted her. I didn't ask questions. When I did. She gave me the truth. I was fine with it. NO matter how much it hurt. I would do anything to go back to that." Kamane says. You came to see , You saw. There isn't anything here Zero. I will leave her alone. If she wants me, she will come to me. If she wants you. I will stay away." Kamane adds. 

" I was going to tell you the same. We can't do this anymore. Whoever. She chooses the other needs to back off. Yes, even if she chooses you. I promise. I will sign the papers and walk away. I can't see her hurt anymore." Zero responds. "My problem is if she doesn't choose either of us Zero. I worry more about that. She is the pureblood queen. Anyone she would go with , could use and hurt her. Not because they love and want her like us. Because they want the money, blood and power. If I have to lose, I rather it is to you." Kamane states. Zero nods. I guess all we can do is wait. I'm not going to push her to choose me. That doesn't make things work. I will be going now Kamane. Tell Ai hi from me.

As Zero gets in his car, he thinks about what Kamane said. If she chooses someone besides them. If she would totally move on. The thought scared him. At the moment he knew, she wasn't into anything. But sooner or later, she would come out of this. A new person in the mix would only make this worse. He thought. He needed to try to fix this soon and the best he could.

In the Middle of the night, Zero wakes. He is thirsty and wants to get something to drink. Still a little unsettled from his talk with Kamane. As he walks downstairs, He Spots Yuki sitting on the couch. Drinking a cup of tea. "Can't sleep?" Zero asks. "Nope. There is more tea in the pot if you want some." Yuki states. "Thank you. I will go get a cup." Zero pours himself a cup and goes back into the living room. Sitting next to Yuki. " I Guess. You can't sleep either?" Yuki asks. "No, I got thirsty. Why are you looking at me that way?"Zero asks. "Your hair. its all tousled from sleep. Just made me remember old times." Yuki states. "That's the first time, I saw you look at me like that in years." Zero responds. "It just reminded me of when, you would get up with Ren and put him in his bed at night. All filled with sleep, your silver hair all tousled, Lavender eyes filled with sleep. Only to find him the next morning, in the middle of us again." Yuki smiles. Zero noticing the smile and trying to keep it going. " You mean his feet in my groin, his elbow in my side?" Zero laughs. "Yes, that too. I guess I will go try to go back to bed."Yuki states. "Why don't you try here? I will stay. I promise. No strings, Just sleep." Zero remarks. " I don't know. I can't always use you as a pillow. " Yuki responds. "Well, I am here tonight. So come use me. Come on." Zero replies. 

Yuki looks at him not sure about this. Not wanting to start anything, but needing sleep desperately. She moves over to Zero and places her head on his warm chest. She can't help but snuggle her head close. Leaving her hands in her lap and legs at her side. " I don't bite, Yuki. You can put your arms around me." Zero comments. "I Know. I'm good." Zero placing his arms around her. She closes her eyes. Snuggles her head and falls asleep. Zero relieved. He can maybe get close to her this way. The last time they did this after awhile things escalated. He was hoping for the same now. Just go slow.

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