Chapter 179 Imagination Taking Over.

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Chapter 179 Imagination taking over.

In the morning, Zero gets up. To Yuki laying in his arms. The warmth of her body on his. The bright sun shining on both of them. It's a beautiful day. It hasn't even started yet. But Zero feels it will be. His spirits higher than they ever have been. "This is what life should be." He says to himself. He kisses Yuki's head, as he gets up, to get dressed for work. Knowing today is also going to be a long day. He has tons of paperwork to get through and tons of phone calls. Neither, he is really looking forward to. When they gave him desk work. They sure gave it to him. Yuki made sure the only thing that could get him. Is a paper cut. He laughs to himself. Yuki stirring in the bed. Looking up at Zero getting dressed. "You leaving me?" Yuki asks. "Just for now. I need to get to work. I have a lot of it today babe." Zero replies. "I will miss you. Will you be home for dinner?" Yuki asks. "I am not sure. I will call you. " Zero replies. Walking over to her, giving her a kiss goodbye. "I love you Zero!" Yuki answers. "I love you too babe." Zero replies.

Zero heads to work. Going to his office Seeing a huge pile of files sitting on top of his desk. Its what he has been dreading. He takes his coat off and walks over to the chair to get started. Hours and Hours go bye and it seems its never ending. Between trying to do files, making phone calls, not to mention the interruptions of people coming in to talk to Zero. It seems he will never get done. Its already going on six thirty pm. Zero figures. He should call Yuki. To let her know he will be home later then he thought.

"Hello." Yuki answers. "Hey, babe. I won't be home for dinner. I still have a few more hours to go here. Maybe longer. I want to get this done." Zero states. "Zero, I really don't want this to become a regular thing." Yuki answers. " I know. I need to be better on the paperwork. I will call you when I'm heading home." Zero replies. "Ok. Be careful please." Yuki Comments. "Babe, the only thing that could get me is a paper cut." Zero says with a chuckle. "Very funny. But if that's all that can get you. I'm happy." Yuki replies.

When Yuki hangs up the phone she heads upstairs getting ready for bed. As she sits in the bed. She gets an awful feeling. She knows Zero isn't doing anything. She knows he is just working. But her imagination takes over. Remembering that last time he did this. He was with Kharis. "There is no more Kharis. Zero wouldn't ever do that. We are so happy there wouldn't be a reason to." Yuki says to herself. A panic in her heart lets her get up from the bed. She throws on a pair of jeans and a sweater and boots. Throwing her hair in a ponytail. She runs downstairs. Calling a cab, Grabbing her coat. Telling ZJ she will be back in a few.

On the way to Zero's office she picks up some Chinese food, Putting the fears in the back of her mind. Knowing they are just fears. Feeling if she sees for herself nothing is there. It Will make her move on even more. It was something she just needed to do for herself and for Zero. When she gets to the association, she gets on the elevator to get to his office. The place is dead. It's already eight at night. Everyone went home. It's dark and quiet. Making Yuki a bit uneasy. She gets off the elevator to Zero's floor. Walking up to the closed office door. Her heart jumps. Remembering what she saw the last time. She opened it years ago. "It's not the same. Yuki Snap out of it! That bitch can't run your life." She tells herself. Knocking on the door. "Come in," Zero says. Shocked someone would be there at this time of night. Yuki opens it slowly. revealing Zero sitting at his desk with a ton of files. She lets out a sigh of relief and gives him a very loving smile. "Babe, what are you doing here?" Zero asks. Getting up from his chair, Going over to Yuki. Giving her a kiss. Feeling her heart beat a mile a minute. "I missed you. I thought I would bring you something to eat. Even help you with your files." Yuki states. Hugging him tightly. Zero knows what she was feeling. He knew when he called her, it would bring back old times. He just hoped it didn't overtake her. "Well, that sounds great. I am starving." Zero replies. Yuki hands him his shrimp lo main. While she gets some files. She just keeps smiling at him, her heart beating regularly now. "Are you ok Babe?" Zero asks. "Yes, More than ok. I am so happy. You know anytime you have all these files. I can help. I use to work here remember?" Yuki remarks. "Yes, I do. I might have to make you do my files. I hate this part of the job." Zero comments. "Anytime you need help. I'm Here. I would really like for you to come home for dinner at night." Yuki states. "I know. I do also. I will let you help next time from the start." Zero comments. "Good." She replies.

Yuki is no stranger to files. She has been going over these for a while now. Getting to know everything that was happening at the association. She was on the council. She had to. Plus she did use to work for them. She knew a lot. She was very good at her job. She got done the paperwork within a half hour. Zero just watching as she worked. Happy she came over. He knew her imagination got the better of her. There wasn't anything. He could say on that. It had happened to him many times. At least she went there peacefully, seeing before reacting. Where for him. It was always the other way around. He would of wind up putting his foot in his mouth. He was always happy she cared so much. That she was missing him this much. Yuki was trying her hardest to let go of everything. She was doing really well. If coming here was going to help her move on more. Then he was fine with it. Plus, he liked having her there with him. It turned out to be a very nice evening.

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