Chapter 163 Hanabusa Points Out.

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Chapter 163 Hanabusa Points out.

After talking in bed for a few. Just laying there being close to each other. They get up. They know. The kids will be home in a few. "Zero you should get the kids from Hanabusa's. Normally Kaname picks them up. Hanabusa will be expecting him." Yuki states. "Ok. No problem. I will go get them. You put dinner out. It will only take me a few minutes." Zero replies. "Ok, Hurry back." Yuki replies. Zero gives her a smile. Feeling peaceful. A feeling he hasn't had in a long time. Just looking at her in his shirt. In their bed. Makes him feel they can have what they once did. That it's not totally lost. The passion they just felt for each other. There. Never Fading. This was all worth it. We can get over it. Just hang in there. He thought.

Zero gets up from the bed. Going downstairs. He heads over to Hanabusa's house. Knocking on the door. "Zero. It's nice to see you. I was excepting Kaname." Hanabusa states. "Yea. I know. This is normally his job. Things are going to change. Yuki is home. I am not sure about Rai, but with our kids. You can send them home. Like you always did before. ZJ can take Anna. I don't know. What Yuki and Kaname are going to do about Rai. I guess. They will need to discuss that." Zero replies. "Ok. No problem. Did you read the paper today?" Hanabusa asks. 'Yea. Everyone did. It's why. Yuki came home. We can't live like this anymore. Being apart is ripping our relationship apart. The rumors and newspaper don't help. I think. Now that we are together. It should help. It should bring us closer. Her just here now did that already. It was so nice to walk into a great smelling house. With a sexy wife. God, I have forgotten. What that felt like. We use to have it so nice. When Ai was little, and I would come home from work. I just couldn't wait to get home. To See Yuki. Her in the kitchen cooking. It was great. I want to go back to that."Zero remarks. "I hope you two can go back to that. How is Kaname taking that she will be leaving?" Hanabusa asks. "Good. He was the one who asked me to take her home. Before I couldn't." Zero replies. "What does that mean? That's so not like him." Hanabusa responds. "They got a little too close the other night. After the wedding and that kiss, Yuki went home. Seducing him. They didn't take it all the way. Just when I saw him, he was totally undone. I never saw him shake before." Zero admits. "You do know. How much he loves her? That must have been very hard for him not to go through with it. Yuki has been playing with his emotions lately. To be honest, it's not very fair. How much do you think he can handle?" Hanabusa comments. " I know he cares a lot about her. I'm sure it was hard. I am glad he didn't though. He had better sense. She had none. She was drunk and out of sorts. I see what you're saying about her playing with him. I saw it a lot while she stayed with him. I think. She did some to hurt me. Some because she really wanted him. The separation and all this mess, just made her not even know. What she wanted." 

Zero states. "I hope things get better now that you're together. I hope she leaves Kaname alone. I love you too, but I love him as well. He deserves better. No matter how you feel about him Zero. You know its true." Hanabusa admits. "I do. My partner Martha has the hots for him. I am going to try to push them together. Maybe she can give him a little fun. Take his mind off of Yuki. If he gets with her, maybe I can finally breath." Zero states. "How is Yuki going to like that? She doesn't want to share either one of you. To be honest. She wants you both. The two of you have been giving into her for years. You both fuel her. Maybe if Kaname finally let's go. Things could be normal. I am sure. She won't like it. Him messing around with someone else. It's just as bad as if it was you. You know this right? " Hanabusa replies. "In a way, yes. I can't control her feelings. There are times, I feel that if it wasn't for this bond. She would have been with Kaname along time ago. She just knows that the bond is strong. When she is near me. she can't resist me. So she gave into it. Its been a really messed up few years." Zerp confides. " I think. She should stay away from him. I know. They are close friends but I think. He needs breathing room."Hanabusa states. "He does. Just tell that to them. Maybe he will do that now. I guess we will see. I hope Martha helps him." Zero responds. The kids coming out of the house. "I will talk to you later Hanabusa. Have a great night." Zero says. You too.

Zero takes the kids home. All sitting down to a great meal. Talking and laughing around the dinner table. After dinner, The kids went to play and Zero helped Yuki clean up. Being close. Trying to see if it can be like it was. They clean up, putting the smaller kids to bed. ZJ still playing his game, in the family room. Zero and Yuki heading to bed. "Zero I am so tired. Its so nice to be in our own bed, with my trusty pillow." Yuki smiles. "Tonight was nice. It's great having you home. Did you leave without your stuff? I thought. You were going to get it all before leaving?" Zero asks. " I was. Just after reading that. I wanted to come home. I will get my stuff. I have all week. I Have to talk to Kaname about what we are doing with Rai too. I told him before I would let him stay with him. I meant it, but I am going to miss him. This is so going to confuse him even more. That's the part of this, I dislike so much. I hate hurting our children." Yuki admits. "I am sure. That Rai will be just fine. You and Kaname work out whatever is best for you both. The child is welcome to stay here. I love the kid. So either way its fine with me." Zero states. "Thank you. That means a lot." Yuki replies. " We need to let go of the past. To make the future better Yuki. Otherwise its not going to work. That's letting go of Kaname and Kharis." Zero remarks. "That's easier said than done. Especially lately. I do know. What you mean. I will do my best." Yuki answers. "That's all I can ask for." Zero replies. Kissing her deeply. "You're still wearing my shirt. That's only going to lead to things. You know that right?" Zero says with a grin. "I was hoping it would." Yuki snickers. "OH, You bad girl." Zero replies. Pulling her close. Kissing her passionately. Making love to her again. Staying in each other's arms all night. Zero happy and content.

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