Chapter 60 Trying to Move On.

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Chapter 60 Trying to move on.

✕Its been a year, Zero and Yuki are still going through the divorce. Yuki does her best to stay far away from Zero. She hasn't seen him in ages. If there is anything to do with ZJ ,it goes through Hanabusa or Aiko. Yuki has built up the Cafe. Doing what she planned to. They called it Kiryu's Cafe. They made the name b efore her and Zero went through all this. So she kept it. They put the Cafe under Ren, so that if Zero ever wanted to get shitty, there wasn't anything, he could do about the name or to Yuki. She didn't own it. Ren was a Kiryu. There wasn't anything he could do to him for using his name. They didn't trust Zero anymore. Ren never saw him. He stayed away from him totally. Aiko would see him at work. they would do lunches like she planned. She never went to his house or any holiday. They would always go to Yuki's. They would have Sunday family dinners every Sunday. Yuki would gather her children and granddaughter and make a special dinner. Kamane was also part of this dinner. Him and Yuki have become best friends. She confides in him , trusts him and loves him in her own way. They haven't gotten romantic or sexual. She still hurts, just doesn't talk about it or Zero. She won't mention him. 

Things around her still remind her of there relationship. She tries to put it out of her mind. He still gets ZJ every weekend. Things have been smooth on that. She spends most of her time in the Cafe and catering business. She doesn't sleep very well. She hasn't since Zero left. She gets up in the middle of the night and will go to the Catering kitchen. To start baking the bread , bagels or cakes for the morning. She doesn't talk that much to anyone either. She isn't the same Yuki. She use to be. Every time something tragic has happened to her it took a piece of her away. This pretty much shattered her. Zero on the other hand is dealing with this also. He is being controlled and can't break it. It seems to be under control as long as he isn't around or in Yuki's presence. Kamane's plan is working to a degree. Neither one of them forgot each other. They are just trying there best to live without the other. She isn't head over heels in love with Kamane. He knows it. She never hides. How she feels. She is always honest with him. The passion filled can't live without love she had for Zero is gone. She doesn't feel that for anyone. Kamane is dealing with it pretty good. He is hoping it will grow in time. He is always with her and around her. Not like when they were together that year. He was never there. He is trying to show her, that he will be there for her and the kids.

"Yuki all you do is work. Don't you think? We should get out and do something with ZJ and Erika?" Kamane says. Who are now six and seven years old. "What do you want to do?"Yuki asks." Let's take the kids to the park and out for lunch. Let's spend some quality time with them and us. You spend most of the time in this dark kitchen. It will run without you for a few hours. Yori and Hanabusa are here." Kamane remarks. "Ok.T hat sounds good. Let me clean up. You get the kids." While Yuki is cleaning up Kamane gets the kids and a picnic basket. He fills it up with sandwiches, cupcakes, drinks, and some sides. Placing in the car with the kids. Yuki comes down and gets in the car. Off they go. They get to the park where Yuki and Kaname watch the kids play on the swings. Yuki hops on one and Kamane even pushes her. Laughing and having a good time. "Its been a long time since I seen you like this." Kamane states. "Yes, I am really enjoying today. It's like a family." Yuki remarks. "Yes. The family we should have had." Kamane comments. " I Guess. It still is ours just a little differently." Yuki adds. Kamane nods. Yuki goes over to the bench. She watches Kamane push and play with the kids. Seeing this new side of him, makes her see him in a different light. She watches as this Gorgeous proper man gets dirty with the little ones. Them running all over him and him letting them. His long slender body, Standing there in the sun. His brownish hair gleaming. She thinks to herself. Maybe this is where I should be? Maybe this is what was suppose to be the whole while?

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