Chapter 159 Get The Paper! Read All About It!

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Chapter 159 Get The Paper! Read All About it!

Later in the afternoon. Yuki is working at the Cafe. She sees Martha enter. She goes up to the Counter. "Hi, Martha. How are you?" Yuki asks. "Good. I would like two coffees and sandwiches. Please. "Martha states. "Where is Zero today?" Yuki asks. "Oh, he is back at the association. He has a few things to deal with. He was pretty grumpy when he came in. This just made things worse." Martha replies. "I am sorry to hear. He is having a bad day." Yuki responds. "To be honest, Yuki. When you see it. You won't be too happy either." Martha comments. "What do you mean? What happened?" Yuki asks. "Well, it seems that someone was at the wedding yesterday. They wrote a column about it in the paper." Martha reveals. "Ok, so? It was a big event. I don't see that being anything wrong." Yuki remarks innocently. "True. But some of the things they wrote are hurtful. Mostly towards you. It brings up the past of you and Zero." Martha comments. 

" It figures. lately its the only thing anyone can talk about. At this point its like whatever. He dumped me. YES, he cheated on me. He ripped my heart out and stomped on it. Is that what everyone wants to hear?" Yuki remarks. " I am sorry Yuki. Maybe you should read it yourself. I don't think. Zero was going to tell you. He knew it would hurt you. He said something about its another thing in the way." Martha replies. "Thank you. I will pick up a paper in a few. Here is your lunch. Tell Zero I said. I'm Sorry. " Yuki states. tears filling her eyes. "Are you ok? I didn't mean to hurt you." Martha asks. "You didn't hurt me. Thank you for letting me know. I think I should know what's going on. It kind of sucks to be the last to know things. Just because the men in my life try to protect me. Sometimes it's worse for it to be sprung upon you." Yuki remarks. "True. Its why I thought. You should know. I knew it was important. By Zero's reaction." Martha says. As she heads for the door.

Yuki waits for Martha to drive off, before heading out of the Cafe. To get herself a paper. Do I really want to read this? She says to herself. What more could they say? The thoughts of what Zero called her this morning ringing in her head. Oh god. I hope not. I'm not a whore. One mistake. Fear taking over her. The thought of them calling her that killed her. It was bad enough, Zero called her that. He knew it wasn't true, yet he said it. He hurt her deeply with that. She buys the paper putting it in her coat pocket. Walking back to the Cafe. Saying in her mind. Whatever it is, I can handle it. I got this. She goes into the Cafe. Heading behind the counter.

She looks at the paper. Her and Kaname plastered on the front page. Royal Vampire Wedding. The Queen's Daughter Marrys. The Vampire Hunter attends his Daughters wedding. read more on page 6. "Well freaking really. I had two other children get married. Why now is it news for the paper?" She thinks. She turns the paper to page 6. To read.

"Yesterday was the Royal Wedding of Yuki Kuran and Zero Kiryu's Daughter. The Queen and Strongest Vampire Hunters Daughter. If anyone remembers. Like who could forget. These two were together for many years. Having more than one child together. It has been found out, that their relationship was dissolved When the Hunter left her for Kharis Hemmington. The sexy gorgeous Redhead. Who he also has a Daughter with named Anna. Who is now seven. We know it was a bitter separation. Zero did and said a lot of things about Yuki. Leaving her in shambles. The Pureblood Queen almost left in ashes. What makes this even more Strange, Is that The Hunters Daughter Aiko just married, Kharis's Son, Nezera. I guess like father like daughter? There was a fun event at the wedding that everyone is talking about. Kharis hasn't been around in a few years. No one was really Sure what happened with her and Zero. If they are still together just keeping it quiet. All rumors started to swirl yesterday when Khairs showed up at the wedding. Planting a big passionate Kiss on Zero. Everyone is saying that their relationship is still going strong. That the heat from the kiss could have been felt for miles. The queen was there to witness the kiss. Not sure if it still bothers her, since now she has her own King. Shortly after the breakup with Zero. She married Kaname Kuran. The True Pureblood king. Their relationship seemed to be Hot and heavy. In itself. They were all over each other at this wedding. They also have a six year old son Rai. So We guess everyone has moved on to new and fun relationships. Not sure what a Hunter would see in a Pureblood anyway. But I guess love is blind!

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