Chapter 172 Sending you my love

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Review, please. In the last few chapters, Yuki is letting go of all that hurts her. Or at least trying to.

Chapter 172 Sending you my love

A month has gone by. The house is all clean and done. Nothing left for Yuki to do. Still not ready to go back to the Cafe. Not ready to see Kaname with Martha. She stays home, her thoughts taking over her mind. Kharis hasn't come up and isn't the problem. Yet Kaname still is. She wonders if he is ok. What is he doing? Is he in love? She knows not to think like this. That it wasn't fair to him. You can't love two people. You can only have one. She keeps telling herself. Kaname still sees Rai's on the weekend. Zero dropping Rai off at Kaname's townhouse. Yuki staying away. Doing her best to control her obsession with him. Hoping it goes away.

One day while all alone in the house. Zero is at work. The kids at school. Yuki sits down to write Kaname a letter. Like the ones, she use to do when he was in the ice coffin. She is hoping that it makes her feel better.

To my beloved Kaname,

I miss you so much. There isn't a day that goes by. I don't think of you. That I don't need you. I miss your voice and your gentle touch. I am staying away for both of our benefits. I want you to move on. I hope you are doing better than me. That night I came on to you. Still plays in my head. I don't want you to think. I did it to hurt Zero. I did it because I wanted you. I was drunk yes. But for the first time in my life, I let myself go. I did something. I really wanted to do. Be with you. To forget Zero. To forget all the pain in my life. I love you Kaname. I just wished. I would have shown it more. When we were together. I was scared and hurt. I never wanted to hurt like that again. So, I shut myself down. I hid my feelings. I am not writing this to make you feel bad. Or to hurt you. I just wanted you to know. How I truly felt. I know it can't go anywhere. I know. I'm stuck. As much as I miss you. I wanted to let you know. I will be staying away. If I don't, I may ruin whatever you have with Martha. I don't want to do that. I want you happy. I want you loved as you should be. With the person loving only you. Giving you all the attention you need and deserve. I just can't watch it. It hurts too much. I know. You watched me with Zero for years. I am sorry for all that pain. It was never my intention. I wish you nothing by happiness.

Love you always and forever,


Yuki then gets into the car and drives to the townhouse. Walking in. Knowing Kaname wouldn't be there. She places the note on his desk. Taking in his scent. Taking a look around. Everything like she left it. She leaves and goes home to the main house. Cooking dinner. Moving on. She feels free. That she finally let her real feelings out. Feeling she can now finally move on. That night she spends time with the kids and Zero. Having a great night. She looks at Zero, His loving eyes looking at her. She felt now. She had to only love him. Give herself fully to him again. She let go of a lot over this last month. Today was the final step. She did really love Zero. It wasn't that she didn't. It was with all that happened and all the pain. Sometimes it was just hard to look at him. Hard to be with him. This month was better. It was getting back to where they were. Just for her, it was taking time. Where Zero it was instant. Then again he wasn't the one hurt. He wasn't the one dumped and trashed in the paper. Yuki felt it would get there. Just keep letting the past go.

"Zero I was thinking. I would go back to the Cafe. At least three days a week. I think. It's time to return." Yuki states. "If that's what you want. That's fine with me. I think three days a week is great. That way you have the other time for yourself. Maybe we can even do something together." Zero replies. "That sounds great." Yuki responds. "You are happy here aren't you?" Zero asks. "Yes. Very. I had a few things to work through Zero. A lot I have moved on. It just takes time." Yuki admits. "Are you happy with me Yuki? Do you really want to be with me?" Zero asks. "What made you ask that?" Yuki answers. "I want to know the truth." Zero remarks. "I am happy with you. Zero I couldn't be anywhere else. I would only run back to you. I remember that month away from you. The pain. The suffering. I don't ever want to feel like that again." Yuki explains. "Is that only because of the bond Yuki? Because you have to be?" Zero responds. "I have been thinking a lot about that. For us to have that close of a bond, Then there is something to it. You just don't have that bond with anyone Zero. It's with the person you love the most. That is you. I would die for you." Yuki states. 

"I know you would. You almost did. I just need to know, you're not running back to Kaname." Zero asks. "No. I am not going back to Kaname. I am staying here with you and our children." Yuki replies. "Ok. I just needed to know where we stood. If this was going somewhere. Or you were changing your mind. I told you. I want you to be honest with me." Zero announces. "I am. I let go Zero. I have been doing it all month. " Yuki states. "Do you miss him?"Zero asks. "Yes. Of course, I do. I use to see him every day. Talk to him. Have lunch with him. It's hard to let go of someone that was part of you." Yuki admits. "I never said. You couldn't see him. It just came out of your own head." Zero remarks. "I needed a break from him as well. How can he move on with Martha? If I was always around. It's hard. I remember when we were together, and I always saw you. It made things hard. It made my feelings for you come back. Get in the way of the relationship. I don't want to do that to them. I am trying my hardest." Yuki admits. "I am glad you're not going to stop their relationship. I thought you might. I know your feelings for him grew when you were together. I am not blind. I am just glad you choose not to leave me." Zero remarks. "I am not going anywhere. Like you tell me all the time. I'm yours. I want us to work. Yes, our feelings grew closer. I had to let go of that as well. I have to move on. I know I can only love one person. I choose you." Yuki comments. "Good. I'm Glad." Zero replies.

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