Chapter 188 Stop!

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Chapter 188 STOP!

In the morning, While Yuki is laying in bed. She wants to tell Zero the truth. She would love to be completely honest with him. She just knows better. We are not there yet. Plus it was a great birthday for him. Let's not ruin it. She says to herself. We have grown, just not this far yet. Whatever Kaname was after last night, Yuki used it to Zero's advantage. He got to enjoy it all. Giving herself to him fully. Letting all her passion and desire be used on him. Still, she knew this couldn't happen again. She knew. Something was really wrong with Kaname. She needed to talk to him before they left.

Zero still laying in bed sleeping. He was tired from all of yesterdays activities. Yuki wore him out. Not that he was complaining. He was actually even a little sore, so was Yuki for that matter. Their lovemaking was never this rough. They just let go and let their passion take over. Zero loved it. Yuki let Zero sleep. She needed to see Kaname and ask what the hell was going on. It was best Zero wasn't on her coattails. While she did it. She gets dressed. Leaving the room quietly and Zero sleeping.

She walks down to Kaname's Room. The door opening as she gets there To Martha walking out. "Good Morning Yuki." Martha says. "Morning. Is it ok if I have a talk with Kaname before you guys leave?" Yuki asks. "Of course. It was a long night. I am starving. I am going to get some breakfast. Kaname is in the room. You can go talk to him." Martha states. "Thank you. Enjoy your breakfast." Yuki replies with a smile. Waiting for Martha to go downstairs before entering the room.

Yuki enters Locking the door behind her. Not wanting anyone to overhear or come in during the conversation. Kaname laying in bed. "My girl. You're here. Locking the door? I thought you would be scared too after last night? Or have you come for more just not as an image in your head. The real me." Kaname says in a seductive voice. "Kaname I need to talk to you. Whatever you did to me last night. You need to stop." Yuki states. "Didn't you like it?" Kaname asks. "That's not the point. The point is. I am with Zero. I love him. I choose him. Please stop this."Yuki pleads. "You really are staying with him? After everything, you feel for me? You are staying with him?!" Kamane asks. "Kaname please, I love you. Yes, I do. It's true. I can't deny it. Yes, you make me feel things. I never felt before. But I am not coming back. I made my decision. I need you to stop." Yuki admits. "I will grant your wish." Kaname responds. "Kaname why are you doing this? You were the one that knew better. Why now when I make myself clear you do this?" Yuki comments. "When you left it made it final. That my dream of us together was gone. Even if we were pretending. I see how you look at him. It kills me. I lost to him. A bastard Hunter. The most rudest son of a bitch. The Lord Kaname. Lost to...a level D." Kaname admits. "So that's what this is all about? Not me. That you lost to him. I know your always afraid to let yourself go with Martha. Your fear is in the way also. You need to stop." Yuki states. "I know. I don't know. What the hell has gotten into me? I think. I am going to go away for a few weeks. Take Martha on vacation. See how it goes. Without you and Zero. Knowing that we are still friends, that your here. Makes things better. I just need to let go of the rage. I am sorry for last night. That wasn't fair of me to use my power on you." Kaname admits.

 "Kaname. That has to stay between us only. Please. It was incredible. If Zero finds out. He will leave me. He told me if I ever did anything with you again. He was gone. I beg you. Please. Don't." Yuki begs. "My love. Do you really think? I would tell that...Ass. What we do? Not to mention you were totally innocent on the whole thing. I controlled you. Or at least your body that is. You fought me anyway. He got the pleasure of it anyway. I did all the work and he got the pleasure." Kaname snaps. "Martha did also. She thinks that was all for her benefit. Leave it that way Kaname. She loves you. Please let yourself enjoy it." Yuki remarks. "I will do my best. I won't be seeing you for a few weeks." Kaname comments. "Why did you send my butterfly back?" Yuki asks. "I wanted to get your attention. I knew that would do it. I am sorry. I don't know what I was thinking." Kaname replies. Yuki goes over and gives him a big hug. He holds her close kissing her head. She gets up and leaves the room.

Yuki walks back to her room. Zero up and dressed. "You ready to leave?" Yuki asks. "Yes. I was wondering where you went off to." Zero asks. "I had to discuss something with Kaname. He will be going away for a few weeks. He is taking Martha with him." Yuki announces. "Great. Maybe he will get out of the funk he is in." Zero states. "Maybe." Yuki answers.

Vampire Knight The Start of love.  Yuki X Zero. Part 1Where stories live. Discover now