Chapter 143 I Wish It was Me.

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Chapter 143 I wish it was me.

In the morning Yuki gets up. Zero still sees the sadness in her eyes. She takes her shower and gets ready to leave. Seeing him put on his work attire. "Do you want me to drive you back to the Cafe?" Zero asks. "No, Kamane will be dropping the kids off for school. I will just get a ride with him. Wouldn't want to take you away from your work." Yuki says sarcastically. "Babe. Please. I want to see you again tonight." Zero states. "I will be at the Cafe. Where I always am. I am going to go wait outside for Kamane. See you later. I guess." Yuki remarks. "No kiss?" Zero asks. Yuki walks up to Zero giving him a light kiss on his cheek. He grabs her and kisses her on her lips " I love you Yuki." Zero states. "I love you too. Please be careful." Yuki replies sadly. "I will. I promise. I will see you later on." Zero comments.

Yuki walks outside waiting for Kamane. She still is very upset with Zero. She just can't understand. Why he won't give this up. It just hurts her to the core. Zero walks out giving her a smile. Lightly touching her arm Before, he gets into his car to go to work. He sees Kamane pull up, dropping off the kids. Yuki getting into the car with him. Zero knows that Yuki is still holding a grudge against him. He is hoping it will fade like it always does. He isn't very fond that she goes closer to Kamane. When she is mad at him. Then he feels, she is just doing it to get a rise out of him. He understands that Yuki means well. Wanting to protect him like always. He also feels that He can take care of himself. He spent many years doing what Yuki wanted. It was his turn to do what he wanted. To say that to Yuki would hurt her. Only start another fight. He felt it was better to just let it go for now. She couldn't come home just yet. Which was another problem they faced. He knew. He couldn't stay away from her. Leaving her this mad at him. It would only fester. So that is why he was trying to see her every night. Spending as much time with her as he could. Without letting anyone know. He knew. She wanted to come home to him. To be the way they were. That made him feel good. That her want and desire for him was there. Its why she felt so strongly about this. Its why things about Kharis hurt her so much. It was just another bump in the road. Zero felt he could handle it. We have been through so much. We can get over this as well.

Yuki heads back to town with Kamane. She is very quiet on the way there. Kamane sees she is still very upset. "Will I see you for dinner tonight Yuki?" Kamane asks. "Yes. I will be coming home. Then I will go back to the cafe. Zero said. He will be coming down tonight. I guess if nothing else our fight got him to come over more."Yuki states. "Yuki I love you. I am always on your side. But do you think? That may be your being a little hard on Zero? He is very good at what he does. He is trained not to mention all the powers you gave him. He can handle this." Kamane states. "Wow, you're on his side now? YOU? To be honest it's not only that. Its that he doesn't really care. How I feel. He just did it." Yuki admits. "He is his own person. Yuki. I know you been dealing with a lot of stuff lately. So has he. This makes him feel good. Let him do. What he wants. You let me do what I want." Kamane remarks. "Your Lord Kamane. It would kind of be hard to tell you what to do." Yuki remarks. "That has never stopped you before." Kamane Chuckles. "Yea, Yea." Yuki remarks.

Yuki heads to the Cafe. Standing behind the counter, thinking about what Kamane said. She always had this fear for Zero. Always wanting to protect him. Almost dying for him. While she is there thinking about all this. Zero and Martha walk into the Cafe. Both of them walking up to the counter. "Good Morning Yuki." Zero says. "Yes, Good Morning Zero." Yuki replies. "Hi Yuki, can we please have two coffee's and two sandwiches for lunch." Martha states. " Of Course. How are you doing Martha?" Yuki asks. "Really good. It's so great being trained by the president. This job is really awesome so far." Zero walking to the table to get his seat. "Zero is really good at his job isn't he?" Yuki asks. "Yes. More then you can image. You should see him out there. Its like he was just meant for it." Martha replies. Yuki just staring at Zero. " You still care for him Yuki. Its written all over you at times. I see you love Kamane. But the fire for Zero is still there. Even if he won't admit it." Martha comments. "Zero and I are no longer Martha. We haven't been for a while." Yuki remarks. "I know the rumors going around. I am sure that hurt you badly. I just don't understand it. He doesn't seem like the type that would ever do that to you. He seems so faithful." Martha admits. "Zero was faithful. He was a great husband. We were extremely happy. People just got in our way. It wasn't Zero fault." Yuki states. "Wow, never heard an ex say that before. It's nice that you two can still be friends." Martha replies. " Yea we try. We have our moments of wanting to kill each other." Yuki laughs. Zero walking over to the women. "What are you two talking about?" Zero asks. "You of course." Yuki smiles. "Ok never thought I was that popular." Zero replies. "Oh Come on. You know you are. " Martha laughs. "Of course Mr. President. You are very popular." Yuki smirks. " Ok, you two that's enough. Where is my lunch?" Zero says.

Zero and Martha go back to the table. Zero talking and eating their lunch. "You know. She stills cares about you. Don't you Zero?" Martha states. "Don't be silly. She is with Lord Kamane." Zero replies. "Oh come on. You can't be that blind. I am not one to care about the Hunter and pureblood crap Zero. Love is Love. Her eyes dance. When you walk into this place. Just talking about you. She lights up. She even said you leaving her wasn't your fault. She made you out to be the best guy. And you dumped her." Martha states. "Please, You and the others need to stop with saying. I dumped her. It wasn't like that. DO you know? How that hurts her? Damn it." Zero replies. "See, You do care still to. If she ever leaves Kamane. I want first dibs. I would do anything to go out with him." Martha states. "That's what you're after?" Zero comments. "Yes. I took this job to get close to him. I know. He is married, but I can't help it. He is sooo Hot. So calm. So put together. I can stare at him all day."Martha says blushing. Zero bursts out laughing. Yuki looks over never seeing Zero laugh out loud like that before. "Are you ok Zero?" Martha asks. "Yea. never been better. Trust me. That was the best thing I heard in my whole lifetime." Zero replies. Finishing his lunch. With a smile on his face the whole time.

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