Chapter 91 Please don't

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Chapter 91 Please don't.

A few weeks later, They are at work in the Cafe. Zero is doing his best to work but really doesn't feel well. He sits down at his desk. He falls asleep. After a few hours, and the lunch hour has calmed down. Yuki goes into his office to see. What he is up to. "Sleeping on the job? Really Zero?" Yuki says. As she walks into the office. Walking up to him to smack him on the back of the head. She notices. How hot to the touch he is. The sweat coming off his head. "Zero, Wake up, Zero...Please Wake up." Yuki says in a scared tone. Zero wakes up, but very groggy. " Zero your burning up. We need to get you home."She says. She goes to get a wet towel. Rubbing down his head and neck. "Thank you that feels good. He says sluggish. She goes to Yori and tells her, she will be taking Zero home. To please watch over the Cafe. She tries her best to lift Zero, and take him to the car. Putting him in the passenger seat.

 On the way home. She keeps staring at him. His silver hair filled with sweat, his eyes closed. Sweat just dripping down his face. She holds his hand the whole ride. Feeling very nervous and upset. Once home, Hanabusa is outside with the kids playing. He sees. She is trying to lift Zero. He goes over to help. "What's Wrong?" Hanabusa asks. "Zero has a very high fever. I need to get him inside, and up to bed." Yuki responds. "I will help you. Damn. He is soaked." Hanabusa states. "I know. He has been like this for awhile." Yuki states. They both lay him on the bed. Yuki taking his soaked shirt off. Getting a towel and drying off his body. Putting on a dry shirt and pants. "Hanabusa please take care of the kids tonight. I want to look after Zero. I don't want the kids to get. Whatever he has." Yuki asks. "Sure not a problem. I will get back to them."Yuki. Then goes into the bathroom getting a wet cool wash rag and some medicine for Zero. She wipes down his face and neck, Trying to cool him down some. Lifting his head to give him the medicine. Zero not very responsive. "Zero, if you hear me. Please get better. Please. "She says to him as she slides into the bed. Holding him in her arms. Tears falling down her face. " Zero you did it again. The feelings are back. Please, I can't live without you." She Confesses. She holds him in her arms. wiping down his face. Staying there all night. In the morning, she wakes. She feels Zeros head, but it's still the same. He is still extremely hot. She slides herself from under him. Going to call the Doctor.

"Doctor. Will he be ok?" Yuki asks extremely upset. "I believe so. I left some medicine upstairs to bring the fever down. If it doesn't in a few days, we will have to admit him into the hospital. Let's just see, if it goes down. It's probably just a regular Fever. Keep doing. What you're doing." The doctor replies. Yuki goes back upstairs, where she wipes him down again. Changes his pj's. Giving him more medicine and leaving him to sleep. She goes into the bathroom, where it hits her. The realization of just how much, she does care for him. The pain, if something would happen to him. She sits on the bathroom floor, sobbing. She did everything. She could to fight these feelings, and they were back tenfold. She looks down at her hands. Her left hand still wearing the engagement ring from Kamane. The Right wearing her real wedding band. She takes off the Engagement ring and places her Real ring back, where its suppose to be. Placing the engagement ring in her jewelry box. She goes back out, to the bedroom going over to Zero. Checking him again. She lifts him up to slide herself under him, to hold his head and chest into her arms. She stays there wiping his head. Placing kisses, as she pushes back his wet silver hair. She looks down at his hand, seeing he never took his ring off either. She holds his hand in hers. "Zero, I love you. I can't help to be afraid of these feelings. They are so strong. They take over my whole being. I need you to get better. I need you here with me." She says tears flowing. She falls asleep. Holding him in her arms. His head laying on her chest.

In The morning, when she wakes. He feels a little cooler to her touch. She brushes back his hair, placing a kiss on his far head. "Hm, That felt good." Zero replies. "Zero! How do you feel? " She says. Placing small kisses all over his pale face. "Good, Keep going." He says with a smirk and one eye peeking. " With relief, she gives him a hug. "Hey, I'm fine." Zero responds. "Here you need to drink some water. I don't want you to get dehydrated. Are you hungry?" Yuki asks. "Maybe a little. " He says pushing himself to sit up." I will go get you some soup. I will be right back." Yuki says as she leaps out from behind him. Fluffing his pillows, so he can sit back "Thank you." He replies. She goes downstairs to get the soup. Bringing it back up to him. She sits in the chair, next to the bed. Blowing on the spoonful of soup and feeds him. Zero not sure what to say. It's been a long time since she has seen the tender sweet Yuki. The one that wants to take care of him. The one that wants to protect him. As she is feeding him, he notices her left hand. That Kamanes ring is gone, and his is there. Where it should be. A warm feeling takes over his whole body. " How long was I out?" Zero asks. "Four long days. You were on fire. You should probably change your pj's again and take your medicine. " Yuki states. "You been changing my pj's?" Zero asks. "Yes, silly its nothing I haven't seen before. You couldn't stay in them, they were soaked. You would get a chill." Yuki comments. Zero noticing the difference in her. " Well, I hope you liked what you saw. " He says. Realizing. She is still in the same dress from the other day. " To be honest I didn't notice, I was so concerned with making you better." She explains.

 " I am doing better. Thank you for taking care of me." Zero says. "Your welcome. I'm going to go take a well needed shower and change." Yuki states. "Ok, I am going to watch some TV." Zero states. "Well, I guess you are feeling better. I am so glad. " Yuki responds. She grabs a clean pair of underwear and a nightie. Heading to the shower. Letting the warm water run. She gets in and lets it run all over her. Finally able to take a deep breath. All the worriment of the last few days, washing away. When she is done, she dries herself off, putting on her clothes. Walking into the bedroom. Zero just watching TV and being his normal self. She just smiles at him. She goes downstairs, where she gets a bowl of ice cream and adds some sprinkles. She gets two spoons, heading back upstairs. She climbs into bed and snuggles close to Zero. Handing him a spoon. "Here ya go." She says with a smile. "Thank you, babe." He says. Taking in how sweet she is. She looks at him and places a light kiss on his cheek. "What was that for?" He asks. "Because I love you." She says to him. He looks up at her surprised to hear those words. Its been so long. He longed to hear those words out of her mouth again. " I love you to Yuki. I always have. Always will." Zero replies back. Placing a light soft kiss on her lips. The spend the night finishing their ice cream. Watching TV in each other's arms.

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