Chapter 109 Zero's Emotions.

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Chapter 109 Zero's Emotions.

Early in the morning. Yuki gets up. Making breakfast, getting the kids ready for school. Zero just walks in and sits at the breakfast table. Very quiet, very down. A part of him, lost. His feelings were all over the place. Trying to figure out, what he was going to do. Not wanting this life, he worked so hard for. To disappear. This relationship lately was getting harder and harder to work at. There was always something in the way. Something never letting them get back to where they were. He could just give up, and let nature take its course. That just wasn't like him. He just couldn't sit back and let it go. So lost in his thoughts, he didn't even hear Yuki calling him to go. She had to call him about three times before he even heard her voice.

"Zero, Its time to go." Yuki says, coming into the kitchen, putting her hand on his shoulder. "Yea. Ok. Sorry." Zero responds. "Are you ok Zero?" Yuki asks. "Yea. Just was thinking. I'm Fine. I will be right out." Zero states. Not wanting to show her, how lost and upset. He really is. He grabs his lunch and heads to the door. Locking it. Getting into the car. On the way to the Cafe, they are both quiet. Yuki noticing that Zero isn't his normal self. She knew. The conversation got to him. It just made her feel worse. They always just hurt each other lately. It was getting old. How could two people that would die for each other? Cause each other so much pain.

Once at the Cafe. Yuki sees Kamane there already. Her heart drops to the floor. Running into the kitchen. Her emotions taking over. Zero just watched and went behind the counter. Not saying a word. Kamane just standing there baffled. "Ok, What's wrong now?" Kamane asks. "A lot. She is tired of this situation. The child. You, me. The whole thing. She wants her life back. She is going to leave for a bit, after the weekend. She needs space from us all." Zero states coldly. "Oh, I knew. It wouldn't be long for her to feel that way. She loved her freedom when we were together. She no longer has that. "Kamane admits. "No, you don't help by coming here every day. I know. You are trying for the child, But it just makes things worse. She has no life. Just thrown with you and the child." Zero admits. "Doesn't she want to be with me? I Mean we are friends. We get along great." Kamane answers. "I guess sometimes its ok. Just not every day. She came back to me remember Kamane?" Zero snaps. "Yes. How can I forget? This isn't about that. It's about the child. I want to make up for all I lost with Ai. I want to show him. I will always be there for him." Kamane remarks. "I understand that. I don't even mind it. Just you need to give space. The child seems to be a bit closer to you now. You don't need her up your ass all the time." Zero barks. " I am sure. We can work something out." Kamane answers. "Yea. Well, I'm not sure. If she isn't here. She is taking the child with her. She said. She would never leave him. So you won't be seeing the kid for a bit. I won't be seeing her." Zero snaps harshly. "Where is she going?" Kamane asks. "I don't know. She hasn't told me yet. I need for you to take the kids this weekend. DON'T call or bother us. I am sure. The kid can handle a weekend. You will have ZJ and Anna to help you. I need to make it. That she wants to come back. Otherwise, she just might dump us both. As you feared." Zero remarks. "I will stay away. She always talks to me. She didn't tell me. How she was feeling. I could have helped." Kamane replies. "She didn't want to tell me either. It took a lot. She is dealing with a lot of feelings. The pain this kid is suffering hurts her as well." Zero states. "I know. It does me as well. I will take him this afternoon. I will bring him back at closing time." Kamane answers. "Great. That will give her time to be her." Zero replies.

Kamane grabbing the child. Taking him with him. "Wow, Kamane took him today to?" Yuki asks. "Yes. You can have some time to do whatever you want." Zero answers. "Sounds good. I miss just being in charge of the Cafe. Seeing all the people come in and out. I would like to man the counter today. " Yuki states. "Sure. I can leave you be." Zero responds. "No. Would you stay? It would be nice to spend some time together. Just us." Yuki comments. "That's fine with me. I would like that also. I just know. You like your alone time as well." Zero replies. "I don't want to be alone today. I want to be with you." Yuki says with a smile. Zero smiles back. Feeling a tad better. Seeing that her feelings are there. She just needs to work through the pain and hurt she is also feeling. He knows. He always overreacts. When it comes to her. He can't help himself. Like she was saying the obsession takes over. The panic of him losing her. He sees more now than ever. What she was afraid of. What she meant.

They spend all afternoon and evening together. Working and just simply, being with each other. Having lunch, talking. Doing things they haven't done with each other for awhile. How she will lightly touch his hand. Or even pass by him, giving him a kiss on his shoulder. He sees this cloud lift from above her. When the child and Kamane aren't around. That sparks of herself come through. He sees. How this new situation holds her down. He wishes. He could take it away. Change things, but how. The child was here now. Not of her choice. Not even of Kaname's. It was just thrown at all of them. Something they had to deal with. They dealt with worse. They can handle this. Zero thought. Just as long as, I can make her want to come back to me. It was his only fear. That her going away, having peace, the want to come back to either of them would diminish.

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