Chapter 53 Are you sure?

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Chapter 53 Are you sure?

A few days go by. Hanabusa walks in on Zero reading his daily paper. "Hey man, What's up?" Hanabusa says. "Not much just reading my paper, and relaxing with my coffee. If you want a cup? Take one." Zero says. "Thank you. I think. I will. What was up a few days ago at the party? You were really attached to Yuki. A Little more then normal." Hanabusa States. "Yea. I stayed close, so he couldn't get her alone. I also showed him. How close we are. For him to move along. At first i did it to spit him, but i do really love being that close to her." Zero admits. "Yea. It looked like Kamane was fuming. He tried to keep his cool, but I have become good at reading him. It looked like a few times, he wanted to go over to her. Then you would appear out of no where." Hanabusa comments. "Yea. I noticed that. It was fun to see him squirm. It was also nice that all night. Yuki didn't even notice him. I had her so enwrapped in me. I love to see, how i can make her feel. She loses all control. It makes me Crazy. Kamane can't take that away or change it." Zero admits. "That might be true, but are you going to do this all the time? I am sure there will be more events. That he will be there. You can't take her every five minutes all the time." Hanabusa laughs. "No. I don't plan to do that all the time. I will stand close to her. Make sure not to leave her alone, so he can't get to her. Maybe he will get the idea, and go away." Zero comments. " I don't think. He is going away Zero. I mean. He should know better. You two have been married for a really long time. He should respect that. It just seems to make him want her more. There is attraction there. Its visible Zero." Hanabusa states. "I know, but she does her best to ignore it . As long as she doesn't want to act on it ,i'm good with it. I knew. When he was back there would be some complications. I knew. He would be in the way. She doesn't seem to let him be though. She is trying to stay away. Its him, that is being the pain." Zero claims. " I know. I think he realized what he let go. The more he sees you, and her together. The more he wants ,what you two have. He feels your living his life." Hanabusa says. " Well, that's too damn bad. Isn't it? No one told him to do what he did. And even if he didn't, that doesn't mean she would of stayed with him. She always loved me and wanted me. We were just slow at getting together." Zero says. "True, but you know. You always think about what could of been?" Hanabusa states. "True." Zero replies.

Yuki coming down the stairs in her robe yawning. "Good Morning gentlemen." She says. Walking over to Zero, kissing his head. " Would you like some Coffee babe?" Zero asks. As Hanabusa, says morning. "Sure, thank you Zero. I have been so tired lately. I just want to go to sleep, and I just got up." Yuki states. "Well, you had the party to get ready for. You also had a lot of other parties to do. Maybe you need a little break? " Zero says. "Maybe, I Think today, I'm going to just rest in my pj's." Yuki says. " I Will leave you boys to your own thing." She winks at them going back upstairs with her coffee. Hanabusa laughing at Zero," Your wearing the poor woman out. " Zero looks back with a grin.

Later in the day. Zero goes upstairs. Where Yuki is laying in bed watching TV. " Hey, handsome." She says. " Hey, babe. You ok?" Zero asks. "Yes, I'm fine, just relaxing. I just don't have any energy today." Yuki states. "You wore yourself out. Get some rest. I will make dinner tonight." Zero says. "Oh, I love that. I love when you cook." Yuki says. For the rest of the day, Yuki takes it easy. Just relaxing. Dinner time comes. Zero brings up Roman noodles. "Hmm, Smells good." Yuki states. As Zero puts the plates down on the table in their room. Yuki walking over to the chair to sit down to eat with Zero. "Reminds me of when we were teens." Yuki smiles at Zero. "Yes, it does babe. That was a long time ago." Zero adds. Yes, it sure was. I love knowing you all these years. Sharing so many memories with you." She says. "Same here." Zero answers. "You still tired babe?" Zero asks. "Yes, babe. I haven't felt like this since I was pregnant with the twins." Yuki says. Zeros eyes open wide. "Yuki do you think? " " Oh My, I'm not sure. I haven't taken a test in a long time. I kind of gave up on the idea. Its been over a year since we went to the doctor. " Yuki says. " I think you should take a test." Zero suggests. "Ok, Oh Zero. Just the thought gives me goosebumps." Yuki comments. " Don't get too excited yet babe ok? Let's see what the test says first." Zero remarks. "Ok let me go take it." Yuki goes into the bathroom, and takes the test, bringing it out, placing it on the table. " Zero I can't look. I'm scared it's going to say no again. You do it." She says to him. " Ok, Well let's see. Hmm. He says. "Oh come on. Well? What does it say? The suspense is killing me." Yuki says going over, sitting on Zeros lap. "Well what color would you want Pink or blue this time?" Zero asks with a smile. " Really? Your not playing with me right?" Yuki says. " No Babe, there is two lines." Zero says. "Oh Zero we did it! We finally did it. I am so happy!" Yuki says rubbing her tummy, giving Zero a great big hug. " Its so great, seeing you so happy babe." Zero says. " Oh Zero you don't know how much i wanted this. I yearned for a baby, but it just wasn't happening. So, I kind of gave up. I don't want to say anything, until after Ai has her baby. I don't want to overshadow her. I want it special for her. Its her first." Yuki comments. "Ok. That's fine. The doctor did say once you wouldn't be stressed, it would happen. You gave up and it did. " Zero explains. "I don't care. How it happened as long as it did. Another cute little Zero running around." She states. Zero laughing "It could be another cute Yuki running around to you know." " I Don't care. What it is, as long as its part of you. I'm good with either. " Yuki remarks. " Zero just smiles up at Yuki. Happy as he can be. This was the best news. He heard. It just made them even closer then they were. Wait till Kamane hears this. No Matter what. Zero would say it was always a computation between both men.

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