Chapter 22 Tell me the Truth

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Chapter 22 Tell me the truth

It's been a few weeks. Zero and Yuki are getting along good. Zero feels a lot better, now. That he has seen into Yuki's Heart. He now knows. She really loves him. That makes him feel secure and happy. He is doing his best to let go of the things of the past. To not worry about Kaname. To just enjoy, what is happening now. There is no mention of bringing Kamane back. Which makes him feel good as well.

Yuki is still working on planning Ai's wedding. She enjoys it. Enjoys being with Ai. Her and Ai are very close. Ai knows more about, what is going on. Then she lets on. She is not a baby anymore. She sees and hears all.

"Hello, Mother," She says. Entering the room. Yuki sitting at the desk going over arrangements. "Hello sweety" She comments. "How are you today?" Yuki asks. "I'm doing good mom, and you?" "Pretty good." "How did it go mother?" She asks. "It went well. He saw everything. He is now at ease." Yuki says. "Did you hide? How you feel about my father, mom?" Yes, somewhat I did." "You can hold back I did on that part, but nothing else. Zero saw everything, and everything true. Your blood doesn't lie Ai. You can choose, what to hide but that's all. "So he didn't see how you yearn for my father? How you do want to bring him back, but won't due to Zero's feelings?"Ai Asks. "No. He didn't see all that Ai." Yuki replies. "Not that you write him little notes? Put them all in a box. Hiding them in the back of the closet Mother?"Ai responds. "Ai. stop. No none of that. Some things are personal. You know. I have been dealing with this for so many years Ai. It's hard and not fair to be in love with two men. It's not fair to them or to me. You can't be with both of them. So. I choose to be with Zero."Yuki states. "I know mother. I love Daddy Zero. He has always been there for me. He really is the only daddy. I know. I don't want to hurt him either."Ai responds. "I know. Ai. Same here. I love Zero with all my heart. I will do anything to protect him. If I bring back your real father, it will only make things complicated again. Even more so then it is now. If I see him or hear his voice. I don't know. How I will respond. So I'm not taking that chance. Right now We have your wedding. I do still have two small children to take care of." Yuki explains. "Well, of Course, Mother, you can't let anything happen to your special little Ren." "Not you to Ai."Yuki sighs. 

"Oh, Mother everyone sees it. We know. How you care for him. He is your little Zero. Just not so damaged."Ai responds. "Ai!" "You know. It's true mother. Don't hide it. I can see right through you Mother. I drink your blood. I know it all. You don't hide anything from me." Ai reveals."No. I don't" Says Yuki. "Your so much like your father, it kills me at times."Yuki admits. "Yes. I know that too." Ai responds. Ai, are you sure you want to marry Seiya? "Mothe.r How could you even ask that? Of course i do."Ai Snaps. "I wasn't asking to be rude or mean Ai. Its just" ...taking a pause... "He isn't a pureblood like us. He will die. Your children will die. You will live to see them all gone."Yuki states. "Oh" Ai responds. "Yes. I thought of that. I am a pure blood. I have my fathers powers. I can give Seiya the power. You gave Zero. So he can live with me always."Ai Comments. "Yes" Yuki responds "but not your children. It kills me to know. That i will watch Ren and Aiko pass. "So Sorry mother. I am sure that will hurt to see. I don't want to see that happen to them either."Ai states. "Ai, my dear daughter, before you give Seiya that power. Please ask if he wants it. Don't make the choice for him." Yuki says. Like you did for Zero? Mother. "My need to protect him always takes over. Any sense I have. I never asked. I just did. I don't think. He resents me giving him the power. He just resented. How i got it." Yuki states. "Mother you can't really blame him for that can you? I mean, would you like if your lover, would sleep with his ex Mother?"Ai remarks. No, I wouldn't. It would kill me to see Zero with anyone else. I thought once Maria was with him and my heart sunk. "Mother you know better then that. Zero would never cheat on you. The guilt would kill him, if he even got that far."Ai comments. "True" Yuki says. "I also do agree mother. I will ask him, if he wants to. If so i will do it on our wedding night." Ai explains to her mother. "That sounds very nice Ai. I don't see why he would refuse." Yuki states. "True mother but Yori won't turn and Hanabusa is still upset. The thought of watching her die. Hurts him badly."Ai confindes. I understand that Ai. Its how i felt about Zero. Its why your father gave me the power. 

"Mother, i love you very much. And from all i heard my father would do anything to protect you. He didn't give you the power for Zero, He gave it so that you would have the power to survive having the twins. He was coming. He knows everything somehow. Zero was just part of the plan like always."Ai States. Yuki nods her head. "Yes Ai. Zero is always put in the middle of this. I always hated. How your father would drag Zero into our problems. Zero's life was hell because of it. I guess. That's another reason i protect him so much. I feel guilty . If it wasn't to protect me, and Kill Rido so many years ago. Maybe Zero would of had a regular life. He would of stayed a Human." Yuki states. Maybe Mother, but then you would of never known him. Never fell in love with him. He would of just been the Vampire Hunter. "Yes Ai maybe it would of been better. I would of been with your father . Had you and things wouldn't be so complicated for all of us. None of this hurt would of happened." Yuki answers. Things don't work that way Mother. You should know that by now. "Unfortunately i do Ai. With your father gone. I am the Pureblood Queen. You are the Princess. That leaves us in charge. I make the decisions now. I have to be strong. So no fear, no emotion. That was hard for me. I always wore my emotions on my sleeve. For you its different. You are exactly your father. Cool, calm never showing how you feel. That was something, i had to learn. Something you two were born with."Yuki admits. "You do very well mother. You have grown into a very strong woman. It takes a Strong woman to realize its best to leave him sleep. No matter what her heart is saying." Ai, says. "Ai, you have strong powers. You have mine and your fathers. I want you to make sure. You know. What they are. Use them when need be. I let you learn some when you were smaller. Now you should train more and be able to fight for yourself. Your father Zero is going to let Ren start training. He will be a Vampire hunter. It worry's me so. I can't turn him Ai. I can't make him have Pure blood powers. Yuki says sadly. Mother don't worry. He is half pureblood, so he has the power in him. He should be fine. Zeros powers are triple due to what you gave him and what he had." "He drank from you, and dad. If need be Ren can drink from me. That way his powers will be increased. That would make it two purebloods. He drank from. To be honest though i think Aiko will be a better hunter. She has no fear. She is fully independent. Ren is the softer twin. He is very kind."Ai Remarks. "I know Ai that's why i worry so much. I don't see him as a killer." Yuki states. "I will do anything. I can to help Mother just let me know. I love them both dearly. Even though sometimes they are both very annoying."

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