Chapter 169 Sucker for Pain.

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Review, please. What do you think about Kaname with Martha? Do you think it will work?

Chapter 169. Sucker for pain.

Zero figures. He should go see Yuki. As he is thinking that. He gets a message from her saying. She is going home. No need to pick her up. She will already be at the main house. She isn't feeling well and needs some rest. Zero now knowing. She is really upset. At least she texted me and let me know. It's better than wondering where she is. He thought. Figuring. He better go home early and see what state she was in.

Zero packs up and gets ready to go home. Martha coming into his office. "Good afternoon Martha. How was your night?" Zero asks. "Incredible. I told him the truth and he excepted me. We spent the night together. I never felt anything like that before in my life." Martha explains. "Good for you. I am so glad for the both of you." Zero responds. "Yuki walked in on us kissing this morning. It was like she saw a ghost." Martha replies. "A ghost?"Zero answers. "Yes. Like she was here before. Like it reminded her of something." Martha states. "I thought. She would be upset just because you were kissing Kaname." Zero adds. "I am sure. It was some of that. But there was something else there." Martha comments. "I am going home now. I will see how she is. Thank you for keeping me updated. Like I said before congrats. I hope you two make each other happy." Zero remarks. "He makes me very happy. I Just hope I can do the same for him."

Zero walks to the car thinking. Looked like she saw a ghost? Did the kiss remind her of him and Kharis? It wouldn't be a stretch. It was the only thing happening lately. He figured not to keep thinking just to ask and see. On his way home he stopped for some takeout. He pulled up into his driveway. Seeing Yuki's car parked there. He saw. She was really here. He goes inside to a quiet house. He places the take-out food on the kitchen counter, then heads upstairs. He opens the bedroom door and finds Yuki sleeping again on his side of the bed. This time in her regular clothes. Curled up into a ball. Zero goes over and sits next to her. Putting his hand on her back rubbing it up and down.

 "Babe are you ok?" Zero asks. "Zero your home."She answers. Sitting up and wrapping her arms around him. "Tell me what happened today. I want you to be able to talk to me. Like you do to Kaname. I am here for you. I will do my best to keep my cool."Zero remarks. "It was horrible. I walked in and Martha was kissing Kaname. I felt like I had to throw up. I couldn't stop shaking." Yuki replies. "Was that because it hurt you to see her with him?" Zero asks. "In a way yes. I have to say I wasn't excepting that. In another way, it was like walking in on you with her. It was like reliving it again. I know I said this morning I would let go. It just hit me. Hard. " Yuki admits." So you were upset because it reminded you of that time with me?" Zero asks. "Yes. You are mine aren't you Zero?" Tears flowing down her face."Babe, of course, I am. I always have been. I swear. I don't want any other. I don't know. What to do to show you. I'm not going anyway. I am fighting the past I didn't even create." Zero states. "I know. I am sorry. I just can't help it. I found these in the draw. When I came home. They have been sitting there for ten years." Yuki says showing Zero the divorce papers. "Oh god babe. I threw them into the drawer years ago. You remember our deal. IF we ever changed our minds." Zero remarks. "Zero rip them up. Take them away. Like they never happened." Yuki says tearfully." If that's what you truly want. That's fine with me. Look. I get one side of them. You get the other. We tear them apart together. I asked for this when I was controlled. It wasn't me." Zero remarks. "I know. Its why I want them gone. They don't exist." Yuki responds. As both of them rip them to shreds. Yuki kissing Zero and holding him tight.

He sees that the plan is going in his favor. It wasn't all about Kaname. It was about the past. LIke it has been for the last few months. Zero knew that all that had hurt Yuki. He just is seeing how badly now. How that time changed her life. That it would be with them forever no matter what. The pain was evident in her eyes. No matter how strong she was, That could tear her down and apart within minutes. Just like Kaname did to Zero. Zero was learning to control himself better. He would still flare up at times but he did his best to hold his emotions in tack. It was Yuki now that was flying off the handle. It was funny how their feelings towards each other could control them like that. It was also a very scary thing. To be able to control someone else's emotions like this was awful in a way. They both knew. What hurts the other the most. Now that the papers were no longer. Zero hoped that would help Yuki heal. That she knew. They were not there anymore. They would get mad at each other. Which even though they had their big fights. Neither of them ever brought up that they would sign them to get rid of the other. Maybe Yuki would ask here and there if Zero wanted out. But that is as far as it went. Now they weren't looming over them. Zero actually felt a relief in them being gone. Hoping she felt the same. Wishing they had never been at all.

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