Chapter 97 What the Hell?

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Chapter 97 What THE hell?

It's in the morning. Zero is up. Just watching Yuki sleep. As much as he tries, he still can't get that Video out of his mind. He knows. He needs to let it go. It's just not as easy, as he would like. Yuki starts moving around, rubbing up close to Zero. Her hands on his chest. She starts placing light kisses on his chest. He moans lightly. * His body wanting more, but his mind still hurt. Yuki leans up to kiss his lips. Zero kisses back. Yuki slides herself on top of Zero's warm, slender body. Kissing and nibbling his lips down to his tattoo. Kissing, licking and giving it a lot of attention. He lays there just taking in the pleasure. Trying to close his eyes. To let go of his Jealousy. Yuki kisses down his chest. To his belly button. Where she gives it special attention. Licking and kissing. Zero moans more, as he can't stop his body from reacting. He stops her kisses. Lifting her up to his lips. Kissing her passionately. Turning her over, taking control. Figuring. He would use. The special new tricks she taught him. On her. Figuring the best revenge is being even better at this. To show her. What he really can do. He then licks and places butterfly kisses on her neck down to her breasts. Making her moan. He lightly caresses and sucks on her nipples. Spending time on each of them. He kisses down her belly button. Lifting her leg to kiss the inside of her thigh. Making her wet and want more. He can sense, and smell her desire for him. She grabs his face pulling it up toward her lips. Kissing him, with all her might. Wrapping her legs around him. Pushing him and his engorged member against her heat. Her hands rubbing his back, pushing him closer to her. He lightly removes her panties. Then he removes his pj's pants. Hating to break contact. Her foot still rubbing against his thigh. Making him goes crazy. He slides back on top of her. Kissing her again. There naked lower regions pressing together. She gives out a moan. Which sends him over the edge. He lightly pushes into her. Making her scream. He stops, as he is in her, teasing her. Making her crave more. "Zero, Please!" Yuki shouts. Then he pushes out and in slowly, making her beg. As he would stop and almost push all the way out. Making her Insides burn with desire. Watching her reactions only got him hotter. She is biting her lip, trying to control herself. He pushes back in and goes faster. As he goes faster and faster Yuki pushes herself closer to him, with her legs wrapped tight around his waist. Scratching his back with her nails. She can't control herself anymore. She feels it build inside her. She grinds herself up against him. As she explodes, she screams out his name. Which totally sends him railing. He lefts out one large moan and screams out YUKI! As he then explodes inside her. Falling on top of her in a heap of sweat.*

Breathing heavy, and both trying to now catch there breathe. "Zero. That was hot!" Yuki states. "Yea I figured. I would show you a few things this time." He grins. "Anymore tricks up your sleeve?" Yuki smirks."Never know. I may have a few more." Zero remarks. "Babe, I know. I don't want to leave this bed. I need to though. There is a lot going on. I need to figure out, who is doing this to us. I am not sure if you know, but Kamane spent the night also. He is also trying to figure this out." Zero comments. "That's fine. I don't have the problem with him. You do. " Yuki states. "Well at the moment, I will have to put that behind me. This person is doing this to all of us." Zero states. " I guess. We need to leave the warm bed then." Yuki says. Kissing him on his lips." They both get up shower and get dressed. They then head downstairs to Zeros Office. Where Kamane is already there. Talking on the phone. "Good morning you two. So glad to see you up and ok Yuki." Kamane says. Yuki walks over to Kamane and gives him a hug. Zero shoots a glare that could kill. "Thank you Kamane. I am feeling much better today. I am not letting this person, change my feelings or Control me." Yuki states. "Thats my girl. You are too strong for that." Kamane replies. Zero doesn't answer. As he knows out of the three of them. It took over him. Even after this morning. He still can't let that video go. To watch Kamane and Yuki interact with each other in person, didn't help his cause at all. "I was just talking to Yagari. I am going to head down the Association.

 I am wanting to bring my video and the envelopes. So that he can test for fingerprints. I can't take the other video, since its showing a bit much. The one sent to me. Only shows Zero being an ass, So it should be fine." Kamane Comments. Zero Growls at Kamane. "I think its best, if I go, and not you two."Kamane also remarks. "Yes, I think that's a great idea." Yuki states. As they are standing there talking. Hanabusa comes in. "Hello, all. Just here again being the delivery guy." He winks handing an envelope to Yuki. Yuki opens the envelope to find a small note. What if there was baby number two? Mommy Yuki, Daddy who? Yuki reads out loud. "What the hell does that mean? What baby number two?" Yuki asks. "I have no idea."Zero states. Kamane standing there just as confused as them. "Who is baby one Then?" Kamane asks. "Well if we are going on the timeline, that this seems to be coming from. Anna would be baby number one." Zero comments. "Kharis only have one child? Right?" Yuki asks. "Yes, she only had Anna. Only with the help of your egg and my sperm." Zero remarks. "You don't think...there is another? Why daddy who?" Yuki asks. "Well, if she can take your Egg, I am guessing. She could put it with whoever she wanted to." Kamane remarks. "OH god. I hope not!" Yuki answers. "Look let's not freak out. There may not even be a real baby. We don't have a clue what this nut is talking about." Zero comments. "Look Zero is right. Let's not jump the gun. Give me the letter. I will take it to the Association also." Kamane states.

Kamane leaves. Going to the Association. Zero and Yuki are left behind. All afternoon Yuki can't stop thinking about that letter. What baby? Was it a real one? Was it just a game? Her heart grew hurt. Thinking there might be a child of hers out there. No matter who the father, it would be hers. Thinking how could this be. How could someone use her eggs like this? Never thinking so many years ago, when she was trying her hardest to have a child. This would ever happen. it would be used against her.

Vampire Knight The Start of love.  Yuki X Zero. Part 1Where stories live. Discover now