Chapter 94 I want you.

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Sexual matter, The asterisks will show you where if you want to avoid. REVIEW PLEASE

Chapter 94 I want you!

Zero and Yuki Take the kids home. Yuki carries sleeping Anna to her room. Taking off her shoes. Gently putting her in bed. Kissing her head. She then goes to check on ZJ. Who is in bed playing his video games as nothing happened. She kisses his head and tells him not to stay up too late. She then heads to Zeros room. Walking in while he is trying to take off his shirt. His shoulder black and blue. Cuts, and bruises all over him. "Zero! Let me help you."She says. "I'm Fine. They will go away in no time." Zero states. Yuki turns Zero around to face her. "Drink from me, it will heal you." She says looking into his eyes. He sees the lust in her eyes. "He places his arm around her waist and pulls her close. Kissing down her neck, sinking his fangs in. As he drinks the bruises go away. When he is done. He asks her if she wants some. " I want something else. I want you. I need you. I can't control it anymore." *Yuki says. As she throws him onto the bed. Sitting on top of him. Removing his shirt. Kissing down his neck, back up to his lips. Where she kisses him Passionately. His hand unzipping her dress. *Sliding it down off her body. Their lips meet and touch again for another kiss. She starts to take control of the situation, holding Zero's arms behind his head. Rubbing her body against his. Nibbling on him, kissing him. She uses one of her hands to unbutton his pants. She eagerly lets out his member. Wasting no time sliding down on it. Zero moans from the feel. Its been so long since he felt her warm core. She slides up and down faster as she kisses him. Finally letting go of his hands. So he can wrap them around her, feeling her body, as she goes up and down faster. He cups her breast in his hands and gives them a light squeeze making her moan. She squeezes his member with her core, sending chills down his spine. He is on the edge and so is she. It only takes a few more slides before they both explode.* 

Yuki falls lightly down on Zero's chest. Both breathing heavy. "God I missed that." Zero says. "I missed you. I thought. I lost you tonight. I couldn't find you. The terror inside me was insane." Yuki said. "Well, I should get blown up more often, if this is the treatment I get." Zero smirks. Yuki Smacks his arm lightly. 'That's not funny. You know. Now that Bond is complete." Yuki says. "Yes, The bond makes the sex feel even better. I feel your blood running through me. It's incredible. The power." Zero states.

"I wonder. Who killed the councilman? Why at there wedding?" Yuki asks. "Well, probably because, he was an ass. They all knew. He was going to be there. That he wouldn't miss it. I'm not sure. Who would want him dead though? I guess that gave Yoshiko a bang for her wedding." Zero states. "Yea I thought of that. I wasn't sad to see that place go down." Yuki states. "I know your not. You were amazing though. The way you just started helping. You saved a lot of people. Yuki." Zero states. "I wasn't caring about them. I was looking for you and our children." Yuki Admits. "Well, either way, you were the hero of the night. It's all the other vampires where saying. I am sure that had to heat Yoshiko up. It was her wedding, and first, all they wanted was to see you and Kamane married, Then you save the day. I have to say, even I got a chuckle out of that." Zero confesses. "Yea but poor Ren. He is stuck in the middle of it. He was so happy when I saw him. I am glad. He was outside with me. It was just one less person to worry about." Yuki states. "Yea it was funny. How they waited till both of you were out of the building to blow it up." Zero states. "True but they would have never known, I wasn't going to be in the building. Just Ren. He went to check the car. Only Yoshiko would know." Yuki says. " You think it was her? She got him to safety, and then did what she wanted? She knew her father and herself would be safe. 

Since they are purebloods. It wasn't aimed at you either, because of your also a pureblood. It would take a lot more to take you out." Zero states. "If it was her, why? What did he have on her? Ok, he didn't like the idea, but he wouldn't do anything against us." Yuki admits. "His seat on the council. That's what she wants. She can either go herself or put someone there that will do whatever she says." Zero remarks. "Do you think Kamane is in on this?" Yuki asks. " No, He was sitting next to me. He was just as shocked as I was. He went so fast around the room to save the girls. He even told me to get Anna and ZJ. He would get the others. Whatever her plan is. He doesn't know. she is on her own." Zero states. "He was telling me to be careful earlier. To not even trust purebloods. That they are all after our money, power, and blood. Maybe he sensed something." Yuki comments. "Maybe. We will just keep our eyes open. Now back to more pressing things. You were in control that time. It's my turn!" Zero grins. "Oh really? I'M all yours." Yuki answers. As he kisses her and they get under the covers. Making love most of the night. Zero making up for all the time he lost out on. Enjoying Yuki's new tricks. Learning a few of his own. They lay in each other's arms. Happy for the first time in a while.

Vampire Knight The Start of love.  Yuki X Zero. Part 1Where stories live. Discover now