wouldn't have it any other way

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Summary: Scott and Mitch finally decide to come out to their friends and fans, and also Scott tickles Mitch a lot.


"Scott, stop it. I'm going to fucking kill you!" Mitch laughed as his boyfriend poked and tickled him.

"Really?" Scott looked up and smirked when he saw the look on Mitch's face.

"I swear I'm going to slice your fingers off if you tickle me one more time," Mitch warned as he quickly grabbed Scott's hand and held onto his fingers so that he couldn't tickle him anymore.

Scott laughed and then he pushed Mitch down on his back, grinning as he climbed on top of him.

"Scott," Mitch whined. "This isn't fair! You're bigger than me!"

"It's not my fault you're a little twink," Scott said as he gently poked Mitch's stomach.

"You're so annoying," Mitch rolled his eyes yet he still had a smile on his face.

"Oh yeah?" Scott asked, he smiled before reaching down and kissed Mitch.

"Mhm," Mitch wrapped his arms around Scott's neck and pulled him down for another kiss.

"So, I was thinking," Scott said as he laid down next to Mitch.

"Oh boy, here we go," Mitch said. "Tell me what you were thinking..."

"Hey," Scott pouted and playfully shoved the smaller boy.

Mitch laughed and then he rested his head on Scott's chest. "I'm just kidding,"

"I know," Scott chuckled. "Anyways... you know how we've been talking about coming out?"

"We're already out though," Mitch said as he looked up at Scott.

"Yeah, we are individually... but not our relationship," Scott said.

"Oh, that... yeah... we've been talking about that, haven't we?" Mitch asked.

"Yes, we have... so, let's just... let's just do it," Scott bit his lip.

"You want to just do it?" Mitch asked, blinking a few times as he looked up at Scott.

"We shouldn't have to do it in a special way anyways," Scott rolled his eyes. "We just... act like we normally would do around each other. We'll meet-up with the others today and we'll just act like a normal couple. They'll noticed and when they ask, we'll just tell them. And move on."

"Okay, seems pretty simple enough. And how do we tell the rest of the world?" Mitch asked.

"I mean, we have a concert tonight..." Scott said as he looked down at Mitch.

"You want to come out at one of our concerts? You said nothing special," Mitch said.

"Yeah, we don't have to do anything special," Scott chuckled. "We'll just... let the people know."

"Ugh, fine," Mitch rolled his eyes. "What time do we have to go down?"

"30 minutes, we're no way near ready," Scott laughed.

"If we're going to get up, we need to now because mama needs coffee," Mitch said as he sat up.

"I got you coffee earlier," Scott said as he watched Mitch.

"Do you know who you're talking to?" Mitch asked as he looked over at Scott.

"Alright little miss diva," Scott chuckled and then he also sat up. "Let's get ready so we can go and get you your coffee." He stretched out his arms as he let out a loud yawn.

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