everything will be alright

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Thanks for the request! I hope this is at least close to what you wanted.

A/N: I'm seeing Pentatonix tomorrow at Columbus! Follow me on twitter @oakleysfthoying if you'd like to see all my tweets and pictures and stuff.


"End broadcast," Scott says, and sighs in relief once the periscope finally ended. He sends out a quick thank you tweet on the Superfruit twitter before setting his phone down. "Finally, now we can relax. Just... where's my drink?"

"No," Mitch groans as he slides down and buries his face in the pillows. "No more drinking!"

Scott looks down at Mitch and raises his eyebrows. "What's up with you?" He quickly noticed that his boyfriend seemed a little tired during the broadcast, but he didn't say anything because he knows how much Mitch hates when people say that he looks tired.

"I'm tired, and I've already put up with enough of your hyperness today," Mitch grunts.

"Babe, I can't help that I'm excited and hyper, alright? It's an exciting day. We just realized our first original Superfruit song and it's getting such good positive feedback," Scott says. "Why aren't you more excited about this?"

"I told you... I'm tired," Mitch snaps, still not looking at Scott.

"We've hardly done anything today, though?" Scott says. "It's daytime. We should go out-"

"No!" Mitch yells, making Scott jump slightly. "I'm not going out."

"What is going on with you?" Scott asks. "Why are you suddenly snapping at me?"

"Ugh," Mitch grabs one of the pillows and covers his head with it.

Scott stares at him for a moment before he scoffs. "Fine," he snaps. "I'll go find another cute boy to hang out with in Sacramento." He sighs and then he starts standing up from the bed.

Before he could go anywhere though, Mitch's hand quickly reaches out and grabs his arm.

Scott blinks a few times. "Mitch?" He asks, looking down at the lump on the bed.

Mitch slowly pokes his eyes out of the pillow and looks up at Scott. "I... I'm sorry,"

Scott sighs once more before sitting back down on the bed. He grabs the remote and turns on the tv. He crosses his arms against his chest, completely ignoring Mitch.

"Scotty," Mitch whines. He turns over and moves so that his face is buried in Scott's lap.

"Now you want my attention?" Scott asks, glancing down at Mitch.

"I always want your attention," Mitch mumbles.

"You didn't want it literally two seconds ago?" Scott asks.

"Stop. I told you I was tired. You've been hyper all day and I've had to put up with it," Mitch says.

"Babe, I told you... I can't help myself. You know I get hyper when exciting things like this happen," Scott says. "However... I don't think that's why you're cranky. What else is bothering you?"

"Who says something else is bothering me?" Mitch asks, looking up at Scott.

"Mitch," Scott warns. "Come on, you know you can tell me anything."

Mitch sighs and then he pushes himself up. "Look..." He begins.

"Here we go," Scott says, looking over at Mitch.

"Scott," Mitch snaps. "Don't. This is serious."

"Okay, I'm sorry. I'm listening," Scott says, straightening up.

"I'm tired, and I'm exhausted, and I'm stressed. You know those things combined make me cranky," Mitch says. "I've been doing a lot of thinking lately and getting less sleep. You know I love you-"

Scott's eyes went wide and he instantly looks over at Mitch. "Y-You're breaking up with me?"

"What?" Mitch blinks a few times. "No. I would do no such thing! I love you too much. Let me finish."

Scott takes a deep breath. "I'm sorry. Okay," he slowly nods.

"We've been together for four years, right? And we haven't told a single soul about our relationship, not even our parents. I'm terrified of lying to people I care about and I'm tired of hiding how much I love you..."

"Wh-Why are you just not telling me about this?" Scott asks, frowning.

"Because... I didn't want to lose you. I was afraid you'd get angry and leave me," Mitch says.

"Baby, you know you're happiness comes first over everything. If you want tell people about us... fine,"

"R-Really? Even the fans?" Mitch asks hopefully.

"Well... maybe we start off slow. We'll tell our family, then our friends... and then, our fans," Scott says.

"The fans will support us no matter what. You've seen the scomiche shippers," Mitch says.

"Yes, unfortunately I have," Scott chuckles. "Is this okay? Coming out slowly?"

"Yes," Mitch nods. "I just... I want to be able to show people how much I love you. I wanna hold your hand and kiss you whenever I want to. You're scared, and so am I. But, I'd rather be happy than forever scared."

"I know baby. Come over here and cuddle with me," Scott says as he gently wraps his arms around Mitch and pulls him onto his lap. "I love you so much. I'm sorry you were so stressed. I wish you would have talked to me before now so that I could have made you feel better." He gently kisses Mitch's forehead.

Mitch curls up in Scott's lap and rests his head on Scott's chest, his arms wrapped around Scott's body so he can hold onto him tightly. "I love you," he mumbles tiredly.

"I love you too," Scott chuckles. "Now get some rest. Everything will be alright."

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