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Summary: AU // Scott's son wants to buy flowers and wants to give them to a pretty stranger. It turns out that Scott actually knows this stranger, and reunites with an old friend.


"Daddy, look! Flowers!" Nicky yells as he points at a flower cart.

Scott chuckles. "Yeah, sweetheart. Those are flowers," he says as he holds on tightly to his sons hand.

"Can we buy some flowers, daddy?" Nicky asks as he looks up at Scott.

"We don't have anyone to buy flowers for," Scott frowns.

"But they're pretty! Please daddy, oh please!" Nicky begs as he tugs on Scott's hand.

Scott laughs. "Okay, okay. We'll buy some flowers," he says as he takes Nicky over to the flower cart. They were meant to be going to the park today but Nicky keeps getting distracted.

"Which one would you like, Nicky?" Scott asks as he takes out his wallet.

"The pretty purple ones!" Nicky says as he points at the flowers.

"Okay," Scott chuckles. "May I please have a bouquet of Bellflowers, please?"

"Of course,"

"Thank you so much," Scott says as he pays for the flowers and takes them. "Have a nice day." He hands Nicky the flowers and smiles as he watches Nicky sniff them. "Ready to go to the park, love?"

"Yeah, daddy!" Nicky says as he followers Scott.

"Hold my hand, we're crossing the street," Scott says as he grabs Nicky's hand.

The cross the street safely and finally make it to the park.

"Daddy, can you hold these?" Nicky asks as he holds up the flowers.

"Sure love, why don't you go play? I don't want to stay too long, okay?" Scott says as he takes the flowers. "It looks like there are a couple of kids playing in the sandbox."

"Okay," Nicky gasps. "Daddy! Can we give the flowers to that pretty man over there?"

"Why do you want to give your flowers to a stranger?" Scott asks, frowning.

"You said we didn't have anyone to give them to. And, he's pretty!" Nicky says.

Scott looks up at the man Nicky is talking about. "He is very pretty. Um, okay?"

"Yay!" Nicky giggles and drags Scott over to where the man is standing by the small pond. "Daddy."

"Um, e-excuse me, Sir?" Scott asks nervously, gently tapping the man on the shoulder.

The man turns around and blinks a few times when he sees Scott and Nicky. "Hello?"

"We would like to give you these flowers," Scott says as he holds out the flowers.

"Why are you giving me these flowers?" The man asks curiously.

"Nicky thinks you're very pretty," Scott says. "My son."

"Oh, thank you. That's very kind of you," the man blushes as he takes the flowers. He sniffs them and smiles "They are very beautiful. Thank you. Nicky thinks I'm pretty?"

"Um, well... yes," Scott says. "Wait a minute... you look, familiar?"

"Do I?" The man asks, tilting his head slightly. "I'm not sure I know you. My name is Mitch."

"My name is Scott-" Scott gasps. "Did you used to go to Martin High School in Arlington, Texas?"

"Yes. How do you know that?" The man asks.

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