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Summary: six year olds, Scott and Mitch are best friends. Scott takes Mitch trick-or-treating with him once he sees that Mitch didn't go trick-or-treating and doesn't have any candy.

A/N: Happy Halloween pals, have this small Halloween fic with kid!scomiche :)


Scott giggles as he runs up to the next house, his pumpkin full of candy in hand. He looks up and smiles when he sees his best friend, Mitch, or Mitchy, as he calls him. Mitch is sitting in one of the chairs, dressed as a little vampire while Scott decided to dress up as Buzz Lightyear.


Mitch jumps slightly and looks up at Scott, and smiles when he sees him. "Hi Scotty,"

"Where's all your candy?" Scott asks curiously, walking over to him. "Is that it?" He points to the small candy bowl sitting on the table next to Mitch. "You already ate it all, didn't you?" He giggles.

"No. It's not my candy. It's candy for the other kids," Mitch tells him. "I didn't go trick-or-treating."

"Why not?" Scott asks, frowning. "Trick-Or-Treat is the best part of Halloween!"

Mitch shrugs. "I just didn't feel like it," he mumbles. "Mommy said I could pass out candy if I wanted to."

"Come on. You can come trick-or-treating with us if you want," Scott offers.

Mitch looks up at Scott. "Really?" He asks, a smile forming on his face.

"Mhm. Let me go ask mama," Scott says before jumping off the porch and running up to his mom. "Mama, can Mitchy come with us for the rest of Trick-Or-Treat? He didn't get to go."

"I guess that would be okay, but make sure he tells his parents that he'll be coming with us,"

Scott gasps and runs back up to the porch. "She said yes! But you have to tell your parents," he says.

"Okay!" Mitch stands up and runs into the house. "Mommy! I'm leaving with Scotty!"

"Okay! Have fun!"

Mitch grabs his pumpkin and runs out of the house. He looks up at Scott and smiles. "Candy time?"

Scott grins and nods. "Candy time," he grabs Mitch's free hand and walks up to his parents. "Ready!"

"Look at you, Mitch. Are you a vampire?" Connie asks, smiling when she sees Mitch.

Mitch nods. "Mommy says I'm the cutest vampire there ever was!"

Connie laughs. "Well, she's definitely right about that," she says. "Let's go to the next house."

Scott continues trick-or-treating with his best friend. It's past 9:30 when they get back to Scott's house. They usually never get to stay up this late but it's Halloween so Scott's parents are allowing it just once.

"All the good candy was already taken," Mitch pouts as he sits next to Scott in his living room.

Scott frowns as he looks at Mitch's small pile of candy compared to Scott's big pile. "Here Mitchy, you can have some of mine," Scott says as he picks out some of his candy and puts it in Mitch's pile.

"Why are you giving me your candy?" Mitch asks, looking up at Scott.

"Because we're best friends, and best friends share with each other," Scott tells him.

Mitch smiles and hugs Scott. "You're the best!"

Scott giggles as he hugs Mitch back. "You're the best too, Mitchy! Now, what candy did you get?" He asks excitedly as he and Mitch start going through all of their candy.

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