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Summary: AU // Mitch is a neko that got kicked out of his house, Scott is a famous celebrity who finds Mitch and takes him in. Mitch quickly becomes attached to Scott and doesn't want to leave.


Scott sighs quietly as he walks along the sidewalk of the park by himself. It's late in the evening now and he's had a long day of recording at the studio. His third studio album needs to be finished in just two weeks and he's not even halfway finished. There's so much he needs to record and he's tired.

Scott had decided to take a walk in the park. It wasn't cold and it wasn't hot. It was warm and breezy.

And it's quiet, until Scott can hear quiet sobbing. He looks up and looks around but doesn't see anyone.

"Hello?" Scott calls loudly, trying to find the source of the sobbing. The thought of someone crying alone just breaks Scott's heart and he wants to be able to help the person who might be upset.

Scott continues to look around but he still can't find anyone else in the park. The crying has stopped which makes it even difficult for Scott to try and find this person.

Except, it's not a person who's crying. It's a neko.

Scott has heard all about these nekos. They're very popular. Every celebrity he knows has a pet neko. Scott is just too busy to even think about getting a pet, let alone a neko.

"Excuse me, are you okay?" Scott asks as he walks behind the tree where he found the neko.

The neko looks up with tears in his eyes and gasps. He starts to get up to runaway but Scott quickly runs in front of him to stop him from running away. "Wait... please don't be afraid," he begs.

The neko whimpers and takes a step back away from Scott, fear in his eyes.

"I just want to help you. I heard you crying..." Scott says softly. "Do you need help? Where is your owner?"

The neko cries more at the mention of his owner. "Master gone!"

Scott is a little surprised at the high voice coming from the little neko. The boy is small and skinny.

"Gone?" Scott asks, frowning. "Do you mean he's... dead?"

The neko shakes his head.

Scott thinks more and tries to figure out what the neko meant, and then he remembers reading something online awhile ago about how nekos are constantly abused and kicked out of their homes.

"Oh no. Did you owner kick your out?" Scott asks, looking at the neko.

The neko sniffs and nods.

"God. That's not good at all. We can't let you be homeless, can we? No, we can't. Come on sweetheart, you can stay with me until we can find you a new home," Scott says. Scott would love to keep this adorable little neko but that's just not possible with how busy he is these days. He gently holds his hand out for the young neko to take. "You can trust me. I won't hurt you."

The neko hesitates before finally reaching over and taking Scott's hand.

Scott smiles softly and starts leading the neko out of the park.

"What's your name sweetheart?"


"That's a beautiful name you have," Scott says. "My name is Scott."

"A-Are you my m-m-master?" Mitch asks, sniffing.

"Master?" Scott asks, blinking a few times. "I'm no one's master. I'm just here to take care of you."

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