the librarian and the troublemaker

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A/N: this is horrible, I won't be mad at you if you chose not to read this lmao


Scott loves working at the library. It's quiet, and he's surrounded by thousands of books. Literally.

Scott help runs the local Arlington library with his long-time best friend, Kirstie. They are both book lovers and were good friends with Kevin, who used to run the library but he had to move out of Texas. Scott promised that he would keep the library running and Kirstie offered to help.

However, lately they've been running into a problem. A loud problem.

The library wasn't necessarily popular, but they were popular enough to keep the library running.

There was a nineteen year old boy who always came into the library during the weekends. He was popular, and he likes to make as much noise as possible. Scott has had to kick him out quite a few times. The bad thing is that Scott has a crush on him. The boy makes frustrates him but he's so cute.

It had been pretty quiet this morning. Kirstie hadn't planned on coming in until around the afternoon because Scott told her it had been quiet and he would be able to handle it for a couple of hours by himself.

Scott looks up the second he hears the door open, a dinging sound echoing throughout the building, and a smile on his face to greet whoever walked into the library. The smile on Scott's face fades though when he sees that it's the same boy who likes to cause trouble for Scott.

The boy looks over and grins when he sees Scott. "Sup, Hoying?"

Scott rolls his eyes. "Keep your voice down. There's other people trying to do work,"

"Pfft. It's Saturday-"


"Ew, don't call me Sir. My name is Mitch,"

Well, at least Scott knows his name now. He has to remember that for later.

"Are you actually here for something, or did you come here to annoy me?" Scott asks.

"I'm actually here to look for a new book to read, so... if you excuse me," Mitch smiles sweetly at Scott before turning on his heels and walking towards the books.

Scott rolls his eyes and pulls out his phone, instantly texting Kirstie.

To Kirst:

From Scotty:

i'm just kidding i need you sos!!

From Kirst:

To Scotty:

LMAO did he arrive? omw

To Kirst:

From Scotty:

you're a lifesaver

It's peaceful for about five minutes before Scott hears light singing coming from near the books.

Scott sighs and then he stands up from his seat and walks over to the books. He walks past a couple aisles until he finally finds the source where the singing is coming from. He looks up and is surprised when he sees that it's actually Mitch who is the one singing.

The singing sounded so beautiful. He didn't expect someone like Mitch to sound like that.

Scott stops dead in his tracks and can't help but stare at the boy for a few moments, listening to him sing.

Mitch glances over and jumps slightly when he sees Scott standing there. "Are you stalking me?"

Scott's eyes widen and he quickly shakes his head. "N-No... I-I was ju-just..."

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