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Summary: Scott has been working himself like crazy and Mitch is starting to worry about him. Things go from bad to worse when Scott faints at a show.


It didn't take very long for Mitch to know that something was wrong with his boyfriend.

They've always liked working at a fast pace. They never slowed down. They were either performing, touring or working on a new album, whether it be for Pentatonix or Superfruit.

But lately, Mitch could tell that it was starting to exhaust Scott. He still performed amazingly, but sometimes he was more out of breath than usual. He didn't really dance on stage as much as he did. Scott just didn't seem to have as much energy like he usually did when they performed.

"I'll be fine," Scott would tell him over and over again.

But tonight was different. Scott hasn't slept in two days because he wanted to write some songs for Pentatonix's upcoming original album that they w. He wanted to have songs prepared and ready for when the time comes. Mitch tried to tell him it was okay to wait. But, of course. Scott didn't listen.

"Scotty," Mitch says softly as he walks up to his boyfriend, who is leaning against the wall and nearly falling asleep. "Hey, are you okay?" He gently shakes Scott.

Scott jumps slightly and looks around before looking over at Mitch. "Are we going on stage now?"

"No... we still have a minute or two left. Are you okay?" Mitch asks.

Scott rolls his eyes. "That's the fiftieth time you've asked me that today,"

"Because you've barely slept at all in like two days," Mitch sighs. "Are you sure you're going to be able to perform tonight? I don't want anything to happen to you."

"Mitch, I'm fine. Besides, even if there was something wrong it would be too late to cancel. We're literally about to walk on stage right now. I promise I'll get some sleep after the show. I just want to go out and have a good time tonight with the fans," Scott tells him.

Mitch sighs as he stares at Scott. "Fine. But you have to sleep after the show. No arguing,"

"No arguing. Got it," Scott nods. He leans forward and kisses Mitch.

Mitch smiles as he kisses Scott back, and rests his hand on Scott's chest as they kiss.

"Let's go!"

Mitch jumps and pulls away from the kiss. He looks over and sighs when he sees Kevin and Avi walking towards them, Kirstin not far behind. "Are you trying to give me a heart attack?"

Kevin grins. "It was the perfect opportunity," he says. "We ready for this show?"

"Hell yeah!" Mitch replies, giving Kevin a high five. "We're going to kill it."

If I can make it through the show, Scott thinks to himself. Though he would never admit that out loud.

The start of the show went pretty well, surprising Scott and the rest of the group. He seemed pretty energized and smiley as they continued on, despite not sleeping or eating all day.

It isn't until the Evolution Of Michael Jackson where Scott started feeling sick. They do a lot of choreography for this song and feeling sick isn't exactly great for when he's feeling sick.

"You wanna be starting something, got to be starting something-"

Suddenly the room starts spinning, and Scott's vision starts to blurry. He stops what he's doing to try to regain focus, but it doesn't help. Instead, he drops the mic and falls to the ground, causing a loud thud.

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