my home is yours

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Summary: AU // Scott's homeless, and Mitch gives him a home.


Mitch noticed the homeless boy the first day he arrived in LA. He saw the homeless man sitting with the small puppy beside him, wrapped up in a blanket. He never forgot about the blue eyes.

He regrets not walking up to him and handing him any money. Mitch has enough of it so he definitely could have lent the poor man a few dollars. But, he was in a rush that day. He didn't have time to stop.


"Kirst, what do you know about that homeless man?" Mitch asks as he sits across his best friend at a table at a little coffee shop they were at in downtown LA. Mitch glances out the window and sees the man sitting on the sidewalk with the same puppy. It's been two weeks since he's seen the man. Nothing's changed.

"Oh, him?" Kirstie asks, looking over to where Mitch is looking. "Not much. I know his name is Scott."

"How old is he? He can't be young. He doesn't look young," Mitch says.

"I'm not sure... but I think he's around our age," Kirstie shrugs. "Why do you ask?"

"Why does nobody help him?" Mitch asks, frowning.

"He's sick. Nobody wants to have what he has," Kirstie says.

"Well, he wouldn't be sick if someone just helped him," Mitch sighs. "I'm gonna give him some money."

"Mitch, you shouldn't go near him," Kirstie frowns.

"I thought we didn't judge people?" Mitch asks. "I'm sure he didn't ask for this life."

"Well, no... but... how do we know he's not just faking it?" Kirstie asks. "People do that. Sick people."

"He's feeding a Goddamn puppy over feeding himself!" Mitch whisper-yells.

Kirstie looks back and frowns even more when she watches the homeless man. "I don't know..."

"Ugh, I'll be right back," Mitch grumbles as he stands up.

"Mitch!" Kirstie warns as she watches her best friend.

"Just, watch me, okay?" Mitch says before walking out of the coffee shop. Mitch looks to make sure there aren't any cars coming before quickly rushing across the street. He hesitates before walking over to the homeless man. He doesn't know why he's nervous. Maybe Kirstie's right. "Hi."

The homeless man looks up the second he hears Mitch's voice, and quickly grabs the puppy and holds onto him. Mitch frowns. "Oh no... I'm not going to take him away from you," he assures.

"Wh-What do you want?" The homeless man asks.

"I've noticed you around town the past few weeks and I..." Mitch begins. "I wanted to give you this-" He quickly reaches into his pocket and pulls out two twenty dollar bills. "For you. You and your puppy."

The man stares at Mitch, and Mitch isn't sure what else to say so he just bends down and places the money beside the man. "Have a good day," he says kindly before walking away.

Mitch walks back to the coffee shop and walks over to Kirstie.

"How much did you give him?" Kirstie asks when Mitch sits back down.

"Forty," Mitch answers. "Enough for himself and enough for him to get something for the puppy."

"That was thoughtful," Kirstie smiles a little. "Nobody would have thought of the puppy."

"I know. Now he can get him some actual dog food. Maybe a collar? He's very protective of him,"

"It's cute. It's a shame he's homeless," Kirstie says.

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