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A/N: this is mommy!mitch and little(ish?) scott

i thought i saw someone ask for this but again i couldn't find the comment so this is what i came up with anyways

so i hope you guys enjoy this anyways lol


"Scotty?" Mitch calls as he walks out of the lounge. "Scotty, where have you gone?"

Scott suddenly jumps out from the kitchen. "Boo!"

Mitch screams and looks over, and then sighs in relief when he sees Scott standing in the kitchen doorway. "Oh my god, Scotty. You can't scare mommy like that!"

Scott giggles and rushes over to Mitch, hugging him tightly. "I'm sorry, Mommy. Forgive me?"

"Of course I forgive you, cupcake. Where did you go off to?" Mitch asks.

"Um," Scott bites his lip nervously as he looks towards the kitchen.

"Scotty, what did you do? Did you make a mess?" Mitch asks curiously, before walking into the kitchen. He looks up and sighs when he sees a puddle of orange juice on the counter. "Sco-"

"I'm sorry Mommy! A-Am I in t-trouble?" Scotty asks, looking down at his feet.

Mitch frowns at the sad look on Scott's face, and then he walks over and gently kisses Scott's forehead. "It was an accident, of course you aren't in trouble,"

Scott gasps and hugs Mitch again. "Thank you, Mommy!"

"Of course, my sweet prince. Why don't you go and sit in the living room and I'll get you that orange juice, okay?" Mitch suggests, gently ruffling Scott's hair.

"Okay, Mommy! Can I color?" Scott asks excitedly.

Mitch can't help but smile at him. "You don't have to ask,"

"Yay!" Scott yells before rushing upstairs to grab his color books and crayons.

Mitch chuckles and walks over to the counter and grabs some paper towels to clean up Scott's mess. He pours the orange in the cup that Scott had already gotten out. He decides to make Scott a plate of sliced apples for a little snack since it's been about two hours since he ate lunch.

Mitch grabs the cup and plate and goes back to the living room, he smiles when he sees Scott sitting on the floor with his coloring books and crayons. Scott's tongue is sticking out as he concentrates on coloring. He walks over to him and sets the cup and plate beside him.

Scott smiles and looks up at Mitch. "Thank you, Mommy!"

"Of course. Make sure you eat all of it, and don't spill your drink. You know how Mommy feels about carpet stains," Mitch tells him. He kisses his cheek and then he walks over to the couch and plops down. He grabs the blanket and turns on Spongebob.

"Mommy, can we watch dinosaurs instead?" Scott asks as he looks over at Mitch.

"Baby, we just watched that yesterday," Mitch groans.

Scott whines. "But please!" He pouts. "I wanna watch dinos!"

"Scotty, don't whine at me like that. You know better than that," Mitch warns.

Scott huffs and goes back to his coloring book.

Mitch rolls his eyes. How could he ever say no to those blue eyes? He reaches over and grabs the remote, and then he turns on Jurassic World. He knows how much Scott loves this movie.

Scott looks up and gasps when he sees that the movie is on. "Yay!"

"You better eat all of those apples now. I'm giving up Spongebob for you," Mitch says playfully.

Scott giggles, and then he pops one of the apple slices into his mouth.

Mitch smiles as he watches him. "That's my boy," he says.

It's about twenty minutes later when Scott is still coloring, nearly finishing his drawing, when a crayon breaks, and a cry from Scott instantly pulls Mitch's attention away from the movie.

"Stupid crayon!" Scott cries before throwing his crayon at the wall.

"Hey, hey, hey-" Mitch immediately rushes over to Scott and wraps his arms around him. "We don't do that, okay? You can color with the other crayons that you have. It's fine."

"No, it's not fine!" Scott cries. "I want the heart to be red!"

"Oh, you're drawing a heart?" Mitch asks curiously, reaching over and gently picking up the piece of paper Scott had been drawing on. Scott's never been the best drawer, but Mitch loves that he still tries his best. Mitch charishes all the drawings Scott gives him.

Scott's lips tremble slightly as he looks up at Mitch. "It's me and you,"

"I see. And what are we doing?" Mitch asks, even though he can see the picture clearly.

"H-Holding hands," Scott blushes as he looks down. "Because we love each other Mommy."

Mitch smiles, and then he reaches over and grabs Scott's hand. "Like this?"

Scott giggles. "Yeah, but now I can't finish coloring!" He whines.

"Oh, silly. I'm sure there's another red crayon upstairs somewhere. How about we go find one?"

"Okay, but can you pause the movie first?" Scott asks.

Mitch laughs. "Of course baby," he says before standing up.

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