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Summary: AU // Scott and Mitch are both vampires in a world where vampires exist but not everybody approves of vampires. Scott and Mitch are keeping a secret from each other and things start getting messy because of the lies.

A/N: WHOA!! 50+k reads already? How did that happen. It makes me so happy that you guys read these little one-shots and I love writing them, seriously. Reading your comments make me so happy! I never expected so many people to read these stories. Love you guys <3 Please remember that I'm always take prompts and suggestions so if there's ever anything you guys want me to write, leave prompts under 'Prompts & Suggestions!'.


Scott sighs as he lays awake in his tour bunk. There's nothing to do and no one to talk to because no one else is awake at two o'clock in the morning. Scott has no other choice though.

One of the many reasons he hates being a vampire.

Being a vampire on tour isn't the easiest when there's constantly people surrounding him. They're performing for thousands almost every single night and Scott has to hold himself back, but he's gotten good at keeping himself contained because they've been doing this for years. Luckily he always has a few bottles of blood with him that keeps him contained or else this would be a lot harder. Scott's never killed anyone personally and he isn't about to start now.

It's been been five years since he had been turned into a vampire and Scott hates it. He misses being a human being. Sure he gets to live forever and he never ages but living in a world where vampires are treated awful isn't fun. Scott has to keep his secret or else he would probably be kicked out of the band. Nobody wants to have a vampire in their band. That would be bad press.

Scott finally gives up when his thoughts become too much for him. He quietly sneaks out of his bunk and walks to the lounge. He's a little surprised when he sees that Mitch is sitting there, texting on his phone. Usually Mitch isn't up this late.

"Mitchy?" Scott asks quietly as he walks closer to him.

Mitch looks up and blinks a few times when he sees Scott. "Oh, hey Stephanie."

Scott smiles a little when he hears Mitch's tired voice. "What are you doing up so late?" He asks as he plops down beside Mitch on the couch. "You're usually aren't up this late. Can't sleep?"

"Uh, something like that," Mitch mumbles with a shrug.

"Is everything okay?" Scott asks, frowning slightly. He couldn't help but notice Mitch acting... weird.

"Mhm," Mitch responds with a nod. "Why do you ask?"

"I don't know... you seem... nevermind," Scott says. "Is there something you want to talk about?"

"Nothing in particular. Is there something you want to talk about?" Mitch asks, looking up at Scott.

"No, just making sure," Scott says awkwardly.

Mitch sighs before looking back down at his phone.

Scott feels awkward and uncomfortable, he never feels this way around Mitch. He can just tell that Mitch is keeping something from him and he doesn't like that Mitch is keeping something from him. They've told each other everything since they were ten years old so why would he keep something from him now?

Of course, Scott has no room to talk when he's literally keeping the biggest secret from him.

But Scott would tell him if he could, but he can't, because nobody accepts vampires and Scott would rather keep this a secret than possibly lose his friendship with Mitch.

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