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Summary: PTX are about to go on tour which means Scott has to work and can't be the little that he wants to be. He has two daddies but they can't go on tour with him so Mitch is left to "babysit" him while they're on tour. Mitch learns how tough it is looking after a little.

A/N: I know it's not technically scomiche but I liked this idea and thought it would be cute and wanted more little Scott so I wrote this???


"Daddy, don't go!" Scott cries as he hugs onto Mark tightly.

"Oh, sweetheart. You'll be okay," Mark whispers as he gently rubs Scott's back. "We'll see you soon."

Scott sniffs as he pulls away. "Wh-Why can't you come with me?" He asks, looking over at Mason.

"We would obviously love to, Scotty, but... unfortunately we have to work. We'll see you in Chicago though, and we'll be there for your first show of tour. And we can't wait to see you,"

Scott sniffs, but Mark wipes away his tears with his thumbs. "Come on sweetheart, don't cry. Besides, Mitchy is going to take care of you, yeah? You'll have lots of fun."

"No," Scott stomps his feet. "I want my daddies, no Mitchy."

"Scott," Mark warns as he stares at the little sternly. "Don't be like that."

"Hey," Mason says softly, glancing at Mark. "Everything is going to be fine, Scotty."

"Exactly," Mark says. He gently pulls Scott closer to him and kisses him. "Be a good boy."

Mason also hugs Scott and kisses him. "We'll see you so soon,"

"Hey, guys...?"

Scott looks over and sees Mitch walking up to them. He gasps and quickly wipes away his tears.

"We have to leave in a little bit. Is Scott ready to go?" Mitch asks.

"Yeah. He has everything he needs. All of his little stuff is in this bag, and that bag is his big boy stuff. Here is a list of everything Scott is going to need, and stuff you'll need to know about caring for a little,"

"Guys, relax. I've been alone with Scott before. I know him inside and out. It's fine,"

"Yeah, but you've never been alone with Scotty before. There's a big difference, Mitch. Scotty is a little, and he needs someone to care for him and take care of him. He's very needy and clingy, and..."

"Okay, okay. I understand, really. I'll take care of him," Mitch says as he takes the paper from Mason. "Don't worry, you guys. Everything will be fine once tour actually starts. He's probably just anxious because it's a brand new tour. We're all feeling it. But, he's going to have fun," Mitch assures.

"Well, you're the only person we trust to look after our Scotty. He means a lot to us,"

"I may not know Scotty, but I do know Scott. It'll be fine," Mitch smiles.


However, it was twenty minutes later when they were waiting to get on the plane. The band were waiting in the waiting area but Scott had taken it upon himself to entertain to himself which included running around all the chairs and giggling loudly. Mitch is already getting a headache from Scotty's antics.

"Scott, please," Mitch groans. He reaches over and grabs Scott's arm, pulling him in the chair next to him.

"Mitchy, I wanna play!" Scott whines as he bounces in his seat.

"I know honey, but we're in public right now. You're disturbing the other people," Mitch warns.

"You're mean!" Scott huffs and crosses his arms against his chest.

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