apocalypse (pt. 2)

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Summary: AU // It's been four years since the apocalypse has started, and it's been four years since Scott has seen his boyfriend, or any of his friends and families. He knows most of them are dead, so he's given up hope on seeing any of them ever again.

Until one day... when he sees a familiar face or two.


"Kirstie, wake up," Mitch says as he shakes the sleeping blonde beside him.

Kirstie groans and sleepily tries to push Mitch's hands away. "No,"

"Kirstin Taylor, wake up! Scott's not here!" Mitch hisses as he shoves her one last time.

"What?" Kirstie asks as she shoots up, making Mitch jump.

"I just woke up and Scott's nowhere to be seen, and I'm too scared to go look around," Mitch says.

"God dammit, Mitch. This is what I was talking about. Scott's been acting super sketchy. He probably left us to defend for ourselves. He doesn't trust us," Kirstie sighs as she rubs her eyes tiredly.

"Come on, don't think like that," Mitch frowns.

"No, he probably brought us down here so he can kill us and eat our remains," Kirstie snaps.

"Y-You think he would do something like that?" Mitch asks nervously.

"You were saying?"

Both Kirstie and Mitch jump at the sudden voice coming from the doorway.

Mitch looks over and bites his lip when he sees Scott standing there, looking rather upset. "Scotty-"

"Don't 'Scotty' me! I cannot believe you two would think of me like that!" Scott yells angrily. "I know it's been awhile, and maybe I am a little wary of who I hang around these days, but in case you haven't noticed... we're in the middle of a fucking apocalypse! It's hard to trust anyone these days."

"Scott," Mitch says as he stands up from the spot he's been sitting in for the past two days.

"No! And for your information, I've been out looking for something for us to eat because I know the both of you are starving. Does that sound like I want to kill you?" Scott asks.

"Scott, please calm down-" Mitch says, his heart pounding against his chest. It's been quite a few years since he's seen Scott act like this and he doesn't like it at all when Scott gets angry.

"It's been a week. Don't you think I would have killed you by now if I did want to kill you?" Scott snaps before storming out of the room, leaving both Kirstie and Mitch in complete shock.

"Scott, wait!" Mitch yells before running after his boyfriend.

Mitch runs down the hallway of the old school and it takes him a moment before he finds Scott sitting at the teacher's desk in an old classroom. He has his head buried in his hands.

Mitch frowns and then he walks into the classroom. He walks over to Scott and gently places his hand on Scott's shoulder, gasping when Scott jumps at his touch. "Scott-"

"Come to accuse me more?" Scott asks as he looks up at Mitch.

"Scott, please. Let me talk for a second. You can't blame Kirstie for her thinking. We know what it's like not to be able to trust someone after everything that's happened. We've been through a lot, just like you. We're wary of who we hang out with too, even if we have known each other since we were little kids.

"Do you really think I would kill you?" Scott asks.

"Me personally? No. I know you're not the type of person to do that. You're too sweet to do that,"

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