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Summary: Scott and Mitch buy their first apartment together and celebrate.


"Can you believe our first apartment together?" Mitch asks, smiling as he looks around the living room. "It's so perfect, and it'll be just us living together."

"Yeah, it's great, now can you please help me with the rest of these boxes?" Scott asks, out of breath, as he places another box on the ground in the living room.

Mitch raises his eyebrows as he looks over at Scott. "Do you know who you're talking to?"

"Mitchie," Scott whines. "Half of these boxes are full of your expensive clothes."

"Don't come for me," Mitch warns. "Fine. I'll come help."

"How generous of you to offer," Scott says, rolling his eyes.

"Lose the 'tude," Mitch mumbles before walking out of the living room.

Scott groans and he rubs his eyes tiredly. After driving all morning to their brand new apartment, and then having to pretty much unload of the boxes by himself without Mitch's help, he definitely wasn't in the mood.

Scott and Mitch finally get all of the boxes out of the moving truck and into the apartment.

Mitch knows Scott is exhausted so he decides to order a pizza and make him some coffee.

"Here," Mitch says as he walks into the living room, where Scott is sitting on the couch.

"What's this?" Scott asks, taking the mug from Mitch.

"Coffee," Mitch answers. "I know how hard you've worked today, and I know I haven't been much help. So, here's me letting you know that I appreciate how hard you work... and I also ordered pizza."

"Thank God," Scott says as he sits up. "Sit." He pats the spot on the couch next to him.

Mitch obeys immediately and sits down right next to Scott.

"I know I've been snappy today and I apologize," Scott says.

Mitch shakes his head. "No, it's okay. You have every right to snap especially with my lack of help,"

Scott leans over and kisses Mitch. "Our first argument in the new house," he chuckles.

"We're such a married couple," Mitch laughs.

"So, when's that pizza coming?" Scott asks as he lays his head down on Mitch's lap.

Mitch chuckles as he runs his hands through Scott's hair. "20 minutes, babe," he says.

"I want it now," Scott whines as he closes his eyes.

"Take a lil' nap. I'll wake you up when the pizza gets here, okay?" Mitch says softly.


Somehow Scott managed to sleep the whole 20 minutes while they waited for the pizza.

"That nap was not long enough," Scott whines as he pushes himself up from the couch.

"On the bright side, at least we have pizza now," Mitch says as he walks into the living room with a box of pizza in his hands. "I gotta go get us some plates and drinks."

"Alcohol, I'm hoping?" Scott asks as he looks up at his boyfriend.

"Hell yeah. Are you kidding? We've got some celebrating to do," Mitch says. "There's no way we're gonna not get drunk the first night moving into our new house." He sets the pizza down on the floor.

"True. Too bad we don't have half of our furniture yet," Scott laughs.

"That's okay. We'll make it work. At least we have wifi," Mitch says.

"Another good point," Scott says as he slides down onto the floor.

"Let me go get our drinks," Mitch says before leaving the living room.

Scott turns on the tv and turns on Netflix. He flips through a few things before deciding on Spongebob.

"Drinks are served," Mitch announces as he walks back into the living room with two glasses of wine. He sits down on the floor next to Scott and hands him one of the glasses.

"Thanks princess," Scott says as he takes the glass.

"Cheers?" Mitch asks as he holds up his glass to Scott's.

"Cheers. To our new house, and to the new memories we'll make together in our new house," Scott says as he clinks his glass against Mitch's and then takes a drink of it.

"Let's be honest... we'll get sick of this apartment in three months," Mitch says.

Scott laughs. "You're probably right," he says, before taking another drink.

"And we get Wyatt back in a few days," Mitch smiles.

"Aw. I've missed him. I can't wait to get him back," Scott says. He looks over at Mitch and smiles, and then he places his drink on the ground. He leans over and gently kisses Mitch once.

"What was that for?" Mitch asks when the kiss ends.

"I just love you a lot, that's all,"

"That's sweet. I love you too," Mitch smiles and pulls him in for another kiss.

Scott wraps his arm around Mitch and gently starts pushing him down to the floor.

Mitch giggles into the kiss and then he pulls Scott on top of him once he's lying down on the floor.

"We're not even drunk yet," Scott chuckles as he looks down at Mitch.

"Who cares? Just fucking kiss me," Mitch whines, gently tugging on Scott's shirt.

Scott laughs, but happily leans down and kisses Mitch, but with more passion.

Mitch closes his eyes and shivers when he feels Scott's hand slip under his shirt and rest on his stomach.

"Scott," Mitch moans into the kiss. He re-opens his eyes when Scott pulls away from the kiss and then he starts kissing his neck. "Fuck. We have to break in that new bed later."

Scott pulls away, only to giggle. "We got a new bed, didn't we?" He smirks.

"Yes, but you're distracting me from that pizza," Mitch pouts.

"Okay, okay, okay," Scott says before finally getting off of Mitch. He pulls Mitch up from the ground.

"Really though. I am excited about buying this apartment and being able to live with you," Mitch smiles.

"Yeah?" Scott grins as he looks over at Mitch. "To new memories?" He holds up his glass.

Mitch chuckles and clinks his glass against Scott's. "To new memories."

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