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Summary: Scott and Mitch get stuck in an elevator together. The only thing that makes it worse is they get stuck in the elevator with a couple of Pentatonix fans. But the only thing Scott wants to focus on is keeping his boyfriend calmed.

A/N: I don't know anything about elevators... sorry if I got something wrong!


"I just want to go to bed," Mitch whined as he followed Scott into the elevator, his eyes closed.

"We're almost there," Scott chuckled. He looked up when a couple of girls also walked into the elevator.

Scott pressed the button for their room and one of the girls did the same for theirs.

"We just saw you in concert!" The brown haired girl exclaimed.

"Really?" Scott smiled. "That's so cool. Did you enjoy it?"

"Of course. It was one of the best concerts I've ever been too, and it was Chelsea's first!" She said as she pointed at the small blonde haired girl beside her. "We've been fans for so long!"

"Wow, that's so awesome. Would you like to take a picture?" Scott asked.

"Could we? That would be amazing," Chelsea said as she pulled out her phone.

"Mitchie," Scott looked over and rolled his eyes when he saw that Mitch was leaning against the wall with his eyes closed. "Sorry about him, he's really tired." He reached over and pinched Mitch's arm.

"Ow!" Mitch whined as he looked up at Scott. "You son of a-" He stopped when he realized that the three girls were watching them. "Oh." He blushed and then he stood up straight.

Scott chuckled. "Come on, we're going to take pictures with them. What are your names?"

"I'm Sammy," The brown haired girl spoke. "Then that's Chelsea..." She then pointed at the red haired girl. "And over there is Alicia." She smiled as she looked up at Scott.

Scott and Mitch made sure to take individual pictures with each girl and then a group photo.

"It was so nice meeting you, I-" Scott stopped as soon as the elevator stopped but the doors didn't open.

Mitch immediately grabbed onto Scott's shirt. "Why did the elevator stop?" He looked up at Scott.

"I... I don't know Mitchie," Scott whispered as he wrapped his arm around Mitch and pulled him close. "I'm sure it's nothing to be worried about."

Scott quickly looked around, trying to stay calm so that he wouldn't freak the others out. He then spotted the alarm button and pressed it a few times, hoping it would get them help.

"Thank you for not freaking out," Scott said to the girls.

"We've been stuck in an elevator before," Chelsea said. "It's a long story."

"Wow," Scott chuckled and then he wrapped his arms completely around Mitch and held onto him.

"How long is this going to take?" Mitch asked quietly.

"Could be awhile. I'll call the police if it takes longer than ten minute, okay?" Scott said.

Mitch groaned and then he slid down onto the floor and sat down. "This is my worst nightmare,"

"I thought you hated planes?" Sammy asked, raising her eyebrows.

"Okay... second worst nightmare," Mitch said. "Still a nightmare!"

Scott chuckled and he sat down next to Mitch but leaned back against the wall. "Come here sweetheart, you just need to relax, no need to panic," he said. He smiled as Mitch quickly crawled over into his lap and he curled up, making himself comfortable before resting his head on Scott's chest.

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