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Summary: AU // Scott used to bully Mitch when they were younger, but he doesn't remember. He wants to prove to Mitch that he's not the same person that he used to be.

Warnings: bullying, self-hate


Scott sighs as he walks through the hallway of Martin High School. School has just ended and he was one of the last few students still around because he had to talk to his teacher about getting some extra credit. He looks up from his phone and raises his eyebrows when he sees Mitch Grassi, the school nerd, at his locker. Though he knows Mitch helps out with teachers after school so he isn't surprised.

Scott stares at him for a second before finally walking over to him. "Hey Mitch," he greets.

Mitch looks over and jumps when he sees Scott Hoying standing there. He takes a deep breath and he holds onto his books tight to his chest, preparing for any type of physical contact.

Scott raises his eyebrows as he watches the boy. "So, there's a party this weekend... are you going?"

Mitch stares at him like he has two heads, and after a second of silence, he shakes his head.

"Why not?" Scott asks curiously. "You'll be the only one from school not going."

Mitch shrugs. "Wasn't invited," he mumbles, with a hint of sadness in his voice.

"You can still come. It'll be fun," Scott smiles.

Mitch blinks a few times as he looks up at Scott. "Why are you talking to me?"

"Pardon me?" Scott asks, a little surprised by Mitch's question.

"You're acting like..." Mitch begins. "Is this a dare? Did someone dare you to talk to me?"

"Wha? I... no, why would you think something like that?" Scott asks, seeming genuinely confused.

"I know you don't like me, and I'm not an idiot... so go bother someone else," Mitch snaps before slamming his locker shut and storming away from Scott, leaving Scott confused and speechless.


"He just storms away from me! What the hell was his problem?" Scott groans as he falls onto his back, looking over at his best friend Kirstie, who is sitting next to him.

"I mean... he kind of does have a right..." Kirstie says.

"What do you mean by that?" Scott asks, frowning.

"Don't you remember? You used to bully him all the time when you were little," Kirstie says.

"I... I don't remember bullying him," Scott says. "Why don't I remember?"

Kirstie shrugs. "It's been a long time... and you've grown up a lot since then," she says.

"Yeah but, how do I just forget that I bullied someone? I would never bully anyone," Scott sits up.

"You never apologized to him. You just stopped talking to him one day," Kirstie tells him. "He probably thinks that you still hate him hence why he acted so afraid when you approached him."

"I feel awful. He seems like such a nice boy. Why did I bully him?" Scott asks.

"My theory was that you always had a crush on him," Kirstie giggles.

"I'm not gay," Scott says, then he and Kirstie burst into laughter.

"But seriously though, are you going to do anything about this?" Kirstie asks.

"What is there to do?" Scott asks curiously.

"I don't know... apologize to him? Show him that you're not the bully you used to be," Kirstie says.

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