i still hate you

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Summary: AU // A couple of students conjure up an idea to try to get Mr. Grassi and Mr. Hoying to stop fighting with each other once and for all.


Mitch is thankful that it's Friday. He can't wait to go home and take a well deserved nap. It's been a long and stressful week at school and he just wants to sleep, but he knows that he has a ton of paperwork to grade. He doesn't know why he gives out so much work when he's the one who has to grade it.

Mitch absolutely loves being a teacher and he adores all of his students, even the troublemakers. He's been a teacher for five years at the same school and he wouldn't trade his job for anything.

However, there is one downside to being a teacher... being a teacher with Scott Hoying. Mitch hates him, and Scott feels the exact same way. Everybody knows that they don't get along with each other at all, even though some students believe they're just pretending and secretly in love with each other. But that's definitely not the case. They hate each other, always have, always will.

"So, today we're watching a movie..." Mitch begins, chuckling when the class cheers. "Don't get too excited. You actually have to pay attention. You still have to do work."

The class groans, and Mitch laughs as he turns on the tv. He looks over and sighs loudly when his printer goes off. "Are you kidding me, Hoying?" He asks. He glances over at his clock. "3, 2, 1..."

Then, there's a knock at the door. Mitch walks over to the door and opens it. He angrily crosses his arms against his chest when he sees that it's Mr. Hoying, just as he predicted. "What?"

"Um, I accidentally printed my paper to your printer..." Scott begins.

"Accidentally, did you?" Mitch asks. "Because this happens almost every day."

"You're in a mood today," Scott rolls his eyes.

"I'm in the middle of class! You disrupt me every single day,"

"Okay, well, you wanna talk to Avriel about getting me a printer for my room? Because I've tried, now will you please let me get my paper so I can go back to my class?" Scott snaps.

Mitch scoffs. He turns and walks back into his classroom.

Scott rolls his eyes and also walks in, he walks over to the printer to grab his paper.

"Hi, Mr. Hoying!"

Scott looks over and smiles at the couple of girls who spoke to him.

"Good afternoon, ladies,"

The girls giggle and go back to chatting with each other.

Mitch looks over and rolls his eyes. Almost every girl in this school has a crush on Scott, and Mitch doesn't understand it at all. But they don't know that's gay, which makes him laugh a little. Mitch almost wants to tell them to see their reaction, but Mitch is also gay, and even though he absolutely hates Scott, he would never tell a secret like that, because he would be upset if someone told his secret.

"Shut the door on your way out," Mitch says as he watches Scott leave the classroom.

"Yes, your majesty," Scott says sarcastically before shutting the door on his way out.

Mitch sighs in relief. "Now, where were we?" He asks.

"Mr. Grassi?"

"Yes?" Mitch asks as he looks up at his students.

"Why do you hate Mr. Hoying so much?" One of the girls asks.

"Because," Mitch begins. "He's annoying, and arrogant, and gets under my skin. I just don't like him, and it's probably going to stay that way. He doesn't like me. So, it's fine. Kind of. If only he would stop using all the paper in my damn printer." He sighs and shakes his head. "Don't tell Mr. Kaplan I said that."

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