play date

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A/N: The first one ^__^

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A/N: The first one ^__^


"Mitch, let's go!" Scott yells to his husband, from the front door.

"Don't talk to me like that!"

Scott smirks when he hears Mitch's voice, and then he looks down at his watch. 2:45 pm. They had to be at Jeremy and Kirstie's house at 3 o'clock. There's no way they were going to be on time.

"You can't rush beauty," Mitch says as he walks to the front door, with their son by his side.

"Oh I'm sorry, you're majesty," Scott chuckles and rolls his eyes playfully. "Ready, scamp?" He asks as he bends down and picks up Oliver, giving him a little hug.

"Ready, papa!" Oliver giggles. "Mommy made me look cute!"

"That he did," Scott smiles as he looks over at Mitch.

"See?" Mitch grins before grabbing the bag he had ready for Oliver, before walking out of the door.

"How do I put up with him?" Scott asks out loud before also walking out of the house.

"I heard that!" Mitch yells as he looks back at Scott. "And lock the door!"

"Okay!" Scott yells back as he pulls out the keys and locks the door. "Are you sure you have everything?"

"Ugh, yes. Come on. Now look who's wasting time," Mitch says.

"Okay, okay, okay. I'm coming," Scott says as he walks over to the car. He looks over at Mitch.

"Love you," Mitch smiles as he reaches up and kisses Scott once before finally getting in the car.


"Sorry we're late again," Scott says as Kirstie let's the family into her home. "That queen over there decided to take a long time to get ready." He looks over at Mitch.

"Are we really doing this again?" Mitch asks, rolling his eyes.

"You two," Kirstie chuckles and shakes her head. "It's fine, really. You're not that late anyways. It's good to see you guys. It's been a few weeks." She smiles as she hugs Scott and then Mitch. "And you. Christopher is very excited to see you too. Shall we go see him?"

"Yay!" Oliver claps his hands excitedly before he follows Kirstie out to the backyard, where Jeremy was already at with Christopher and their two husky dogs, Olaf and Pascal.

"Look who's here," Kirstie announces as she walks out with Scott, Mitch and Oliver.

"Ollie!" Christopher yells excitedly as they run to each other and hug.

"Aw," Scott smiles as he watches the two. "How sweet is that?"

"They're so in love," Mitch says as he watches the two.

"Babe, they're only six years old," Scott says, raising his eyebrows as he looks over at the smaller boy.

"What's age got to do with it?" Mitch asks before walking over to Jeremy.

Scott chuckles and shakes his head before walking over to Kirstie. "So, how've you been?"

"Pretty good. I've started writing again. I hope to have something out by the end of the year," Kirstie says.

"Really?" Scott smiles. "I can't wait to hear it. Have you talked to Avi or Kevin recently?"

"Not for a few weeks but I know they're both pretty busy. It's weird, huh? It's only been two years since we've ended Pentatonix but it feels like it's been ages. I kind of miss it," Kirstie says.

"Maybe we'll do something with Pentatonix again. I kind of miss it too," Scott says.

"I mean, we don't have to end Pentatonix permanently. We all just wanted to do different things, and we all have families now. I'm not talking about touring again. That would be difficult. But... maybe think about putting out a new youtube cover or performing a couple shows in LA or something," Kirstie says.

"Yeah, definitely. I'll talk to Mitch about it and see what he thinks," Scott says.

"You two still doing Superfruit?" Kirstie asks curiously.

"We try, but just not weekly. It's hard filming when you have a child running around," Scott chuckles.

"I definitely understand," Kirstie says. "I'm just so glad our kids get along."

"Me too," Scott says. "They clicked instantly. I wish they could see each other more."

"Same," Kirstie sighs. "Did you bring Oliver's swimming trunks, by the way? I thought that we could get the kiddie pool out today. It's pretty sunny out. The weather is nice."

"Oh yeah. Good thing I remembered," Scott says. "Oliver! Let's go get your swimming trunks on."

"Okay, papa!" Oliver yells as he runs over to Scott and follows him inside.

"Jer, can you help me get the pool out?" Kirstie asks.

"Sure," Jeremy says as he stands up from the ground. He goes with Kirstie to get the kiddie pool out.

Mitch looks over and smiles as he watches Christopher play with dogs.

Scott comes back a few minutes later with Oliver, as Kirstie and Jeremy were in the middle of putting the pool up for the kids. Oliver goes straight over to Christopher.

"Scotty?" Mitch asks, walking over to Scott, smiling innocently at him.

"Oh no. I know that look. What do you want?" Scott asks.

Mitch pouts. "That's mean," he says. "But you are right. I do want something."

"And what would that be?" Scott asks, crossing his arms against his chest.

"A dog," Mitch answers honestly. "I want a dog."

"A dog? Babe, we already have a cat... and a kid!" Scott says.

"So? Kirstie has a kid and two dogs. Wyatt is fine with dogs," Mitch says.

"I don't know. It seems like a lot of work. Our house isn't even that big for a dog," Scott says.

"Scotty," Mitch whines as he grabs Scott's arm and pouts. "Please? We always used to talk about getting a Frenchie. What happened to that? I want a dog. Oliver will love it. Please, please, please."

"Oh, alright! Fine. We'll get a dog," Scott says, sighing in defeat.

Mitch gasps and looks over at Oliver. "Ollie, we're getting a dog!"


Scott laughs and shakes his head. "You're lucky I love you,"

"I know," Mitch smiles as he wraps his arms around Scott and hugs him.


"Already, boys?" Kirstie asks once the pool was finally ready.

"Ready!" They both say at the same time.

"Okay, you can- Olaf, no! The pool is not for you!" Kirstie yells, shushing the dog away. "Anyways... now you two can get in. Let us know if you need anything." She smiles as she watches the two boys jump into the pool. "We're definitely going to have to refill that."

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