prison lovers (pt. 2)

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A/N: Sorry if this sucked but I wanted to do a part two since so many of you asked!


Being out of prison took some time to getting used to for Mitch. He had only been in there for a year but he had gotten used to his routine. He had to get used to not having Scott around which is very difficult for Mitch. He missed having Scott protecting him from any and all bad guys.

Now it's been two years since Mitch has been out and he's sure that Scott is out by now too.

Has Scott been looking for him? Mitch wonders about this everyday. Mitch wonders if Scott misses him just as much as he misses Scott. He's always scared that Scott moved on and found someone else.

But now it's Christmas time again and Mitch is back in Arlington, Texas. He's staying with his family for about a week before he goes back to LA where he lives permanently.

"I can't believe we didn't have any cookies to make at home," Mitch pouts as he gets out of the car with his mom. It's two days before Christmas and Mitch had been planning to make cookies with his mom but they didn't have any so now they were going to the local store to get some.

"I thought we had some, sorry sweetheart," Nel says as she walks with Mitch.

"That's okay," Mitch says. He looks around and smiles. "It feels so nice out. I like to be out as much as possible. Makes up for the time I lost when I was in prison."

"I still can't believe you had to go through that," Nel tsks and shakes her head. "Ridiculous."

"That's okay. If there's one thing that came out of it... I met an amazing man," Mitch says.

"You're never going to stop talking about him, are you?"

"Not until I find him again," Mitch says. "If you ever hear of a Scott Hoying... let me know."

"Noted. Now how about those cookies?" Nel asks with a smile.

"Right, the cookies," Mitch says before walking into the store with his mom. "I hope Scott is home. I hope he gets to spend Christmas with his family again. He deserves happiness after prison."

"How long was he in prison for?" Nel asks.

"Seven years. Don't know what for. He never told me," Mitch frowns.

"Doesn't that seem a little weird to you?" Nel asks.

"No. He probably just doesn't want to talk about it which is understandable," Mitch says.

"Well... I'm sure you'll see him again someday," Nel reaches over and kisses Mitch's cheek.

Mitch blushes. "Yeah, I hope so," he says quietly.


It was the very next day when Nel is out shopping for last minute Christmas gifts. She's at a clothing store when she hears someone speaking on the phone. She tries not to eavesdrop but she can't help it.

"No, mom and dad don't want me around for Christmas. They think I'm a fucking criminal,"

Criminal? She sees that the boy is a tall blonde with a tattoo sleeve of flowers. Mitch always talks about a blonde boy who had a tattoo sleeve of flowers that he went to prison with.

"They still don't believe me. I had to go through seven fucking years in prison because I had a gun on me, and it wasn't even my gun. Can't I stay at your place? It's Christmas and I don't have anywhere to go,"

Criminal. Prison. Seven years.

"Scott Hoying?" Nel asks out loud without meaning to.

"I have to go," the blonde says before hanging up the phone. He looks over at Nel and takes a deep breath. "How do you know my name?" He hesitates before walking closer to her.

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