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Summary: AU // Mitch is short, Scott is tall. The two meet at a library when Mitch has troubles reaching the top shelf of the bookcase. There, a friendship blossoms.

A/N: can wattpad please fix itself for the love of God?! D:


Mitch hates being short. He hates being shorter than all the other boys. He gets made fun of it often, though it doesn't really bother him because he knows that it's something he can't control.

Mitch likes to go to the library. It's peaceful, and he doesn't have to worry about bullies when he's there, and he's surrounded by books which is his heaven. He loves to read and write. Mitch has even made friends with the librarian. She's really nice to him, and sometimes... he even helps out.

There is one con about the library... not being able to reach the top of the shelves.

Mitch gets frustrated when he tries to reach the top shelves. He should really ask for a step or something, but he doesn't want to embarrass himself, so he never asks for any help.

Today, however, he's not the only one in the library. There's a blonde boy sitting at one of the tables, Mitch assumes that he's doing homework or studying considering he has History textbooks surrounding him.

Mitch has the cart next to him, he's putting books on the shelf for the librarian.

"Come on," Mitch tries to reach the top of the shelf. He's already on his tippy toes and he can't reach it.

The blonde looks up and can't help but smile as he watches Mitch. He's seen the boy in the library before and he finds him extremely adorable. He's so small and sweet, and very attractive.

Scott slowly stands up from his spot once he starts noticing the boy having trouble reaching the top shelf. He hesitates before walking over to the smaller boy. "Need help?"

Mitch yelps and jumps when he hears the sudden voice. He looks over and gasps, and his cheeks instantly turn bright pink, and he quickly hides the book behind his back.

"Oh no, please don't be embarrassed," Scott says softly. "I'm Scott. I saw you were having trouble..."

Mitch slowly nods. "I-I can't reach..." He points to the top shelf and holds up his book.

"I can help. Where does it go?" Scott asks as he takes the book from Mitch.

Mitch points to the spot where the book should go, and Scott places it on the shelf easily. "Th-Thank you,"

"No problem," Scott grins. "It must be tough being so short."

Mitch looks up at Scott and his eyes widen once he realizes how tall Scott is. "H-How tall are you?"

"I'm six feet," Scott answers. "Pretty tall, huh?" He chuckles.

"Y-Yeah," Mitch blushes, and then he takes a deep breath. "I-I'm Mitch."

"Nice to meet you!" Scott says. "Do you need anymore help?"

"Oh. Y-You don't have to do that," Mitch quickly shakes his head. "You seem busy. I'll be fine."

"I'm not that busy. Besides, History can wait. I'd much rather be focusing on my future. Especially if it involves helping out cute boys like yourself," Scott says with a grin on his face.

Okay, Mitch is pretty sure his cheeks are as red as a tomato at this point.

"O-Okay," Mitch mumbles. "I... I have to put all these books up still."

"Okay. Which ones need to go on higher shelves?" Scott asks, pushing the cart forward.

Mitch watches Scott in amazement with wide eyes. He's never met a boy as sweet as Scott. Scott is actually willingly helping him out, and this isn't the most exciting job either. Most people try to avoid Mitch at all costs. Scott isn't like most people though, and Mitch is taking advantage of this while he can.

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