scotty (part one)

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You guys wanted more little!scott, I give you more little!scott :)


"Okay, bye!" Scott yells as he waves to Mitch. He watches carefully as Mitch leaves the house, and he waits until he's driving away from the house to run upstairs to his bedroom. He giggles loudly as he runs to his closet and pulls out his basket of toys. "My toys! It's been so long!"

Scott loves being a Little. He's been a Little for over a year now. It started after Pentatonix had started their official world tour last year. He couldn't handle the stress of constantly touring so instead of going to drugs, he found something else. He found out about Littles while scrolling through the internet.

Scott loved being able to get in his jammies and hop in bed with his sippy cup and play with his toys.

Unfortunately for him, he hardly had any time to play his toys because they were so busy. They had finished their tour but now they were working on new Christmas songs for their upcoming Christmas album.

Scott also had to hide being a Little from his friends. He found that not everybody was accepting of Littles, and he didn't want to take the risk of losing friends or being kicked out of the band. This also didn't help Scott with trying to find a Daddy. He was a lonely Little, and he hated it, but he got used to it.

Scott smiles as he pulls out all of his Jurassic Park figures and lines up all the dinosaurs.

"Hm. Which dinosaur does Scotty want to play with first?" Scott asks as he looks around at all of his options. "I know! Charlie!" He reaches over and grabs one of the raptors. "Rawr! Charlie gonna eat you!"

Scott continues happily playing with his toys for the next few minutes. He's too busy playing that he doesn't even hear the front door open downstairs. He's just giggling and playing with his toys.

Mitch looks up when he hears noises coming from upstairs. He shuts the door and raises his eyebrows as he glances up. It sounds like children laughing. They always joke about having ghosts but Mitch sure hopes that they don't have actual ghosts in their house. Mitch carefully walks up the stairs and quickly looks around, and heads to Scott's room. He knocks on the door before pushing it open.

Scott looks up and gasps. "Uh oh!" He quickly grabs his toys to push them aside, but it's too late.

"Scott?" Mitch asks softly as he walks into the Scott's bedroom. He blinks a few times when he sees all the toys surrounding Scott. He's never seen any of these toys before and he's been in Scott's room millions of times. Mitch looks over at Scott confused. "What is all of this?"

Scott looks up at Mitch as tears well up in his eyes.

Mitch was never supposed to find out about his little lifestyle.

"Scott?" Mitch asks, stepping closer to Scott slowly.

Scott whimpers and scurries to the bathroom connected to his room, not wanting to have to deal with Mitch's confrontation. He doesn't want to have to explain why he was just playing with toys.

Mitch frowns and walks over to the door, and gently knocks on the door. "Scott?" He calls.

"Go away!" Scott cries from inside the bathroom. He sniffs and sits down on the edge of the bathtub, allowing a few tears to slip out of his eyes. Scott knows he's probably being over dramatic about this but he can't help but feel this way. Mitch was never supposed to find out about him being a little.

"Scott?" Mitch tries again, knocking softly on the door.

Scott sobs and buries his face in his hands, just wanting Mitch to go away and forget anything he just saw.

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