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Summary: AU // Mitch needs to study, and Scott just wants his boyfriend to rest.

A/N: y'all, we're getting closer to 200...


Mitch rolls his eyes for what seems like the millionth time as his boyfriend complains about being bored.

All he wants to do is study for an upcoming history test with his boyfriend (mind you, who he recently just started dating bad boy Scott Hoying a couple months ago), Mitch still doesn't understand how someone like him managed to snatch a boyfriend like Scott Hoying. Scott being the annoying 'bad boy' that he is, didn't last very long and gave up after fifteen minutes into studying.

"Mitchy, why do we have to study right now? Like, we don't have any homework to do. I mean, I could be doing something more important... like playing video games, or making out with my super hot boyfriend," Scott groans and dramatically falls onto his back with a sigh.

"I know we don't have homework but we do have a history test in two days, Scott," Mitch sighs.

"I don't care about history. I wanna focus on my future," Scott argues, earning another eye roll from Mitch. He's heard that one used one too many times.

"I never said you had to stay," Mitch raises his eyebrows at the blonde.

Scott turns on his stomach so that he's lying directly next to Mitch. "I wanted to hang out with you,"

Mitch can't help but smile, and his cheeks quickly turn a bright shade of red. He's never had a boyfriend so caring and sweet as Scott, despite the fact that he's a "bad boy". He knows how to treat Mitch well.

It's how they got together in the first place, when Scott had protected Mitch from a bunch of awful bullies. Scott never bullied Mitch before, but he did pick on him a couple of times. Not anymore though.

"Come on, I have to study for this test Scott. Some of us do want to do well in school believe it or not, including me. I wanna get good grades and pass and graduate high school," Mitch says.

Scott reaches over and then he gently kisses Mitch's cheek before letting out a soft sigh. "Do you really, Mitch? Or do you want to do what your parents want? I've seen how they've talked to you before."

Mitch frowns and looks down at the history textbook in front of him, knowing Scott is right. His parents are always super hard on him when it comes to doing well in school. If he gets anything less than an A, then he's grounded. He can't afford to get bad grades. His parents would be so disappointed in him.

"You work so hard, baby. When's the last time you got a good night's sleep?" Scott asks.

"Doesn't matter. I just have to study," Mitch mumbles.

Scott sits up, and then he reaches over and grabs the textbook away from Mitch.

Mitch gasps and glares at Scott. "Scott! Give it back!" He yells.

"I'll let you study, after you take a nap. An hour nap. That's all," Scott says calmly.

"I have to study!" Mitch exclaims as tears begin to form in his eyes. "You don't understand Scott!"

"No, I understand perfectly fine," Scott says. He leans back against the headboard and opens his arms, hoping Mitch would forget about studying and accept the invitation.

Mitch stares at Scott for a moment, and he opens his mouth to argue, but the only thing that comes out is a loud yawn, earning a chuckle from Scott. Mitch whines and falls into Scott's arm. "I'm so tired,"

"I know baby," Scott whispers as he wraps his arms around Mitch protectively, and then wraps a blanket around him. "I'm here now. I'm not leaving until I know you've gotten some well deserved rest."

Mitch rests his head on Scott's chest and curls up next to him. "This feels nice,"

"And, look," Scott pulls out his phone and sets his alarm for an hour. "You can go back to studying in-"

"Scott? Shut up," Mitch mumbles as his eyes start fluttering shut.

Scott smiles as he looks down at Mitch. He leans down and gently kisses his forehead. "Goodnight, sweetheart,"

It doesn't take very long for Mitch to fall into a deep sleep. Scott decides to stay up, just in case.

However, a half an hour later, the door opens. Scott looks up and sees Mitch's mom.

"I thought Mitch was supposed to be studying?" Nel asks, frowning.

"He was studying," Scott sighs as he looks up at Nel. "He's taking a well deserved nap."

Ne glares at him. She and Scott have never really gotten along, due to Scott's bad boy demeanor. "Mitch has a history test in two days. He needs to study so he can pass," she snaps.

"Mitch is going to pass with or without studying, because he's a smart kid," Scott says. "Mitch works his ass off to make his parents happy. What about his happiness?"

Nel glares at Scott for a moment before turning and slamming the door shut, causing Mitch to wake up from his sleep, and he's not happy about being woken up either. "I just wanted one nap!"

"Hey, hey, hey," Scott grabs Mitch and brings him back down to his previous position, wrapping his arms around him gently. "It's okay. Don't worry about anything. It's fine. Go back to sleep."

Mitch rests his head on Scott's head again and closes his eyes. "Love you Scotty," he mumbles.

Scott smiles at that younger boy in his arms. "I love you too, Mitchy," he whispers.

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