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Summary: AU // Scott is just a regular guy working at a coffee shop. It isn't until one day when a stranger walks in and offers him the opportunity of a life time.


Scott sighs as he leans against the counter, resting his chin in his palm as he stares at the door.

It's been another long and boring day at the coffee shop. Sunday's alway seem to be the least busiest for some reason Scott can't figure out. Really, he doesn't mind it as he's getting paid either way but still. He wishes there was someone that he could talk to so he wouldn't be so bored.

A few moments of pure silence pass and Scott feels like he's about to fall asleep at any moment. He doesn't even hear the ding go off when the door finally opens and a stranger walks in. But his head snaps up as soon as he hears someone clear their throat.

Scott's cheeks turn bright pink as he stands straight. "I-I'm sorry Sir," he apologizes quickly.

"That's alright," the man in front of him mumbles. "Can I just get my coffee?"

"O-Of course, Sir. Wh-What could I get you?" Scott asks nervously.

The man raises his eyebrows as he looks up from his phone and his eyes widen slightly when he finally gets a good look at the boy taking his order. "Holy shit," he breathes.

"Sir?" Scott asks, blinking a few times. "Are you going to order?"

"Forget about the coffee. You're the most beautiful thing I've ever laid eyes on," The man says.

This only makes Scott's cheek turn pinker. "I, um... th-thank y-you," he whispers.

"My name's Mitch," the man leans against the counter and looks up at Scott. "What's your name, beautiful?"

"Oh. My name is Scott," Scott says, trying to remain calm. "Are you going to order your coffee?"

"No. I don't care about the coffee, God damnit. Fuck, I can't get over how beautiful you are. You know... I own a modelling company and I'm looking for a model. Would you be interested?" Mitch asks.

"What?" Scott asks as his eyes widen with shock. "I'm not a m-model."

"Have you seen yourself, sweetheart?" Mitch chuckles. "You're a model, and I need you."

"Why me? I'm sure you could hire a professional model. Besides, I have to work here," Scott says.

"Okay, would you rather want to work at a boring coffee shop or model where millions of people will see your beauty. You'd get paid much more than whatever this shit place is paying you," Mitch says.

"Hey!" Scott yells. "I love this place, don't you dare trash talk this place."

"Whatever man. I'm desperate for a model but you... you will save the show," Mitch licks his lips.

"I... I don't know. Can't I have time to think about this?" Scott asks nervously.

Mitch looks down at his watch. "You've got about twenty minutes to make a decision,"

"What?" Scott frowns. "That doesn't seem very fair. This is a big decision!"

"Look, sweetheart. It's cute that you care about this coffee shop and all but don't you want money?" Mitch asks. "Because I can give you all the money in the world if you become my model."

Scott takes a deep breath as he looks around. As much as he does loves this place... he really isn't making much money. He's making barely enough to pay for the bills of his apartment. He's never dreamed of becoming a model but maybe it would be nice to try something new for a change.

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