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Summary: Scott has an encounter with a guy at a gay club one night and is a little shaken up, but luckily he has his best friend there to comfort him through the night.

Triggers Warnings: nothing serious  happens but a guy gets rough with Scott, just to be safe!


Scott knew it was a bad idea to go out, but they hadn't been out in such a long time. They'd been touring for months and now they were off tour for the rest of the year. Mitch really wanted to go out and celebrate, and Scott can never say no to Mitch. So, that's how they found themselves at a gay club.

Scott didn't want to go to a gay club, because he knows that he'd just have to watch Mitch makeout with other guys the whole night and he really didn't want to do that. He dreaded going to clubs with Mitch, because they were both single and Scott's in love with Mitch, and Mitch knows this. Yet he doesn't care, well... he cares. But not like that. Besides, Scott's the one who told him it was fine even when it isn't.

Scott sighs as he orders another drink, thanking the bartender before taking a sip of the alcohol. He looks around and spots Mitch dancing with a group of people, having the time of his life.

Scott thought about just leaving, but he can't, because he and Mitch came together.

"What's gotten you so down?"

Scott looks over and frowns slightly when he sees a random man walking up to him. A little older than him, which creeps him out a little bit. He really doesn't want to be hit on by an older man.

"Um..." Scott's hesitates. "Just tired. That's all."

"That's a shame. My name is Jacob, by the way," the man says as he his eyes Scott up and down. "But you can call me your future husband." He smirks, making Scott cringe at the pick-up line he used on him.

"I know what will cheer you up," Jacob, walking closer to Scott.

Scott stands up from his seat and backs away slightly.

"Why don't you and I go down to the dance floor?" Jacob asks, grabbing Scott's arm and pulling him closer, their bodies nearly touching each other. Scott getting more uncomfortable the closer they got.

"S-Sir, please... I really don't feel like dancing right now," Scott says nervously.

"Is that so?" Jacob asks. "Why don't you let me have a little fun with you?"

"I-" Scott gasps as he's suddenly slammed against the wall. "Don't- Let me go!"

Jacob ignores him, and kisses him roughly, keeping his arms pinned against the wall. Scott fears that he won't be able to escape. He doesn't even want to think about what's going to happen if this guy continues.

"Stop," Scott mumbles during the kiss. He starts to fight back, and he finally manages to push Jacob away. He slaps him as hard as he can before rushing away from him. He goes straight to the dance floor, and he doesn't care what Mitch has to say. He's leaving this club immediately.

Scott finally finds Mitch through midst of people dancing, However, Mitch is in the middle of a makeout session, but that doesn't stop Scott from grabbing him and pulling him away from the dance floor.

"Scott, what the fuck?" Mitch asks, stopping him from going any further.

Scott looks over at Mitch, trying to keep the tears from coming out of his eyes.

"What are you doing?" Mitch asks. "I was in the middle of something."

"Can we please go home?" Scott asks. "I want to go..."

"But we've barely been here an hour. I thought you were going to loosen up?" Mitch asks.

"Please, can we just go home, Mitch?" Scott begs, taking a deep breath.

Mitch frowns. It's rare when Scott ever calls him by his name, so Mitch instantly knows that something's going on with Scott or something happened that made him so upset. Scott is literally a ray of sunshine and deserves to be happy at all costs, and Mitch wants to kill whoever hurt his best friend.

"Hey, what's wrong?" Mitch asks, much calmer, as he gently touches Scott's arm.

Scott flinches slightly at the contact and shrugs Mitch's hand away. "I just... can we... can we please go?"

"Yeah. Yeah... we can go. Come on," Mitch says. He grabs Scott's arm again and leads the way out of the club. "I'll drive." Mitch walks over to the car and opens the door for Scott before walking over to the other side of the car and getting. He starts the car and looks over at Scott, and watches him carefully. Scott's being very jumpy, Mitch has noticed. He's worried something horrible happened to Scott at the club, and whatever it is, he knows that he needs to be there for Scott and comfort him until he feels better.

Mitch finally gets them home safe, and Scott's still acting weird when they get home, but Mitch doesn't question it. He let's Scott go straight to his room without hammering him with happened.

Mitch stays up for a couple more hours, before he passes out in his bed around midnight.

However, it's around 3 o'clock in the morning when he's being woken up.

Mitch groans as he rubs his eyes tiredly. He looks over and frowns when he sees Scott sitting on his bed, looking terrified and like he hasn't slept in days. Mitch sits up immediately. "What's wrong?"

"Can... Can I sleep with you tonight?" Scott asks nervously.

"Well, yeah... of course you can. Are you okay?" Mitch asks, lifting up the blanket for Scott.

Scott immediately crawls under the blanket, close to Mitch.

"Bad dreams?" Mitch asks, wrapping his arms around Scott.

"Something like that," Scott mumbles as he buries his face in Mitch's side.

"They're just dreams. Nothing can hurt you. You're safe," Mitch whispers as he gently kisses Scott's forehead.

"Safe," Scott says quietly before closing his eyes and almost instantly falling asleep in the boy's arms.

Whether they're dating or not, Scott's just grateful and lucky to have Mitch around to comfort him around times like these when he needs it.

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